>cut the only melee weapon from the game because play testers are literally braindead
Cut the only melee weapon from the game because play testers are literally braindead
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makes sense, the crowbar is Gordon's thing, not alyx.
Coomer is at it again
>go to the garage
>see a tool box
>see a crowbar inside
>pick it up
shit I must be Gordon Freeman
was it ever determined what ghetto valve harvests their playtesters from?
where the fuck do they find retards like these? do they pick up kids from special ed schools to give them at least one opportunity to be useful?
Portal 2 was DoA cause of retarded play testers what's new.
They just grab your average pc only mustard
They recruit from here.
It's amazing how fucking braindead testers can be. When I first picked up pokemon at five years of age, I had no problem with concepts like "press start to open menu" or "red carpet at the bottom of the screen means there's a door", but SOMEHOW playtesters for newer pokemon games found this shit so confusing that they need to add in-game help tips for those very things.
There's "I've never played this kind of game before", and then there's "I need to be told how to breathe".
Cave Jonhson is head of playtesting, he just gives 40 bucks to any retarded, hobo or orphan to do it.
Well that's your average steamcuck so probably yes.
alyx has always used a gun
gordon has always used a crowbar.would be dumb to not save the crowbar for HL3 when we play as goron
The simplest solution is to just give Alyx her own trademark melee weapon.
Honestly, after the Gravity Gun. The crowbar only cluttered the weapon roaster.
What do you even do when you have to break a lock and are out of ammo?
valves playtesters always seem like smooth-brains, but look at any dingus on twitch playing alyx right now and it all makes more sense
excuse me, egghead?
ammo respawns if you go back and search the area
blueshift was a cobbled together mess to make people want to buy the dreamcast version and is not considered cannon
according to left 4 dead's dev commentary, they ask family members or random people who barely play games, if they can understand the game mechanics then everybody can.
>blueshift was a mess
Better paced and timed than HL1 and OP.
Race X sucks, OP weapons sucks, HL1 pace sucks, fucking platform sections and all the bosses sucks.
Why not replace it with another melee weapon then? You have combine stunsticks and it makes sense that Alyx could find and use one.
I have a feeling that their director over the playtesting team deliberately seeks out low iq people from the applications.
This shit right here. This why games are getting worse. Not the womyn, not the soc-juice, not the faggots. Fucking filthy outsiders who don't want to learn shit, but instead they bitch and moan for games to appeal to them.
Fucking niggers took Bioshock from us. And Ken Levine hating cyborg-ninjas.
gee, thanks
i'm just saying it was rushed together at the last minute that's why they used a crowbar instead of something unique for barney
BS was good for what it was, if had anything more it would spoil the campaign.
>Better paced
>doubled down on the retard-tier "puzzles" instead of what's actually important, the combat
Why the Crowbar though, if Adrien can have a different melee than so can Alyx
No one is this stupid. Surely that playtester was just fucking with them.
Valve always gets complete retards to play their games and I'm fairly certain that Valve feeds them a steady diet of lead paint, especially after hearing the Portal 2 commentary.
The tactile feedback reason they give for not having melee makes sense, but really they should just let you pick up cinderblocks and metal pipes and other junk and let you smack people with them. That would be a good use of VR. No crowbar required.
>crowbar confuses retards
>"ok let's just remove melee weapons altogether lol"
Valve are the true retards here. Why not just put a melee weapon that ISN'T a crowbar instead? Shephard had a knife and a monkey wrench (which was much more fun and useful than Gordon's crowbar, by the way). I think it's more likely they were having trouble coding melee combat in VR and just blamed it on playtesters so they didn't look stupid.
Valve apparently doesn't have Gearbox's foresight and that scares me.
>retard-tier "puzzles"
All puzzles in the HL franchise is retarded.
>the combat
HL combat always sucked, but that encounter with the HECU on the container yard and that final fight with an tank was the peak of HL GoldSrc.
It's weird, if Alyx happens before HL2 why can't they just make the crowbar she uses the one she eventually gives to Barney who gives it to Gordon?
I suppose purposely getting stupid people to playtest your game is okay because of fool-proofing and opening to a bigger market (of dumb people that never picked up a controller), but there has to be a line to be drawn
Speaking of Barney, giving her one of the Civil Protection stun batons or something similar would have also been a good choice.
the average consoomer doesnt dig any deeper than scratching the surface.
for example, bannerlord is releasing soon, it has a faction called sturgia, which are the predecessors of the vaegirs in warband, but virtually everyone thinks they're the predecessors of the nords because their faction colour on the campaign map is blue, like the nords were. meanwhile; all of their castles towns and villages have unpronounceable slavic names.
another example is "legend of zelda", of course. i'm willing to bet 50%+ of people who have heard of "legend of zelda" (and not necessarily played the games for any extended period of time), actually thinks link is zelda.
tldr: consoomers are retarded which leads to game developers catering to their intellectual capacity.
Why not just give her a replica dildo of her father's BBC? You just go around rag dolling the white faced combine with you large melee weapon.
then give her a fucking pipe or bat or fucking anything there is NO reason why this game shouldn't have melee combat
>pick up crowbar
>Ha ha! Look at me, I'm Gordon Freeman!
This sounds like something Alyx would actually do.
I don't thin Alyx is strong enough to carry something around that big and white.
An American posted this.
>Greg Coomer
>No one is this stupid
Meanwhile, people get handcuffed for fighting over toilet paper
So yea...
>This shit right here. This why games are getting worse. Not the womyn, not the soc-juice, not the faggots
I'm fairly certain those are all contributing factors as well.
developers get the bottom of the barrel brainlets to test their games because they need to know what the absolute buffoons will do in the most common situations, and then they cater to that kind of person because they want to make sure everyone will enjoy the game. even though those people will never actually play it without getting paid
There is no limit to stupidity
>Doesn't follow the right path through the lair. Just fucking cooms.
I would argue that those groups are mostly to blame, since they are only seeking representation / political themes affirming their own beliefs, and generally have zero interest in good game play or good writing.
Their idea of good gameplay is easy gameplay.
And if a game has lgbt characters they consider that good writing.
Valve is notorious for getting retarded playtesters and taking their retardation to heart. I think it's funny that they are sticking to that tradition.
They should have just given Alyx her OWN melee weapon though. Maybe a pipe or something. Or even a hammer. The amount of times I ran out of ammo in this game was pretty frustrating because it's basically a death sentence
The main reason which even this clickbaity article points out is that Vlalve couldn't get melee combat to work the way they wanted it to so they slashed it. The people not realizing they aren't Gordon is more like a funny sidenote
>Being this mad because people don't pay attention to meaningless, unimportant lore.
I'll tell you something that will make your head spin: I went through the Souls games without understanding, caring or giving a shit why I was killing those undead, giant dudes in armor and monsters, or why they were there in the first place.
the hardest game retards like you have beaten is some fucking coom game, fuck off
Bioshock was already a simplified System Shock clone so nothing of value was lost.
congratulations you're a brainless consoomer
How about because it would be ineffective against anything other than a small mammal, a prepubescent child, or another woman?
Decided to check out some streams and some chick was stuck for 5 minutes on the first globe puzzle and only figured it out because chat spammed what to do. I'm really not surprised.
Portal 2 was very successful.
guns are a melee weapon
>a small mammal
you mean like fucking headcrabs?