
Have we forgotten about this and EvaXephon?
What do you guys thing now that it's been like seven years?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The dude is deeply mentally ill and needs extensive therapy.
His game is just a mirror for that brokenness he embodies

It's still undeveloped spaghetti-coded garbage and Eva is still a retarded, childish, narcissistic attention-whore who will never measure up to his brother.

drinking cum

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>People died waiting for this game
That's pathetic!

That sounds sad. What would you say to him?

Holy autism

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Honestly, I'll still fuck Yandere-Chan

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The thing is, the game was kinda geared towards Yas Forums to begin with. Yanderedev was taking suggestions and putting them in, which is why theres a duckton of different anime modes and references. Of course, once everyone found out he was EvaXephon, they immediately made fun of him and caused him to run away with his tail in between his legs. Now, I have no idea what he plans on doing.


Worried you'll never make it big?
Worried your code isn't up to scratch?
Worried you'll never amount to anything more than a broken 8bit side scroller that'll never get greenlit?
Well don't you worry, because I'm going to tell you how to make it BIG! And the best part is, you don't even have to improve!

!!!!! MAKE IT EDGY !!!!!

THAT'S RIGHT! Now your game is controversial, so people HAVE to buy it, to STICK IT TO THE SJWs! And if someone doesn't like it or thinks your shitty broken game looks bad... THEY'RE AN SJW TOO! Just tell that KUK (hehe!) to GO BACK TO TUMBLR! ;^)

Is it really that simple, you ask? Yes! Because there are autists and underage retards a-plenty who can see NOTHING beyond their worthless online pissing match, and will even spend REAL MONEY on GARBAGE in order to feel like they've WON! I know, right? Ka-CHING!

Let's hear some testimonials:
>I bought Hatred. I had it pre ordered. It was total garbage, but maybe with mods it will be fun. I'll buy any game that dev makes. I'm not sure why, but I remember it being important to me at some point that I do. Gotta stick with your principles.
>I imported DoAX3, a game which was never announced for Western release, but I like to think was banned anyway. It cost me a lot of money, but it's worth it to feel like I own some genuine contraband. The game is a glorified F2P DLCfest and sometimes I feel like a chump for owning it... but at least I showed Anita what my wallet likes!!!

But user, you say, DoAX3 isn't edgy, it's waifushit! Haha, well spotted! And it takes us on to our NEXT lesson in easy money for shitty games... TAKE IT AWAY, SHANTAE!

>his brother.

>Have we forgotten about this
i wish but no because you keep making threads about it

One of the most uninspired and ugly looking indie games I've seen.

call him whatever you want but everything he said on that post is true

>Yas Forums was right in the end
top kek

he's retarded but he's not wrong


It's the first thread I have made about this in years, and the first one I have also seen in years desu

Well, you must be pretty unaware then, cause some other user is making threads almost daily about YandereDev.


I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfuly managing to pirate Warcraft 3, so that he may play Defense of the Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your Dota.



You read it with his voice, didn't you, user?

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I only do what Samus says, Dad!

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I, Akira Nishikiyama, humbly submit, a toast, to Kazuma Kiryu, for successfully managing to frame himself for Chairman Dojima's murder, so that he may go to prison in my place. Congratulations, Kiryu. Enjoy your sentence.

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They hated the retard, for he spoke the truth.

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So are these the main reasons he gets shit on:
>Streams instead of devving
>Amateur coder
>All while getting patreon bux

How long do you think this relationship is gonna last?

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He's a fag but he said nothing wrong about this shitty site and only a newfag would argue otherwise.


LOL. Imagine waiting years for this. LMAO

>tfw Half life 3 will unironically come out before the final build of this game

Pretty much how I imagine your average Yas Forumstard desu.

He's right in a sense, but he hated Yas Forums not because how negative or shitty people here can be, but because people here knew perfectly well who he was, contrary to Reddit or the YouTube community.

Fuck, at this rate Scam Shitzen will be out before it, since half life 3 is confirmed and neverlord is coming out on the 30th.

>the hand holding communities were nice to him
>pandered to chans and got hated by them for it
fucking moron
>could have had a developer at your beck and call
I mean I guess he is technically a developer, though most can actually finish a game

Sure, I won't dispute that but that doesn't mean Yas Forums isn't a unhelpful useless shithole or whiny faggots. I'm sure some newfag will just greentext my post and post a soijak in response.

Didnt he include an invincible bodyguard?

the fact that this video about pirating warcraft 3 emerged around the same time as the realization that the only way to play unfucked warcraft 3 now is to pirate it really fucks with me.

Girl here, trash game

Boy here, your gay

The body guard can be seen at 40 seconds into the video. She's just stuck on the door, because the game is shit.

Nobody cares about your opinion thot, tits or gtfo

Girl here. Why are we specifying genders?

>its real
oh no no

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The thing is that on Yas Forums there are people who legitimately know what they're talking about, but you have to read through 99 posts of garbage for that 1 post that's actually good since there's no filter.

On communities like Reddit there are also people who know what they're talking about, but they get completely drowned out by "Positive" posts of people who don't know what they're talking about. The upvote system means that the most visible posts will always end up being comments which are as friendly as possible, because those are the posts that get the most upvotes. Some very common examples of this are posts that encourage the dev go at their own pace, posts that simply say "X is awesome!", or statements that the community loves them no matter what.

What this means is that instead of receiving any real advice on how to make the game better, Reddit ends up just making the developer feel better about themselves. This can feel especially appealing to some devs who have emotional insecurities or issues, but it can result in a hugbox where the developer just wants to hear more positive remarks about their game rather than legitimate advice. This is exactly what happened to YandereDev.

Just seeing how easy it is to bait Yas Forums. Lordy it’s easy now lol

Holy Autism

This retard really thinks that spending years gathering a bunch of assets (some of them stolen) in a shitty tech demo turns him into a "game developer".


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Yandere simulator is going to be finished this year or next year.
Osana is finished and He’s currently working on the other rivals.
The delays mean nothing cause the game is near completion.
Yandere Simulator is a great game.
You fucking people on here need to fuck off and get a life.
Better yet just fucking kill yourselves you useless pieces of shit.

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Yas Forums is an amazing place to talk about your game if you want helpful feedback and you're generally open to criticism. The only caveat is that you need a thick skin and not take what's said here too seriously.

Yandere has an ego though. A big one. And he's weirdly manipulative about everything. Yas Forums knew the type of faggot he was from the start, which is why anons became belligerent. Such is Yas Forums's tradition.


I’m dead serious
You fuckers need to stop bullying his game.

I honestly and very ironically would like you to not be bating. Finding someone here who actually likes that would make for a good conversation.

Assuming you're not baiting, why do you think it will be released this or next year considering Osana took like four or five years to make?
Also, what makes you think the game is near completion?

i'm still waiting for someone to take the concept of yandere sim and develop it in like 2 weeks and then release it for free. i want to see the shitstorm that would brew from it

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A guy remade what the game was at the time in one hour. The video is almost impossible to find now because Evaxephon took it down way too fast.

That’s not really how Reddit works. When I make a thread there I can see EVERY reply, not just the upvotes. When I read a thread I can read any and all replies regardless of upvotes or downvotes. I don’t understand how y’all are having a hard time with this.


Fine you got me

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