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Just support the official release, leech. Reported.

Based. Emulation is theft.

Does this mean we'll get real mods soon, since we won't have to deal with the confines of consolemoddings restriction of filesizes being the exact same?


literally no one will play smash on fucking yuzu

"playable" is a loose term when it comes to emulation dev teams

no reason to use the shitch

So it boots but has major framerate and graphical issues. Nice.

I was actually kinda considering buying a Nintendo Switch, but this shit is advancing fast so I'll hold off until the end of year to see how playable Ultimate and New Horizon will be on my PC.

Can you PCFags hurry up & make some mods for Ultimate already? Couldn't you have chosen to focus work on this instead of shit Pokémon games?

emutranny cope

Nope, runs really well. Only issue is on giant stages like Palutena's Temple.

Get cucked and cope.

I can't think of any Switch games I want to play. Maybe Astral Chain if it gets a 60 fps patch.

>no video

more like "playable"

inb4 that obnoxious British cunt that posts gameplay that literally nobody else can replicate.

>runs really well
You say this every single time and its never true.
I miss when emulation threads weren't co-opted by sonyfags for console war shitposting.

>ultimate with good online might happen in your lifetime

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The switch emulation scene is starting to remind me of when retroarch was still in the pre baby stages and they were fighting over it and making shill threads every day for it.

Get over your victim complex faggot.

okay abridged faggot

That's not what a victim complex is.
English isn't your first language is it.

How well does it run? Do I need a nasa computer to get 30 frames? And does the dlc work?

What kind of person plays single player Smash Brothers on an emulator?

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Neat, mods when for smash? Its the only reason i played 4 on the pc.

user, a victim complex would mean that he sees himself as a victim, it doesn't mean he can't call you out for the retard you are.

Sure playable at 3 fps

Not very, if you don't have a decent pc expect 5 fps on the menu screen.
Not yet but soon.

The online is so dogshit playing it offline isn't a huge loss.

>9fps average using a 9990k

You have to remember user, on Yas Forums people will use ANYTHING to shitpost about Nintendo.
Its why we can't have good emulation threads anymore.

The slow motion is a feature to practice moves to rekt scrubs online
Btfo nintendies


Bump for more emucuck cope

Great! No way I'm giving my money to Nintendo. Must suck to have paid full price for this.

Neat, I'll wait a year or so hopefullyuntil it can run the game at constant 60 fps like with 2018 Cemu

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Your shitty emulator is still barely usable, snoyfag.

>Thread about Yuzu news
>Most people shitting on Yuzu
>1 snoy starts shitposting
Legitimate shizophrenia. Please remove yourself from the planet.

>runs really well.

Translation: runs like absolute shite.

Why is Yuzo so pathetic? Are PCbros really this desperate to play Nintendo?

Fucking KEK

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This is going to be amazing, I really hope they get it to work, so instead of buying a switch I buy a decent pc.

Fuck faggots like this btw

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By are NintoddIers so obsessed with Sony?

and it‘s still shit

Thanks for beta testing nintenbros

Imagine some autist modding in GGPO online and making it playable P2P. What the hell could Nintendo do to stop it?

>"Do you want to see Nintendo die or something?"
These people are fucking hilarious. I will never understand the mentality of people who treat any huge company as a friend.

Considering how the netplay works in the original switch, I can see the emulator working with it, I mean, you can play online no problem with homebrew on the switch with pirated smash.

So whats the deal with the autism war between Yuzu and Ryujinx? Who is winning?

Because it's the main competitor, also sonycoocks like to constantly bark at nintenfags about the power of the ps, their common rebuttal being "power doesn't make good games, or just games even".

It's just consoomer shit flinging.

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Nintendo already made billions with smash, stay mad piratecucks

>single player
don't you have friends to play with?
what kind of person plays a party game online is a bigger question

If I had friends I wouldn't be posting on 4channel's Yas Forums - The Vidya

This has to be fake. No fucking way is this real.

Remind me this exists again when Xenoblade 2 is playable, tired to seeing this 320p shit on my switch

>he doesn't know
oh nonononono!

>I miss when emulation threads
Not him but you're painting yourself as a victim. Woe is me, my threads.

It worked, you responded


I just paid full price for the fighter pass 2 after they announced the arms character and the pokemon DLC pass. I think this is FUCKING BASED. More people being able to play videogames is always fucking sick and I don't own Nintendo stock so I don't give a fuck. Nintendies need to get a job and stop trying to suck off an organization. Hold on I have to renew my Nintendo online subscription in order to buy and sell turnips.

it's more so C# vs C++

Can I get a quick rundown on these programming languages? I am illiterate in terms of tech, but I've heard that both are related but you can do more stuff with C++ (it's more complex?), so what are the benefits between the two?

C# is like C and VisualBasic had a baby. It's a great first language to learn because of the .NET library, and you'll find a lot of other high level languages follow similar syntax. C++ is C with classes. This was done to make written code more modular and expandable (object oriented vs functional programming for further reading). Either way a wise young Bushing of team Twiizers once said implementation is the enemy of design.