How can you deal with so many launchers?

How can you deal with so many launchers?
>hard mode: no piracy

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I don't play games

Use a frontend.

Why yes, I have none of those launchers. How could you tell?

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such as?

Yas Forums in one person

You give up on games that require launchers.

Any. Launchbox is decent as long as you stick to desktop mode. It can automatically pull the info for your Steam library, for instance.

Have a halfway decent PC.

Steam and GoG (no launcher). If you need anything else you have shit taste.


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I uninstalled everything except epic store. And steam.

if it's not on steam or gog it's by a garbage developer/publisher that forces their own shitty store on you and thus isn't a game worth playing

miscellaneous games from the internet excluded obviously

i only use steam and gog

I have a Steam, GoG, Bethesda, Blizzard, and Rockstar account and consciously avoid the rest and so far for the past 3 years I've spent 99.5% of my time on Steam. So, not hard at all.

I simply don't play video games.

Deal with what exactly? When I want to play a game I open the launcher where the game is at, I don't need to have all of them running for no reason

>isn't a game worth playing
Titanfall 2 was cool when i pirated it i guess

You use GOG 2.0 and you put all the other launcher in that and you are done

>so many launchers
I have GOG and Steam.

have less trophy games faggot

>install launchers
>set them all to start with windows minmized and hidden
>pin shortcuts to all games to the start menu
Literally don't have to touch the launchers unless installing/uninstalling or buhing a new game.

Don't even notice they are there.

play on a console.

I use playnite.
Couldn't even launch Epic games well for me, fuck that shit.

I only use launchers with games I want to play. Coincidentally, I only use two, and one of them isn't even active most of the time.

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pro tip your computer is supposed to run multiple programs at the same time, there is no reason to run one at a time.

The devs themselves are cool but unfortunately EA is a big shit

Hard Mode? No, Piracy

Live without games exclusive to those launchers or pirate.
Steam, GoG and torrents are enough for me

brainlet answer
I want to have everything in one place
how can it work on console?

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By only buying from Steam and GOG. Makes your life easy when you want to run shit in wine.

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I've never come across a good game that required something other than Steam

Steam is for newest/shovelware games.
GoG is for older games because it's enforced by gamestore that games ARE supposed to work out of the box when launched.

This and hopefully GOG fully integrates eventually

A folder called "Games" and shortcuts?

you have everything on the console idiot

By only having one launcher

I have more than 1gb of storage space

I have none of them set to open on startup and I just open and close them as required. What's so hard about that?

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>Consoletard wants to prove his superiority
I want to see Doom Eternal, Metriod Prime Trilogy, StarCraft and STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl on one console.

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gog galaxy

Yes but I've never played a game that *required* GOG. I purchase from it whenever I can though.

>the game is more enjoyable in easy mode

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I only use Steam, Origin, and Bnet. And I guess Uplay counts if you count it launching through Steam.

I don't have shit taste so I only have one launcher (steam) and download gog's website. I have never ever felt like I was missing out on something by not installing any other launcher

giving up on videogames and having a normal, healthy social life

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I only use steam, I modified the webkit.css file to remove 70% of store annoyances and forced advertising.
GoG is as pointless
Everything else past that is a "ain't buying games from there since a good decade, if not more"

How do people deal with physical media if they can't deal with a small number of launchers?

I don't buy anything that isn't on Steam

underrated post

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I too, browse reddit

>He says on Yas Forums
Nice lies.

piracy. i dont even have steam installed.

>Use Steam and/or Gog
>Ignore the others because their games are all garbage anyway

Not op
Homebrew could work but pc is optimal. Console is fun and comfy though.

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As much as Reddit has a hate boner for EA, they do do scummy shit often. Although this guy probably does use reddit.

>not using your pc for emulation and retro

Galaxy 2.0 can import your libraries from all of them

Easy, you just stop being a faggot who makes everything out to be an extraordinarily insurmountable hassle, and only open the launcher you want for the game(s) you want to play. I seriously don't get you people, you act like you all have fucking no hard drive space, ADHD, and alzheimers when it comes to passwords. Having multiple launchers isn't any different than having one launcher.

The majority of people on this website now have come over from reddit. You, and any anecdotal people who are going to reply to this with, "not me!" and a bunch of oldfaggotry claims that they could've pulled from knowyourmeme, likely came over in the 2016 migration. You can tell because of just how often reddit mirrors Yas Forums now and vice versa, beyond just when they used to steal our memes.

I'm fucking tired of those launchers
Currently when I'm playing a game, I have three fucking in-game shit to activate: Steam, Uplay and Geforce Experience.
It's fucking ridiculous.
These kind of shit end up taking too much resources

I play good games so I only use Steam out of those and currently it's for 2 games only.

If Steam, Uplay, and fucking Geforce Experience are taking up "too much" resources, your computer is potato, Nikolai.