Senran Kagura Thread
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anyone still play peach ball
yomi is my favorite
Can it also be Yumi hours?
Hell no, the Switch games if you could even call them that were cashgrabs in a series full of cashgrabs.
My wife :)
I would if it wasn't hilariously overpriced for the ridiculously little content it had
Someone red pill me on this series. What game is the one to get? I have a PS4
Neither of them. They're below mediocre musou / beat'em ups and you would make a better use of your time and money playing, well, fucking anything else.
Don't let the sexy art deceive you.
how can gessen turds compete with this
Absolutely none of them. They're all shit to below average.
me hiding underneath her dj equipment kissing her feet
They grabbed my cash and I grabbed something else.
I want to marry and impregnate Miyabi
More like senran is dead but Yumi lives on lol
I'm hot for teacher
I like this artist.
When are we going to organize a PBS lobby again?
We did a few times when PBS first came out on PC, it was pretty fun but everyone seems to have lost interest
when ikaruga stops being hot
When did she start?
Yumi would never insult a fellow good girl, Delete this post
The only worthwhile games are on the 3DS
So never? unfortunate
How does Miyabi respond to being called a cute?
OP's enthusiasm got my hopes up that something actually happened for a moment there.
user, you are playing with fire you risk not only yourself, but the thread as well.
posting actual porn gets entire threads 4040'd if the janny is feeling vicious
don't do that
you deserve to get banned
I'm a PCfag.
What's the best game for ass?
I don't care if I have to emulate.
I (politely) demand to see more loli senrans
Walk away, there's nothing for you here.
None of them
Okay, then point me to an ecchi game with lots of ass.
Please, anons. I know you know.
shut up, yumi
Japs aren't niggers so they're not into asses, you're out of luck mate
For me, it's Minori.
What a shit thread. Surprised this still up.
To be perfectly honest, I find these characters to be extremely cute, rather than sexy.
Why's it shit according to you?
Same, makes it extremely hard to sexualize them even though that's clearly the intent
Burst Renewal is a remake of the first game.
But get it on steam, fuck PS4
Wan wan!
>buy the glitched version
Unless they fixed the AI not using Ninja Arts, but last I knew they were completely ignoring that.
she's in 7EVEN
I hate Yumi so much, I'm gonna put my penis inside her vagina and make lots of dumb babus with her.
>But you can't grope the girls inside the costume customization screen and that's the whole reason to play Senran Kagura
>lewding the mentally challenged
Wow, what degeneracy.
Top daughteru.
Like, it's the faces. They just have this inherent purity to their expressions
I forgot how hot the babes were in this game, let me look for my senran kagura folder