OK who is the retarded dev who has decided to put that shit in the game
OK who is the retarded dev who has decided to put that shit in the game
Neccecary evil
The old autobalance was way better than this shit
old autobalance at least waited for you to die so it was sort of fair. Valve literally has done nothing but ruin this game since 2010
fuck them
i just switch back or go to spectator. If the server won't let me I'll just afk in spawn.
>i just switch back or go to spectator
This was the past...
Tf2 have the WORST matchmaking EVER
>autobalance prioritizes last player to join server
hire me valve, I'm smarter than anybody working on this fucking game
>autobalance prioritizes last player to join server
Shit idea
>hire me valve
Put your CV yourself, they fucking recruit
>hire me valve
Congratulations, you're hired. Now get to work on HL:A
but HLA is already done?
>fags still playing the most dead shooter game in 2020
Who do you think you're working for, Bethesda? This company actually patches bugs.
But this is not overwatch?
are you dumb niggers actually using casual
casual ctf
lmao go play on a community server
I don't get it, just kick the other team's ass? It's not hard.
b-but there are tryhards on those servers :(
People would literally sit in spawn until the teams were even just so they didn't get autobalanced.
Second most then.
Shits a fucking decade old, boomer
>join server with friend
>[VALVE] NiggerKiller has joined the game
>starts aimbotting
>game dies
>search for another game
>[VALVE] NiggerKiller has joined the game
There's nothing wrong with the cowmangler.
play community servers faggots
Yeah it would be okay if there wasn't some kind of class that could build auto tracking buildings that you can't destroy
Go back to pixel hunting in siege faggot.
Type “retry” in the console as soon as that message pops up. You’ll lose all your scoreboard points, but you’ll stay on your team.
>winning for the team
>get autoplaced on the losing team to make their feelings better
Isn't that what you're giving up when using it? You can't destroy buildings but you have infinite ammo as well as the ability to do that charge shot. It's not a good trade-off, but that's what you're giving up when you use it.
Remove MyM, and move the game to fucking Source 2 so it stops running like ass for a game from 2006.
>queue with some friends
>one of the people in party will ALWAYS get autobalanced
fuck yourselves valve
>both teams suck ass
>pull my entire fat fucking team up to the brink of winning
>fight them back down after they have all the advantages I gave them
>pull new team up
>get autobalanced onto losing original team
Now I go out of my way to sabotage whatever team I get autobalanced on in any way I possibly can because of dumb fucking shortsighted stupid niggers like who advocate for this shit. I will deliberate make your fucking game as bad as possible if you let me.
More like isn't. Cow Mangler is godlike on defense where there isn't a bunch of texans. Otherwise yeah, just swap to a normal rocket launcher or direct shit on them. You can swap freely after all.
Report both in-game and the account. Shouldn't take more than 3 minutes for it to be banned.
Valve needs to remove matchmaking. At least community servers had admins that took care of hackers.
Can't call a vote kick while there is one going, other team might have one up or some shit like that.
Impossible, no matter the situation I can't call a vote. It just gives me a big red fucking X on the side of the screen.
It happens, one day you might get in the vote but you just have to try after 30 or so seconds and it should work eventually, at least it does for me.
this is why i discard everyone's opinion who puts tf2 in their top vidya list. Autobalance is cancer
At least you can force it to autobalance some other poor fucker by typing "retry" in console. Albeit you lose everything you've earned in that mach, from kills to deaths. Still better than losing.
In some gayms you just get forced to to the other team despite being top score in your original team and you can't even force your way back in.
>wahhhhhhhh I just want to pubstomp why am I getting teamswapped you can't do this to me in this free game full of children
haha autobalance go gachunk
he wasnt even a good bot
killed him with a fish like 4 times
his binds were annoying as fuck tho
No it does not.
>still better than losing
Nigga it's casual, winning is cool but it's not the end-all be-all.
Idk then, always worked for me.
retry in console when you see it and it fixes it
I know this faggot, his aimbot sucks and he hates to hvh.
t. hacker
>joins spectator
>goes afk in spawn
>goes cloak and dagger and proceeds to be dead weight for the rest of the game
>Report both in-game and the account
Like valve even cares about TF2 Reports nowadays.
unless they actually care now that Full Death Cute&Funny is out.
>Fall back fails
>Swings wildly and misses horribly
kek, enjoy the dead game.
it was actually me
>whaa whaa why can't I pubstomp with my stack buddies
>valve repurposed valve servers to be matchmaking, as to compete with overwatch
>overwatch dies within a year
>valve never moved vale servers back
>we're now stuck with a shitty matchmaking that slows down finding genuine matches to play
>the only community servers left are 24/7 furry spray servers and trade servers
I miss pre-Overwatch TF2.
The niggerkiller bot isn't even that good. Half the time I can kill it with Heavy because it only quickscopes for like 100 damage.
>pick my professional killstreak fists of steel
>he can't do jack shit
thank comp fags for brainwashing the devs into thinking people actually wanted mym
What the fuck they were thinking with meet your match update
compfags ruining another game like usual, also got all the fun guns nerfed to shit.
They thought that fucking esports was what TF2 needed.
Truth is, TF2 just needed to keep running as it was, because it had been going for a decade and everyone that was still around was still around because they enjoyed how it was.
Halo had a similar problem, where 343 Industries changed Reach with the TU update, and then fucked it with 4 and 5.
its the exact same save the ability to choose teams.
Hes going to have a hard time playing them.
>Truth is, TF2 just needed to keep running as it was, because it had been going for a decade and everyone that was still around was still around because they enjoyed how it was.
you don't know valve and how they ruined dota with 7.00, 7.07 and 7.20 because icefrog was tired of small changes
Yes I love skial 24/7 2fort
The furry one or the never-ending ctf one?
>he doesn't need to do shit because he already 1shot the rest of your team, allowing the other 11 players on his team to focus you
if you want others to play community servers, then you should at least post some you'd recommend.
that one hidden one that reminds me of old tf2
In matchmaking, you can't call a votekick for someone on the other team.
You have to basically hope the other people on the team aren't shitheels and will kick a cheater.