Why is yuri uncommon in video games? Everyone likes cute girls, it seems like a no-brainer

Why is yuri uncommon in video games? Everyone likes cute girls, it seems like a no-brainer.

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People who make video games don't look at pornography as frequently as you do.

Yuri isn't just pornography.

Yuri is cute! Who doesn't like cute video games?!

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because contrary to what everyone on Yas Forums screams, the gays arent actually taking over anything, and are in fact still a biological minority

Shit writers who can't execute lesbian relationships tastefully. Labyrinth of Refrain almost was on to something but still not great.

How's Blue Reflection?

Wait, did that game actually have /ll/?

Devs aren't desperate virgins

thats where youre wrong kiddo

Yuri (the genre) was popular in Fire Emblem 3H, maybe this will encourage devs to make more yuri in the future.

Yup, it didn't advertise it openly though. And most of the romance was told through past events and it was surprisingly realistic with some of the tribulations two women would deal with.

Kill yourself incel.

Because japs do the "lesbian perverts but no actual romance teehee" trope and the west only does it for their token lesbian to complete the PC checklist

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But incels hate yuri because women are fucking each other instead of them

Because everyone is trying to get you to kill yourself. Don't disappoint us.

That sounds amazing. Definitely checking it out soon.

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Yuri isn't lesbianism. Yuri is pure fantasy lesbianism. Keep yuri pure, leave lesbianism out of it.

lesbians are boring and don't sell anymore because being gay isn't the new cool social norm. Being a poisonous bug is.

gay sex between cute 2D girls!

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No, it's literally lesbianism just weeb

Yuri is idealized lesbianism, I'm sure similar situations happen irl but they are pretty rare

Just take into consideration that while it's the major sub-plot that explains the MC's disposition. There are still other sub-plots it competes with and this is all within a dungeon crawler experience. So you don't get all of that sub-plot at once.

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Lesbians are disgusting. Yuri is the total opposite of disgusting.

Why doesn't Yas Forums make yuri games? Are there any devs in /agdg/ making any?

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But my two favorite genres are ryona and yuri

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because lesbians are fun in porn when it's directed by men, but if they are in love in some cringy romance its gross and weird. no brainer.

Nigga what

Nah you're just gay

Because desperate p/u/rists are the poison killing real relationships.

In the west, its a pussy CEO's copout for fake LGBTQ representation, because it offends the least people (straight dudebros love them, women aren't bothered by them as much as men are bothered by gay men).

In the east its because Japan is creatively bankrupt (as is the west, don't get me wrong), and Japanese NEETs are easily distracted by it.


Yuri is degenerate. Lesbians should be banned worldwide

Oh, isn't that cute.

Whoops, sorry I slipped.

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Lesbians don't exist bro

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Girl on girl should only be permitted if the two women are doing it as foreplay before an MFF threesome.

the LGBT movement and its consequences etc etc...

I liked it

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Why are you such a faggot user?

s/u/bhumans aren't important.

This. Two hot chicks graphically licking each other is amazing, but I can understand the hate for yuri when 90% of the genre is relationship drama, even in the porn, and the 10% that's actually sex is poorly drawn and over in the blink of an eye.

That said, anyone that hates yuri just because there are no dicks is omega gay.

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>Everyone likes cute girls

Mentally ill.

But yurifags aren't gays or dykes.
Yuri appeals mostly to pathetic failed males who hate masculinity in every shape and form.


In my experience, the vast majority of lesbian content is so fake that it becomes un-enjoyable.

Once in a while you find content, regardless of medium, where either it's drawn and written well enough to be believable and enjoyable; or the actors involved are actually so into it you can tell it isn't just acting.

Fake lesbian porn and content is detestable and annoying.

You gay bro

Yuri is just NTR except the entire male gender is the cuck if you think about it logically

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Incels love yuri because the women aren't fucking Chad and are still virgins.
Incels love "purity" in women.

It's a movie user
You aren't supposed to take it as a replica of life

I like yuri because deep down I wish I was a cute lesbian. Yuri lets me indulge that fantasy in secret. It's saved me from killing myself.

>Imagine not enjoying seeing a girl get dicked.

>wearing a bra
>in fantasy old Europe.
Whoever drew this doesn't know history very well.

To be cucked you must want to be in a relationship of some form with them. Whether they re gf or wife
If a yurifag doesn't wish to be in a relationship and just likes the girls being in the relationship, it is not cucking.

Why would anyone want real lesbian stuff?
Are you into BBWs or something?

They still aren't fucking them and it's still two less women they could date see this guy saying he's getting ntred by yuri even existing

This. If you see girls fucking and your only instinct is to watch you're either a cuck, beta, faggot, tranny or some unholy combination of the 4.

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oh did rhea also suppress bra technology?

I'm so confused by this mindset. I love Asanagi, and you can't get more masculine/maledom than that, but I also like yuri. Where do people get the idea that you can only like one thing, especially when it comes to porn?

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they did but you didn't play the game because the hivemind told you not to

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>Tfw used to be a Yurifag because I liked reading manga a lot and there is a lot of them
>Tfw stopped becuase the story itself was non existent and finally moved on to Yaoi where its fan service with ACTUAL Story
Supreme comfy, also Yuri is just boring and kinda shitty lmao.

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yuri threads used to be so good, what happened bros...

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Wow. Girls can be best friends?

>implying I want to see them fuck
I like the romance
I don't want to see porn in my yuri

Yas Forums suddenly hates yuri.


women are objects for fucking

>tfw when your a hard switch
I would be fine tying up someone or being tied up. Idk why people don't understand how horny people can get and have many different fetishes

There is literally no difference between a cuck and a yurifag, I hope someone posts the image to prove my point

>They still aren't fucking them and it's still two less women they could date
Doesn't work this way.
It's common knowledge that lesbians aren't 100% homo, like male homosexuals. For lesbians, it's literally a phase and a choice. Meaning that they are still "for the taking".
They aren't taking part in the dick carousel, meaning they won't dream about Chad's dick and won't compare incel's dick to it.
They also want a relationship without gold digging (can't gold dig a woman) or tons of cheating.

Those are very appealing to deeply insecure males, hence why both incels live yuri.
Not always 3D dyke stuff, because it involves real lesbians and not an ideal of them, but still.

I'd hazard partly echo chamber mentality, partly projection, partly shitposting. It's hard to tell if people actually believe that or just want to derail threads at this point.

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GG and election immigrants.

Like yuri romance can ever be good and not just lazily be added in for fan service. Yuri's a shit fetish bro.

Finally the retarded Christ cuck tourists did something good for once

why is every popular yuri couple just crack shipping from hetshit series

either yurifags have no standards or they're fake yurifag gamerer

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Try a couple years now.

Newfags. But these template threads are basically a shitpost beacon.

I think about this a lot sometimes.

Fellas, are we being cucked when we see these images? After all, we are just bystanders in the love occurring between these girls

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Because a number of factors. If you have romance, it's better to have a self insert factor. The majority is still very much heterosexual, so you will want man on woman at least 80% of the time. Another is that almost no one can write a believable homosexual romance and focuses more on things like
>I can't believe I feel in love with a girl
or they will go the lazy route and make it the exact same, even more jarring if it is someone that should be expected to pump out kids and there are no social repercussions for it. It exposes it as simply shallow tripe, because they are too scared of actually following through with it and exploring what it would mean, both from those that are homophobic, but also the homosexual community throwing fits about it because "We are the same, nothing different".

tl;dr, stop shoving your sexual fantasies into games and thinking that it makes them deep.

Nobody has a problem with yuri, that's the problem. How could developers virtue signal their wokeness by including something everyone enjoys? No, it has to be faggot shit cringe like pic related, which will lead to a backlash, so the people of hair color can pretend to be oppressed and enlightened. This is the way all entertainment works now.

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It's always seemed to me that sjws have an odd inherent dislike of yuriko
And I have no idea why

What are some games where I can play as a daughter who fucks her mother, or as a mother who fucks her daughter?
In a pinch I'll accept a game where you're a dude who fucks a mother and daughter at the same time, but there's no point unless they do stuff with each other as well.

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But most yurifags believe lesbians are a 100% homo, you seem to do a lot of projecting user

Take your pills, schizo retard

They're just desperate faggots looking for anything remotely yuri like when in reality it's just women being best friends. It's pretty pathetic honestly I agree.

Not into yaoi, but from what I understand there is a substantially greater amount of focus on actual characters and chemistry rather than the...

>"Sweet pure wub between byootiful powfect cinnamon woll guwls. Too pure for this unkween wowld UwU!"

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too cool for this board

The potato artist drew them kissing

She seems to enjoy textiles and clothing, so I don't see why she would.

I still like Yuri, but also yaoi, and straight shit
I'm a sucker for romance

any video games for this feel?

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Pure doublethink
They may "believe" it, but they still apply their thought patterns of "this is a woman" rather than "this is a completely unaccessible woman".

Yuri is confirmed a shit fetish then.

I'm pissed that this artist didn't make more of these

Give me a game with main characters that are definitely gay for one another but isn't a VN
I can guess Three Houses but like, aside from that

You haven't experienced a lot of yuri, have you? The problem with most yuri isn't that it's sickeningly sweet, it's that it gets caught up in stupid drama instead of just having cute girls fuck cute girls.

It's too hard to self insert into a yuri relationship

how can one man have so much good taste?

I love games where you can cuck any yuri romance like in Senran Kagura Reflection.

>Byleth x Edelgard

Super cringe.

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I'd totally fuck some yuri girls even they wouldn't fuck me, not wanting to fuck a girl just because she'd never be interested in you seems like the weird thing to do.

You just need some self-hatred and painful knowledge that your life would be better as a female.
Try thinking about how females are loved by everyone and how you'll never be loved by anyone as much as a typical woman is loved by most people she meets.

Yes, not even legit drama, but stupid drama.
>Oh my god, she wants to 'kkkkisss', I'm going to run away because I'm afraid of committing to this relationship all of a sudden, because everything now feels REAL
I hate this bullshit, like a lot. If you are this immature about a relationship, then you were never ready to be in one and going forward with it now is almost manipulative. Why can't they explore actual problems with these relationships instead of this shallow shit?

lmao yes they do

Gr8 taste m8

Because Yuri it's mostly a meme among japanese Yuri it's an immature phase for girls until they find the COCK.

Because yurifaggotry is not needed
Lesbian porn already exists and it's the only thing even giving validity to this fetish
Only mentally unstable obese otaku glorify lesbian relationships, they are always written like the worst kind of cringe inducing garbage

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