Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

What went wrong?


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removal of elongated jaws and chins.

If this wasn’t a Nintendo game Yas Forums would call the original clothes overdesigned and shit

Will she return to voice the new story?

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They never, ever looked like the prerendered drawings on the right in the original game.

Tbh they pretty much had human proportions

Nothing, they look much better.

>definitive edition
More like Weeb Edition

The fukin color man and shading
Look Streamlined

Who is the new Character Designer?

Absolutely based. Literally nobody here thinks this weebshit demake is any good. The original Wii version at least had a soulful artstyle, play that instead.

went from ffxii look to xc2
looks less serious and mature

Shut the fuck up retard

This. Guaranteed its gonna have more japanesey cringe weeb moments like XC2 for pathetic fat otakus that liked XC2

Are you just pretending to be stupid or what Mr.anti-weeb. If this is going to be the next shitposting narrative to plague the next batch of XC threads it's not going to work. You should try killing yourself instead

Help me decide lads, which xenoblade should I play first? Bear in mind the only console version would be 2, the rest is emulated.

I am gonna buy this but I hope it gets the BOTW treatment in Yuzu, I just know it's gonna have so many FPS and resolution issues.

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Just play the first one and then 2nd one why are you even asking? X can be played whenever.

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Wait for Xenoblade DE, then play 2 + Torna, then X if a port isn't announced by then. All 3 games are fantastic.

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Wait. 2 is so much better in every way it will ruind the first game for you. XCDE is the best start.

Play 2 and Torna. Play 1DE when it comes out. Don't touch X.

Oh man I never realized how bad the 3DS version is

You can play any in no particular order, but keep in mind that X is an unrelated spin-off while 1 and 2 are related to eachother..

X doesn't emulate well.

>2 is so much better in every way

It's been over a year and I haven't finished 2, it's okay but I don't like it over the first one.

Uh you want the full experience? Xenogears, Xenosaga then Xenoblade 1, then Xenoblade X then finally Xenoblade 2

bare minimum? Wait for the switch version of Xenoblade 1 then play 2 after

Definitive Shulk and Fiora look much more like Tanaka's illustration in XB1's artbook

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Everything went right you fucking contrarian cunts. The remaster looks amazing.

Not him, but while both games are great I personally enjoyed 2 a bit more. After a complete playthrough of all 3 games I think it's not hard to see some of the objective improvements that Monolith Soft made to both XCX and XC2 after the first game.

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Release date when?

Secondaries like (You) ruined this series.

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I don't want to disappoint, but what if that mysterious portal is like the one from XBC2 that has Arena challenges? Also I don't remember how Shulk and Fiora appeared in XBC2. Were they in the arena? And another thing, if the universes are parallel, do they share the same afterlife? must suck to die in one universe and realize you don't share an afterlife with the other. Also when's the scene when Shulk screams "My Monado!" just for screen capturing sake.

who were the best team to join in that game? too bad I didnt get it years ago due to Miiverse shutting down resulting in no 100 percent completion. is it possible to change your character in that game? how does a game like this have so many GB worth of content, especially in downloads.

That DLC in Xenoblade 2 is not canon. We already see what's on the other side in the trailer for it

May 29, it's in the trailer.

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I know right, like what the fuck is wrong with these people.

Look at these beautiful motherfuckers.

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I don't see why she wouldn't. it would be jarring to have her retain her voice and suddenly give a new one for post game.

Cool thanks. Trailer is blocked in my country for some weird ass reason.

The DLC's for the western release are actually just to help load times they're essentially installing parts of the game to your console. There's no real team comps since the game is more about builds and if you know what you're doing you can kill super bosses in 5 seconds and yes there's a sidequest that allows you to change your appearance

>is it possible to change your character in that game?
Yeah, there's a quest that allows you to change everything about your character.

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The original art went wrong, that's what.

God I wish I was Murderess

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>There's no real team comps since the game is more about builds
He may be talking about union.

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And they did my newfriend

Anime site

>this guy killed countless universes until Shulk arrived.

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I hope they decide to actually show what enemies have Spike effects this time aroudn

Characters are just so-so, not an outright improvement. Environments are fantastic. Hope they give us new arts as well.

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I want a Five Star Stories vidya

The detail is absolutely incredible. All of that surface detail that you had to imagine in the original, in clear view, makes me incredibly hard

Look the same

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Why the fuck does the industry NEEDS to remove the soul out of everything??

we torna now

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Fiora look the same to me with bright color
Tanaka design were used in XC2 where they look different

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lol this soul/soulless meme is the new wojak

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This is good, but part of me feels like it doesn't fit with Xenoblade's soundtrack, as you said it sounds much more like a Torna or XC2 track.
Of course that's mostly due to the 10 year gap in the compositions, it sounds great though so I'll accept it regardless.

ACE+ is still involved?

>Why the fuck does the industry NEEDS to remove the soul out of everything??
You didn't play the original right? Because that's a plot point.

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You hated his post because he spoke the truth.

How much of these meme thread are we going to get?