>criticize VR in any way
>criticize the lack of VR games
>criticize existing VR games
>criticize VR control methods
Why the FUCK are VR adopters like this? I haven't seen cult mentality like this in gaming outside of Nintendo fans.
Criticize VR in any way
schizo op seek help
its the valve drone + vr drone combo
I have three VR headsets and I'm not mad, it's a cool mod. Sure it ruins the game on a game level, but it's neat to see all the same. The error in judgement here is that you ascribe console-peasant traits to VR adopters who are in reality simply an offshoot of PC master race, and don't give a fuck about this sort of thing.
How is it tracking his hands?
If you don't care about VR and don't plan on getting a headset, why do you keep posting about it? Just to start shit? Seek help.
I'm waiting for the world to settle on one or two headsets. Right now everyone and their mother is trying to get a slice of it and games are being spread out among them. It's just a bad value proposition right now.
What's there to criticize about VR outside of its price though? If you're gaming by yourself, it only opens doors for playstyles
This cracker about to shoot up his trailer park.
dunno. kinnect
because you haven't tried a proper VR headset (oculus, vive, index) for an extended period of time. Your opinion is shit so we call you poor because its the truth
Don't most games support most headsets? I would go for an Index for sure but I'm still giving it a few years before I bite.im fairly sensitive to screen refresh rates and delays so I'm ensuring everything will work as best as possible
my chick has walked in while i've been playing games and it is embarrassing for me, but she isn't cunty like this
i genuinely don't know if she even knows what a videogame is. it is like it isn't even happening
im like "oh fuck, sorry. didn't hear you"
and she just looks confused
i had the whole wheel setup for some racing game a while back and i honestly think she believed i was driving an actual car
based nigger showing the thot her place
I dont see a single criticism in this post.
If I'm not wrong the people in the webm are developers for a vr game
the game and control issues are literally the consequence of it being too expensive. if more people could afford it then devs would have more reasons to develop those areas.
It's not. She told him to pretend he's playing some VR game so she can record herself and get attention.
>tfw no disapproving anti-gamer gf
I guess I don't really know since I haven't kept up with the minutia of VR because of the aforementioned spread. Maybe it's less of an issue now and it's time to look into getting one.
That headset has a Leap Motion attacked to it
buyer's remorse.
The majority of PCVR games support most headsets.
The main exception is Oculus games which are limited to Rift S and Quest + Link (unless you use Revive but that isn't a perfect solution)
Because the vast majority of people shit talking VR don't have it and are just talking out their asses. The only people i've seen actually criticize VR or its games in a non-shitpost way have been VR adopters.
What's her problem?
I don't mind VR and I'm looking forward to get my own headset one day. What I do mind is VR players desperately and aggressively shilling some appstore tier shooting galleries and watermelon slashing simulators as if they're something that should make me feel want to spend hundreds of dollars on VR headset.
because the posts "criticizing" vr are obviously salty people that have NEVER tried it and just want to be angry on Yas Forums and spout nonsense
the wii was reasonably priced and waggleshit still rarely ever improved a game when it was trendy. vr's core problem is that it's an unnecessary gimmick like the wii.
>vr's core problem is that it's an unnecessary gimmick like the wii.
Proof you haven't played VR. VR fundamentally alters the gameplay experience, Alyx demonstrates this.
Thanks for the explanation, user. I'll probably start keeping an eye on things now. Not sure I want to spend quite as much as they're asking for right now, but maybe some year soon.
He isn't even holding controllers.
Staged twitter meme
He's got a leap motion taped to the headset which tracks your hands
>woman recording something
>has to get her stupid face in frame and do nothing
Every time.
How does it track your hands.
you can't really criticize vr unless you've actually played it desu, i don't own one since they're stupidly expensive but i've played around with a vive and it's pretty fuckin fun
>Using two monochromatic IR cameras and three infrared LEDs, the device observes a roughly hemispherical area, to a distance of about 1 meter. The LEDs generate pattern-less IR light and the cameras generate almost 200 frames per second of reflected data. This is then sent through a USB cable to the host computer, where it is analyzed by the Leap Motion software using "complex maths" in a way that has not been disclosed by the company, in some way synthesizing 3D position data by comparing the 2D frames generated by the two cameras.
Women are raised thinking their opinion matters no matter how uneducated they are. They are babied and coddled and told they're right more often than they are, never strengthened as people and always fragile enough to get angry at the smallest bit of criticism.
He implemented them under his sking through surgeryy.
he's not paying attention to her
>Women are raised thinking their opinion matters no matter how uneducated they are.
are you a woman, then?
VR owners already dropped hundreds on a gimmick gaming device. They're not gonna stand for you and I shitting on it.
So I reckon it works about as "good" as Kinect. Gotcha.
with T E C H N O L O G Y
The tracking works better than kinect since it has a smaller observation area and higher resolution as well as using more processing power to analyse the footage
>not being able to spend 200 dollars for the ultimate jerking off experience
>flatscreen pancake babbys continue to post crying about VR
sorry but most of the crying regarding hl alyx IS coming from poorfags, no other way you can argue it. vr is growing and will continue to grow so maybe you neets will be able to enjoy the game in 1 - 2 years
I hate to break it to you, but you don't look cool when you're playing non-VR games either.
Imagine this in VR haha
>>criticize VR in any way
criticizing is one thing
saying that it is the new 3D TV/virtual boy/wii means that you're poor and needs to seethe more
>>criticize the lack of VR games
the only vidya VR lacks is AAA vidya
>>criticize existing VR games
if you feel that something is lacking (besides AAA vidya) you're either uninformed or don't understand the medium. seethe more poorfag
>>criticize VR control methods
controls are fine. you don't understand that current (2020) VR isn't the so called "fulldive VR", nor it pretends to be. seethe more poorfag
A sane person cannot understand how poor people think.
"poorfag" highlights a problem for the games though. If more people could afford VR then more people would invest more in making games for it. Assuming it doesn't just end up being a fad and becomes a long term new medium.
He's doing something that isn't related to her.
>>criticize the lack of VR games
>>criticize existing VR games
This only really applies to any of you retards that bought pic related without a PC to back it up
Even the Oculus Quest has hand tracking now
Still in tech demo phase but it's neat
Quest library's actually getting better
Echo VR is finally coming out after almost a goddamn year, Covert Phantom Ops looks fun, and we're even getting Ironlights. Even then it does need the link cable to access the other 75% of the library.
>fundamentally alters the gameplay experience
Remove Gabe's balls from your mouth and speak like a normal person.
How did you end up so poor? Seethe more.
Not an argument, fag. All VR gameplay, Valve or not, is vastly different than flat games.
Wow, you must be fun at parties... Chill out dude. She's just having fun and wants to make a cool/fun video. Relax.
i was just memeing. 150us + 5ft x 5ft space is very doable unless you're truly miserable, like a drug addict. i've been called poor AF for being a gamer, for not pretending to have some other shitty hobby that i have no interest in, because even when it comes to VR the entry level is very low. no one needs the valve index to play hla, most people aren't using the valve index to play hla.
because almost all anti-VR really is almost entirely literal children and third-worlders declaring that the grapes must be sour. Leading to really ridiculous disingenuous arguments like 'VR has no games'.