Christianity Bad: The Game

Christianity Bad: The Game

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back to pol mongrel

sounds based to me

if this game had better movement i wouldve finished it

>Catholicism Bad: The Game

What's with all the Christ fags ? You don't even practice the religion properly. It would be like someone claiming they're vegan but still eating chicken and fish.

did people actually find this game disturbing? I found it to be a fascinating bit of absurdist comedy

op already said that

Christianity Badass: The Game

wtf I will buy your game now

name 5 good games in which christianity is good
also i said christianity, not church

Am I the only one who enjoyed it?

Somebody said I'd get filtered because I'm a Dark Soulsfag, but I think it's way easier than Dark Souls and quite enjoy it

Platforming and how parry works is so fucking bad. I really like the aesthetic tho.

Magic sky man good.

>Christfags pick and choose what parts of their holy book are irrefutable scripture and which are optional.

Wow, such a stunning and new revelation you’ve had user.

no mention of the biblic things though, just retarded rituals fakes came up with.

maybe you should play the game.

>Somebody said I'd get filtered because I'm a Dark Soulsfag
This meme is getting old
I get that everyone wants to feel special trying to dab on the ds fanbase, but it's not like their games are something to do so

You never played the game, did you?
Humans prayed for punishment. They got it.
They keep praying for it too.

based retard

This and it felt more like a commentary on how one can't truly be penitent of their sins unless they do it of their own free will.

I used to meme about Dark Souls until I actually played it. Now it's one of my favorite games

I don't even know why people bring up Dark Souls (other than a few mechanics) because it's way more inline with SOTN

But there isn't a single crucifix in the entire game

The game was pro religion, pay attention next time. Oh wait this Is a bait thread. Also godless atheists are losers.

the setting is compelling and the sidequests are interesting but I got sick of it in the second half.
still powered through it just to see whats up.

the lack of mobility upgrades and the backtracking got really annoying. even with the teleporters it felt slow as hell.

>the lack of mobility upgrades

This kind of sucks. I remember thinking early on "okay I'll need the double jump for that"

But nope

you just get an item that creates a platform later

Nah I got the tree and the platform, but compare that to the mobility options in SOTN

I grabbed it on sale yesterday. Only played for like an hour but I like it so far. I read that there's no mobility upgrades though which is a downer, it's crying out for an air dash.

Honestly, if you’re not Orthodox at least, you’re just a retard.

To this day it still makes no sense to me.

catholics aren't actual christians


Amazing how you were able to get both of them wrong at once.

KCD is surprisingly objective about religion, doesn't really portray it as good or bad. One of the things I actually liked in the game. I'm sad there was no calendar mechanic in KCD though, having a mini quest to go to Church on Sundays or attend feasts would have been incredible.

Game wanted you to aim for penance by going to the dangerous areas you lost a guilt fragment and collect it, instead of taking the easy way out
It wanted you to face your fears and your mistakes, instead of using an easier alternate method to relieve yourself of "Guilt"
It is in no way "Christianity Bad: The Game", I'm sick and tired of misrepresentation of any game on this board

>t. pastor jim

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I enjoy both. Because I got a brain and can differentiate

Name one good thing Christianity has done.
I'll wait.

Christianity makes people mix

But why though?


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Drove countless gays to suicide.

I give it 7/10.
The Soulscrap is unnecessary and drags it down. The art is so good that I'd recommend it on that alone if you're a pixelfag.

>god said it’s not a sin

Both lead devs are Orthodox and have said in many interviews the game is pro religion and anti cult.

There's only two kinds of Christians. Orthodox and Catholics. Protestants are pagans.

Obviously the game is a commentary on the cultlike following of Dark Souls and the obsession with difficulty, with gamers essentially praying "hurt me more daddy"

There's only two kinds of Christians;
People who believe in the teachings of Christ
And people who just want to belong to a club with fancy hats.

I fucking wish Christianity had that aesthetic
Imagine flagellants parading in the cathedral square wearing crowns of thorns and hanging heretics

pretty based

Not at all. did you even play it?

I don't see how anything in that quote is wrong.

yeah but chicken and fish aren't meat so it's fine

what if i'm both?

Still, there are never-ending levels of revelation regarding the picking and choosing, user.

>Not at all. did you even play it?
No, this game is shit why would I even need to?

>mfw people actually believe this ancient Hebrew garbage
No Christian is able to prove that YHWH is the sole deity of the universe and that Yeshua was YHWH manifested.

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because you’re unable to see how people can slip through the cracks

I got it for free from humble bundle and as a castlevania fan I'd thought I'd enjoy it but I feel like it's trying to hard to be "le dark souls of vanias" with muh dodge parry punish the player for dying by taking their mana. Also no movement which blows
Aesthetic is pretty cool though, and I'll probably come back to finish it one day because the first half was fun.

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>dark souls invented gaming
ok zoomer

To not make false statements that make you look retarded online.

what does that even mean

I'm an atheist *tips* and even I think shit like this game is offensive. Most Christians I've met are chill and just want to talk about their dead jew, they aren't that bad. Atheists are much worse nowadays

God's name is Jehovah. I don't know what gibberish YOU typed.

It's a phrase, a slogan, something people say.
dark souls obviously didn't invent parrying and dodging but the phrase indicates the game is trying to ride that wave that many people attribute to dark souls. Learn modern language.

This. I'm still waiting on the Dark Souls of vanias. This is SOTN with a COUPLE (at best) ideas from Souls games.

He wasn't a Jew he was the son of God, immaculately conceived.

You can't be this ignorant, this has to be bait

see latin america
also kys

>unironically being retarded

Pagans are more ignorant about religion than actual practitioners.

>the eternally damned and exiled Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>>the eternally damned and exiled Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>thinking Jews are Hebrews
Modern Jews are modern mutts disowned by God after they refuse salvation and keep on being prideful.

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>wants to defend Christianity
>on a Japanese-owned anime, futa, porn, violence, video game, gore, car porn, unbanned CP imageboard

As are protestants.

see what? a minority got married to spaniards or flat out raped compared to the grand majority who simply died.

Imagine being exposed as a phony Christian so many times that you had to make a shitty meme to make fun of the people calling you out for it, lol


and catholics

Christianity openly calls for you to defend your borders and to arm yourself. You are not a Christian so you wouldn't know.

>I can use your beliefs against you!
>No, I won't follow your beliefs because they don't control me.
Atheists truly are the epitome of self-worship.

Isn't more like religion dogmas bad?

Regular people didn't want any of that bullshit, but the people who got punished got pissed off that others weren't being punished. So they started taking it out on unpunished who were unable to do anything to stop them. The penitent one's taking the sins of the punished onto himself so the rest of the world can stop dealing with their bullshit.

No, and Hebrews.

Slaughtered mudslimes.

Another low IQ cuck who doesn't understand what the term "veneration" means. It's always the same.

Imagine non-Christians with outright hostile disdain for your beliefs attempting to shame you by appealing to their broken understanding of your beliefs.

>The Atheist is immunized against all dangers one may call him a virgin, euphoric, Jewish dupe, a betacuck, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a fedora and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out, m'lady.'

Why do Yas Forumstrannies keep using this word for everything?

Preserved the history and writing of the ancient world no matter what the content of said books were, keeping the texts faithfully intact.

all abrahamic religions are evil forces that exist for the sole purpose of world domination
they may preach different messages but their goals are the same to have their ideology rule over the world

Yes, its bad. Full of idiots everywhere that don't quarantine or care because "god has it's plan". Religious made-up cancer.

i mean, the ones that do are the fucking jehova witness and everyone hates them for being insufferable faggots.
Now imagine if all christians were like that

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>muh pol boogeyman
