Resident evil 3 FAILURE SHUT IT DOWN

This is what you get for 60 dollars please cancel your subscription you don't have long left!

>5 hours
>no park
>clock tower is just a boss fight outside
>no dead factory
>final area is a lab that is literally called NEST 2
>no spiders
>no grave digger
>no NG+ according to frogs that finished the game multiple times
>no S&W
>no M37
>no Barry
>no epilogues

Here's the progression route btw
>Racoon City streets
>outside the Clock Tower
>and finally lab. NEST 2

Shut it down, Just fucking shut it down.

Attached: 926e050a-c175-4a1a-a4ea-65b20bd2901e_resident-evil-3-wont-have-multiple-endings-like-the-original_d7db.jpg (1920x1080, 197.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>please cancel your subscription
Nah lol fuck off im gonna buy it and im gonna enjoy it since i know its not meant to replace the original and on its own it is gonna be a decent game

>cancel subscription
You're literally mentally ill, and horrible at English to boot. Being stuck inside has nothing to do with this shit, you have no life. Please, for the love of god, find a better way to use your time

tbqh I'll buy it eventually, but when it's on sale, it has so much content it's not worth 60$ imho

*so much cut content

Michel, do you get tired of spamming the same bullshit over and over?

Fuck off Koyohiko shill,

tick tock tick tock

Only 7 more days until it comes crashing down :3

you're not wrong but people will still defend it. shame that Capcom couldn't be assed to do a proper remake worthy of the original.

It doesn't seem to be worth $60 imo

So where did you get all this information OP?

Attached: 1380682818051.jpg (400x400, 34.01K)

*citation needed*

oh no no no no
how will michael ever recover?

Attached: Steam_2020-03-22_19-25-09.png (406x286, 190.33K)

this. game is $30-$40 at best

Just watch the trannyera stream, they showed the entire game, OP is 100% correct.

>he didn't preorder the game when the price dropped to 42 dollars

I'm playing the beta to Resistance and it's actually pretty fun, convinced me to get RE3 just play it.

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>mfw I'm going to pirate this game and play it for free

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>buying games

When did you guys realize that Michael is just reverse-psychology viral marketing?

>playing games

I didnt knew Michael Does Life browses Yas Forums.


How do I pirate?
Asking for a school report.

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He was doing similar shitposts when REmake2 came out

finished playthough is literally out for days you mong

you wait until crack is available

i was gonna buy it but due to the COVID19 i just bought ff7r and will pirate re3 and trials of mana

If i like them, i might buy them.

>all these people responding that they're going to pre-order the game out of spite
I predicted that this was the real goal of Michael back in 2019. That's why he spammed about REmake 2 so hard. That's why he's spamming about it now and obviously browsing these threads.
I wouldn't doubt he's getting paid by Capcom to do this 4D Chess shilling.
I don't care, I'm getting this game anyways, but you people are fucking morons.
Absolutely this.

Kay, none of the games are especially long if you know what you're doing you know.

Reminder the segment inside Clock Tower and it's enemies and puzzles have been cut.

The bridge across the Raccoon City river that leads to the Dead Factory? Both cut. Also means the environmental storytelling showing the US Delta and T-003 battle aftermath is gone.

Graveyard + Cabin cut

Park area cut down to a small waterfront you pass through in 2 minutes.

Nemesis doesn't kill Brad now. Making Nemesis a complete failure and a joke.

Stagla petrol station also cut.

Spiders cut,
Crows cut,
Gravedigger cut

Contrast this to the development of the original game.
>"Okamoto requested us to add more content so the game would be longer,” Aoyama explained. Notably, the game was originally intended to end at the Clock Tower following one final encounter with Nemesis. It might have taken the average player two or three hours to reach this point in the game and less during replays. As a result, Aoyama’s team added new locations, such as Raccoon City Park and the Dead Factory. Other existing areas were expanded with new rooms, as well. "

Do the right thing. Cancel your pre-order like I have. They don't deserve your money.

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All those posts about buying it out of spite are people who were going to buy it anyway.

Reminder that the city parts at the beginning of the game has been cut

Kendo's "sorry about that babe" dialog no longer in the game

B stories have been cut, besides entering the RPD from the back it's the same puzzles.

No difference between Claire and Leon's campaigns besides a few rooms, they now solve the same puzzles and fight the same bosses.

Enemies are now bullet sponges, leaks show zombies can get up from 10+ headshots.

Extreme battle mode is no longer in the game, completely removed

Spiders cut;
Crows cut;
Moths cut;
Super lickers cut.

And YET I have 100 hours in RE2make and it was my GotY in 2019. So shove it up your ass, Michael.

No, there's plenty of people who wouldn't have been so eager to pre-order if there wasn't an active force making this whole thing seem like a war.

What if only heroin is available, will that work?

Kinda sounds like the RE remakes should have been one big game

go to the crackwatch subr*ddit a couple days after the game cooms out

It'll be you throwing money down the drain, not me pal.

why people are pretending that no clock tower indept dungeon means less content in general when the streets and the rest of the gmae is gonna be bigger anyway

people said the same about RE2make

>when the streets are gonna be bigger anyway

Should we tell him?

Is it really 5 hours or did you take the fastest time out of the multiple playthroughs and make that the game length? I went through Leon's story in RE2 remake again and finished in about 5 hours.

>final area is a lab that is literally called NEST 2

Attached: Rage.png (660x456, 750.58K)

>the streets
they literally take just 20% of the game, and half of that are literally on-rails segments with nemesis. remember the demo area? that's literally the only open area of the racoon city portion of the game.
>rest of the gmae is gonna be bigger anyway
the only big parts of the game are the RPD/Hospital sections with Carlos and NEST 2

Because it's where they actually make the BOWs and isn't just Birkin's personal jerk off chamber.

>Samurai Edge gone. Replaced with generic Glock clone
>STI Eagle gone. Replaced with second Glock clone that shoots faster
>S&W Magnum revolver gone. Replaced with recycled RE2make magnum
>Mine Thrower gone. Replaced with special grenade rounds
>Original grenade launcher replaced with muh tacticool Milkor MGL
>Freeze rounds gone
>Lever action gone

Buddy I will accept almost every point but do not defend the fucking mine thrower.

>Freeze rounds gone
Shit, really??

RE2 took me 7 hours and I loved it, preordering now.

Can you still kill Nemesis and have him drop upgrades?

Im gonna play on hardcore, and i like to explore and go slowly unlike stupid frogs, so im pretty sure it is gonna take me more than 5 hours

>He never got the upgrade that turned it into a head seeking zombie decapitation machine

Defend this.

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you can only down him like the demo, he downs slightly longer. he only drops ammo or healing items

buddy thats the infinite ammo case, you get that by being on a subsequent playthrough on hard mode, by that point your just fucking around, thats like saying you did a serious playthrough of RE2make with the minigun equipped the entire time.

When people compare the 1st blind run playtime of both RE3 (and re2 too) games are doing it wrong.

The psx version doesnt count failed attempts and when you reload and try again you speed run the segment between the save and where you die because you know where to go. So it only takes your best try for the timer. This is incredibly misleading since the original games had more time demanding puzzles and exploration.

MEANWHILE, the remakes add all the failed attempts to the final counter. Padding the runtime.

Once you take this in mind, original RE2 and Original RE3 are marginally longer. If you just compare the timers you are a low iq brainlet.

he needs to watch the babies

That's pretty fucking gay, not gonna lie

Once you know where to go time becomes mostly irrelevant.
It's all about level design. If they really got rid of the clock tower, park, and dead factory areas then that's straight up shitty. Varied and various locations is much better than one location expanded.

You got all of your information from some ESL Eurofag retards on the steam community forum who are lying through their subhuman teeth.

Jesus how many times did you play that shit game? Are you poor that you couldnt buy another game? Autistic maybe? 100 hours is like 35 playruns of the game. Certainly it doesnt deserve it.

ok so no point to fight him unless im forced/boss fight.

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The unlockable content is fucking laughable too. Attack and defense upgrades, the reloading press, some items so you can speedrun the game from the start, inventory upgrades. A knife that sets enemies on fire, Jill's Samurai Edge for some fucking reason, and a mini Spark Shot. I've seen another screenshot with the Hunk's MUP listed too but I have no idea why the game needs yet another ugly blocky handgun.

Attached: RE3Remake.jpg (2560x1440, 332.1K)

>he plays games only once

What about the 5 extra suits?

And are there different routes?

>literally only one unlockable costume
>no cop uniform
>no regina
>no biker
this is gay

Not once, but certainly not 35 times. I played re2 5 or 6 times. That was like 25 hours.

this is like the store from mercenaries

Reminder RE3R was rushed by a Team B.

The important staff is working in RE8

well, to be fair that's just something i copied from another user
this is mine

Attached: Steam_2020-03-26_17-05-51.png (1037x236, 497.76K)

Fuck Crapcom.Pre-order cancelled.

There's only the preorder outfit and a STARS outfit you can unlock for good boy points.

>the streets

The streets are what you saw in the demo and that's it. There are no more places to explore.

This point shop is a spit in the face of the originals bonus costume/weapons.

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The trannyera guy finished the game in 5 hours on his first playthrough, it was on easy though.

can someone post the trannyera livestream

This is the full point shop list:

Jill STARS Costume (2000 p)
Recovery Coin (4000 p) 2 exist
Defense Coin (4000 p) 2 exist
Attack Coin (4000 p) 2 exist
Reloading Press (4000 p)
Chris Redfield's STARS Combat Manual (6400 p, makes perfect dodge much easier)
Lock pick (2800 p, so you don´t need to find it anymore)
Bolt Cutters (2800 p, so you don´t need to find it anymore)
Satchel (4800 p, increases inventory space) 2 exist
Hot Dagger (7200 p)
Samurai Edge (5600 p)
MUP Pistol (8000 p, infinite ammo)
Rai-Den (12000 p, infinite ammo)
CQBR Assault Rifle (28400 p, infinite ammo)
Rocket Launcher (62400 p, infinite ammo)

What, some tard playing on easy is what this entire shitpost is based off of?

>Make a new game

I hate gamers.


>Got RE2 remake kinda cheap due to regional pricing
>No regional pricing on this, full price
Fucking greedy jews