Why does Nintendo still use cartridges? I bet they would have far more 3rd part support if they did. Does Yas Forums think their next system might catch up to current technology?
Why does Nintendo still use cartridges? I bet they would have far more 3rd part support if they did...
Those carts ARE current technology. Some third parties just want to be cheap and move towards digital
Carts are better than disks anyway
>Why does Nintendo still use cartridges?
They wanted to make a portable console
>Does Yas Forums think their next system might catch up to current technology?
It should be obvious to anyone who isn't a complete retard that Nintendo don't give a shit about being in direct competition with Sony and XBox in terms of hardware and haven't done for the last 15 years or so
What do you want them to do? Put Blu-Ray in it?
They can't go full digital since children are big part of their core.
>current technology
Can't port PS4/XBOX ONE to switch without massive downgrades in graphics and FPS
I don't want to own Sony consoles I fucking hate that company but Nintendo rarely gets any ports for games I like and rarely gets special editions for games that do get released. Like Catherine Full Body gets one keychain while the PS4 gets a Steelbook, Soundtrack, Plush, and a Artbook.
there was a very short period of time where optic disks were loosely considered better media than carts due to storage space.
If you want to experience how dumb these people are, get a stopwatch and go play any popular PS1 or PS2 title while timing the disk loads over the course of your playthrough.
>graphics whore AND consoomer of useless special editions
Ah yes, let me put a rotating disk on a mobile machine.
Do you have brain damage?
Flash memory is current technology.
The major improvement they could make is NVME SSD support for the switch.
time rayman legends on switch vs ps3 or god forbid xb1/ps4 =)))))
>Can't port PS4/XBOX ONE to switch without massive downgrades in graphics and FPS
That's due to it being a handheld with a tighter thermal envelope and nothing to do with the data capacity of the game cards which last I knew came in 4, 8, 16, and 32GB variants.
Switch's hardware is actually a generation newer than the PS4 and Xbone, it just uses the improvements from that to achieve more performance per watt than those systems.
I like cartridges, they are way more fun to collect than disks
Yeah, try fitting a Blu-Ray drive into a console the size of the Switch. Retard, it's big enough as it is.
>i have no idea what i'm talking about: the post
seriously dude
I know it's impossible on the switch but they need a mainline machine that can catch up to the PS4.
Graphics do matter and I like collecting special editions and Nintendo the company for "everyone" can't provide a nice collectible EVERY other provider gets
Solid state has had discs surpassed for years now in almost all fields, fully digital is still gonna be a while because US internet providers are completely useless.
Because HDDs in a handheld is a bad idea.
You mean PS4/xbone where the disc is basically nothing but an authorisation key and all the data gets installed to the system? Those systems?
>they need a mainline machine that can catch up to the PS4
user, the switch has almost matched PS4 sales, it already outsold the Xbox One
Carts > Disks
Not even up for debate, this goes for movies too.
VHS > Disks, i still have VHS's from the 90's that work perfectly. meanwhile i some DVD's of mine that i bought 2005 and they are covered in scratches.
>Nintendo the company for "everyone" can't provide a nice collectible EVERY other provider gets
I bet you think that downloading more ram makes your games look better.
The storage media is not the limiting factor you fucking mongoloid.
Flash is faster than blu ray, the main limiting factor is the rest of the console hardware (SOC, thermal capacity) and of course the price because flash memory is more expensive.
>can catch up to the PS4.
They already caught up where they cared to catch up.
its not NOTHING BUT until you have it installed but yes, those. the hdd is faster and i wish you could install (all) ps3 games the same way, but you cant
well PC don't have any discs or cartridges only thing you get is download code...
sometimes i want to get basedtendo just for that feel that you actualy own the physical game....
as i have only PC and thus console would be waste of money, switch would be at least portable
just hack your ps3
If you want a way to have your games after the system stops being supporter and/or you unsubscribe from it, you have to have a physical medium. Otherwise, it's whatever fits on the hard drive, assuming that doesn't fail.
Nintendo and 3rd party is a mixed bag, remember the Wii? The amount of shovelware made for the Wii is astounding, when compared to another console.
As long as the "Buy a Nintendo console to play Nintendo games" keeps working, and it has been working since 1995, they won't ever feel the need to compete even though they could.
Optical media is significantly cheaper to produce.
Agreed. Unfortunately the additional cost of producing cartridges for the Switch means a lot of great games end up being available only through digital means or by downloading the rest of the game to the console.
People keep posting this picture like it means anything. I'm pretty sure they're all willfully ignorant. In before you reply with an ad hominem.
those are different consoles with different markets
also what idiot would buy PS4 when PS5 was announced
PS4 is from 2013
Switch is from 2017
who would buy 7 year old console?
The point is that nintedo is selling again, doesn't matter if that specific picture has any meaning.
... retard
>I know it's impossible on the switch but they need a mainline machine that can catch up to the PS4.
Why? There's very little correlation in the console market between system power and 'winning' a generation and Nintendo's consolidation of their fanbase onto a single platform has been something they've known they needed to do since at least the Gamecube.
The Gamecube was coincidentally a more powerful system that failed to win, as was the N64. In fact their last console the WiiU was also engineered to be a more powerful system, and it failed in large part due to how long it took for the custom hardware to arrive which left it underpowered compared to Sony and Microsoft who after a generation using extremely custom hardware followed it up by just going out and buying exclusivity deals for chips originally intended for tablets.
I'm having flashbacks to idiots from high school, that think they know what they're talking about, but very obviously do not.
If it doesn't matter then you can stop posting that picture. The Switch has been selling well ever since it came out, it's not a secret.
Don't get too upset.
cartridge games were more expensive and more limited at the time, but at least adhd zoomies didn't have to wait for the n64's three games to load!
You haven't left the house since high school?
The Wii U wasn't particularly powerful. The GPU was a little better than the 360's, but the CPU was slower - at least for the important stuff like SIMD.
>Cartridges aren't current technology
>USB sticks aren't current technology
>SD Cards aren't current technology
Discs are a dying breed, are unreliable with how easy it is to ruin them, PC owners are by and far calling them and their related computer hardware "legacy" hardware, and are falling to the wayside with how digital is taking higher precedence over them.
Cards are more resilient as a whole and don't have nearly as much risk involved in data loss - hence why they are made more often and widely accepted.
I can put up with lower resolutions
I can deal with 30fps cuts
But the one thing that I can't stand is long fucking loading times and it's a SERIOUS problem on the switch.
I've dropped entire games because the load times were so bad. I just can't play Dragonball FighterZ for example. It takes 45-50 seconds to load one fight. Pc takes 10-15 seconds. PS4/xbone around 25-35.
When you play arcade mode or something and you play 8/9/10 fights in a row it adds up. Would take you 7 or 8 minutes longer to play through arcade mode than consoles or like 15 minutes longer than on pc
Its not the fucking n64 era anymore, cartridges are a perfectly fine form of storage compared to discs. The actual issue is their hardware.
I'm upset at OP lack of understanding of technology, don't really care about the sales race.
>using anything other than cartridges for a portable console with physical distributions
Fucking this. No retard would ever put a fucking disc drive into a portable system. Jesus Christ.
My PS4 is so fucking loud I find myself turning the piece of shit off in annoyance before I've even loaded a game. My Switch is nice and silent while I game.
Solid state is the future.
>why does Nintendo still use cartridges?
>cartridges are outdated
Who gives a fuck? Most people buy digital copies nowadays.
The WiiU CPU was an attempt to bring PPC750 into the modern era, it was an interesting experiment and it could have in theory produced some pretty decent performance if people coded for it since PPE wound up being a technological dead-end. Most of the complaints you'll hear about it from developers is just bitching that it wasn't PPE and they couldn't simply take the code they'd optimized for the 360 and PS3 and dump it on the WiiU.
In the end though, its just not worth developing and maintaining a custom architecture these days. Which is why for the Switch they just went out and bought a ready made ARM SOC.
>I bet they would have far more 3rd part support if they did.
What are you talking about?
Companies are practically tripping over themselves to get their shit on the switch.
The WiiU is weird because Nintendo kind of tried to release it mid-gen to nominally outperform 360 but preempt the next round of consoles. I think that other user's point is that the more traditional console hasn't been working for Nintendo. Last four entries, the two more traditional ones flopped. If Gamecube hits its 50m sales target, we're probably not here and the hardware in the Wii probably would have been closer to what ended up in the WiiU.
>I can't stand is long fucking loading times and it's a SERIOUS problem on the switch.
The fuck are you talking about? You can start the Switch up and be playing a game before the PS4 has even loaded up its fucking dashboard.
And the quick convenience of the Switch's suspend-play UI blows my PS4, Xbox and PC out of the water.
According to statistics about 70% of Switch owners buy mostly physical
PSP already showed that discs don't work as well with a portable console as carts.
That's why the Vita used flash carts.
>Graphics do matter
Bait usually makes some kind of sense.
>PSP already showed that discs don't work as well with a portable console as carts.
No its a shit idea which only needlessly inflates the cost of the system.
We don't even NEED physical media now. Every Switch game I own is digital apart from Ring Fit. The absolute convenience of having all my games on the system at all times is pure bliss.
>No its a shit idea which only needlessly inflates the cost of the system
A cartridge slot has no moving parts so it's cheaper to manufacture than a disc slot.
>We don't even NEED physical media now
It's still too early to abandon physical entirely
Ignoring the fact that cartridges are better in almost every way then disks except for price, you understand that the switch is a portable console right? A disk spinning in something that is ment to be moved around is asking for trouble. Not to mention the switch would have to double its size to accommodate a disk input slot.
>We don't even NEED physical media now.
We do considering greedy corporations will find ways to fuck us over since they have complete control over our purchases digitally
Total sales PS4 91 million
Switch 50 million
Xbox what are you doing
The point of physical media, and it may not be a selling point for everyone, is that you still own the game in the event you stop subscribing to the service or run out of HDD room.
>A cartridge slot has no moving parts so it's cheaper to manufacture than a disc slot
Exactly. It keeps the cost of the system down. Cheaper price makes the system more palatable for consumers. No moving parts means the system is more durable and won't break.
>It's still too early to abandon physical entirely
Suit yourself. I'm never going back.