How's your game coming along, Yas Forums?

How's your game coming along, Yas Forums?

Attached: engines.png (890x400, 52.7K)

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I never have the energy to work on the things I want to do.

Attached: 1541085087579.gif (200x200, 469.71K)

Currently writing up GDDs, or at least trying too.

Start small, do a little bit every day and when you see some progress you'll get more and more motivated.


Attached: cd2.jpg (261x199, 14.51K)

I want to make a game with graphics like Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. How would I go about that? Are those hand drawn or 3D models or 2.5D sprites based on 3D models?

Attached: age_of_empires_2_remaster.jpg (1280x720, 426.45K)

Are you some kind of idea guy or what? Just make game man.

anyone know any good books on netcode across different genres and all that

Prerendered 3D

Pretty good but I make tradgames because I have a career and no digital game making skills.

Trying to be more than that since I can really do is pixel art.

Still waiting on that email, tileset guy

Attached: 1585268869405.webm (1600x900, 1.75M)

>she hasn't even compiled her first hello world program yet
what's taking so long hmm?

Attached: oreimo-2.jpg (1280x720, 84.05K)

It just released on Steam lol

Attached: prbal.png (768x432, 271.47K)

Awesome user! How long did you work on it?

It was in the works since November 2018 and was more or less done January 2020, minus a few months of no development in 2019, so about a year.

Slow. I'm quarantined, but school is sending a lot of homework.

I want to make a porn game where shotas are being abducted and brought into a fantasy playboy love palace where a bunch of ravenous, sexually aggressive bunnies roams the building looking for shotas to love and cuddle. I want to ask for any criticism on the concept art above on how one of the levels would look.

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who /enginedev/ here?

Attached: triangle.png (400x299, 9.44K)

shit's hard

>launch any Unity game
>GPU fans (radeon HD 7950) go to 100% while sitting at the main menu for your basic 2dshit game
Do Unity devs not put a framerate cap on their games? Is that what's causing it?

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Tomorrow I will do next things:
1.Come up with MC design
2.Look up what are some entries in the genere of the game I am going to make
3.Decide on the point of view I am going to used depending from point 2.

Did you do everything alone? What was the hardest thing while working on it?

Congrats yesdev. If it's possible to implement workshop, I think you should do so, draw in the Monkeyball modding community.

Attached: Super Monkey Ball Deluxe Mod in SMB2 - Catapult.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

DJ Coco was the programmer and modeller, I just do marketing. I also did character design and translating. We also had a musician and a few testers, but that's it really.

Really getting somewhere now. Spent the last weekend re-evaluating all my resources and player stats, and working out how to encourage the player to return to town intermittently between journeys. Thinking of having a Crystal Chronicles-style lantern device, except its protection decays over time and needs to be "renewed" every X in-game days, but that might feel a bit heavy-handed.

Either way I've finished scripting/implementing my first proper questline, so things are on the move.

Attached: farmstead.png (1600x960, 28.57K)

Good job, user.
Now it's good time for release i think.

looks good, really clean.
Is that a rogue like?

what engine do i use for a 2d multiplayer game where you can host your own servers?

godot or just C with SDL2

Why, BYOND of course.


Attached: 2020-03-26 22-36-17.webm (640x576, 123.3K)

I got polygons in opengl and C and then lost all motivation

Decided to finally bite the bullet & update Blender to 2.8
Everything is so different than what I'm used to that I'm starting to regret that decision

If I wanted to make a RTS game, would I be better off using Godot or Unreal?

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Attached: consider tifa 2.jpg (800x917, 162.8K)

I am trying to find a website that was once posted here. It basically asks "so you want to make a video game?" or something like that and some specific points with a link to tutorials. It was a pretty amazing site and I can't find it anymore.

They changed a lot of shortcuts. You need to relearn almost everything. Why, just why.

Thanks user. It's more of a text-based lite-RPG; there's only 3 very abstract stats, and the main focus is on unlocking new areas to explore and collecting/trading items. I want to focus on more "deliberate" stuff, like quest design and writing, even if it comes at the cost of replayability.

I added ramps to the level generator, tiles don't overlap each other.

Attached: 26032020.png (1180x774, 1.65M)

Finished a boss. Dunno what to do next though.

Attached: baka gets shot and fucking dies.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Making a action platformer in unity, its based on magical girl anime, I've modelled some characters but I still need to texture, rig and animate them so for now I'm still using palceholder

Attached: Rubi prototype 1.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

What are the best sources for learning c++ for games?

I am a Java/Typescript faggot.

Rate my cutscene.

Attached: SceneTest.webm (768x672, 2.95M)

They are 3D models which are pre-rendered and made into 2D sprites.

If it's a 2D game, 90% chance they're pure artists/designers and not programmers so they use the scripts from Unity tutorials and the asset store to just make the game functional.


OMG stop making this game... jesus

I decided to learn unreal and C++ been taking a course. I hope it helps when I finally get to creating my own game from all the thing's I've prepared before but it seems like a fucking impossible task to just go and start coding without any reference once the course ends.

>16 NZD
>for a ball rolling game
Seriously, user?

Who else /rpgmaker/ here?

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when's anubis

Where's the platforming? So many games these days are called platformers when they're really almost completely flat 3d games or metroidvania shit

For the amount of content it's got, that's not a lot.

It's the only way for my untalented ass to make smut.

to be honest I haven't quite gotten to that part, I wanted to make something like sly cooper where they're able to make platforming challenges from more realistic looking scenarios as opposed to other games where you're usually navigating flying platforms.
I started by implementing basic movement and then moved to combat, I made a mock up of a first level but I've been working and testing on this testing level that I made

Attached: Rubi prototype 2.webm (1280x720, 1.1M)

Almost finished the complete anim pack for the regular goblin, after i switched him over to a new rig. Tried retargetting the animations, but it just turned out in crashes or no results at all, so i just decided to make them all again.

Attached: walkcycles.webm (1034x538, 1.58M)

As fewer and fewer games are made to cater to me, and more to casuals and women, I realise so need to fucking learn to make my own GOTY. I can do ideas and art, so what ... program do I use to .... make models and textures do things in a thing.

Nobody gives a shit about how MUCH content your game has. It looks like ass at first glance and the average gamer doesn’t play anything for more than an hour

I'm new to programming and while i eventually hack and brute force my way to a solution, my design is shit, or this probably a much more efficient way of doing it.
is there a place that i can put my code where other people can review it? i know theres github where you can put your code in a repository but i mean like a specific community for reviewing code?

also, rate my mapmaking skills
i did the tileset myself; it's obviously a placeholder but i'd like to know if anyone thinks it's passable enough to make it to the final project

Attached: castle.png (608x256, 10.04K)

Thats really cool user. I applaud your desire to give it more realistic platforming like sly cooper.

Go to hastebin, paste it there, then send us links

That's some fine looking jumping physics.

Remade the Character sprite creator for the adventure mode of the creative suite game Im making.

Will also include 3D model maker and sequencer.

Attached: - Dreams 92__mOkcx-qqBhw_360p.webm (640x360, 2.25M)