What happened to us, Yas Forums? Why are we like this now as adults?

What happened to us, Yas Forums? Why are we like this now as adults?

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I buy like one or two new games a year because it's all I can afford and I play them to completion.

>buying physical
ill be here locked in my room same from any germs. nothing can stop me from playing my games anyway i want. you however...well lets just say i hope you've bought riot gear hehe

I'm 30 and finish every game I buy unless it's really bad. Why buy games you never intend to play?

>have money for vidya
>have time for vidya
>can rarely got hooked on a game
>usually just play an hour then ditch the game if it doesn't hook me
>only finished like 10% of games I played last year

I don't know what happened. When I was younger, I'd fucking finish and find some fun even with shitty games

bro, you would you like me to literally teach you how to torrent its really easy, easier than you remember



Not much. When you were kid how much money you managed to save or whatever you got as gifts mattered, while as adult you should be picky based on quality and taste. Problem is when you start buying everything simply because you now can.

i too wear the same shirt for 15 years

if he can only afford two games a year I don't think he has a PC that can even run games

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. We lost our religion, our culture, and even some languages have been lost. And what do we gain after industrialization has run its course over the landscape? Post-industrialized societies are characterized by an insane appetite for drugs, video games, and depraved hedonism. What did we gain really? Only the rich got even richer and they get to live in stable families.

you mean... (you)? I still play games, but i have way too many.

bro are you drunk?

>getting a new game as an adult
Why are you adults still playing video games? I thought everyone here was 13-18. What the fuck you guys.

It's more effort to play a game than to complain about it and hope it tortanics itself

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you're trolling and you know that

just today i sort all my games in alphabetical order

I think the problem is. As an adult you have more money to spend on video games (you get them cheap on sales) than time to play them

Consoooooooooom product baby

>as he posts from his PC covered in merchandise.

The truth is you were the consooooomer the entire time.

if you don't care about putting games on a shelf you can get many really cheap games on steam sales

Please teach me

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OK user muah hehe :3

more like:
>oh this game is only few bucks. might as well buy now and see if i wont forget about it

i need to find the motivation just to turn on the console and play, like it's a fucking job or something, what the fuck happened

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I..I want a kiss too!

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As a responsible adult your interests shouldnt be actually playing video games. If you like video games you could be more interested in discussions concerning plot lines, technical specs, mechanics, but actually picking up a controller and playing the game is for children.

Not to mention video games is just a form of escapism. It's the equivalent of telling a child a story before bed. Every second spent playing a video game is a second that could have went into your real life as far as other actually useful hobbies or cooking or sleeping

Theres just no point to playing video games once you're out of high school. Once you go to college you should be focused on yourself and your future, not trying to unlock the 100% completion for a game that wont be relevant in 2 years

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>tl;dr: discuss games without playing it.
You fucking buffon.

I have a game a zoomer/boomer/doomer alike will NEVER put on the shelf:




Nuff fucking said. Gaming redefined.

They came in a bundle.

You can always watch a streamer, read a review, or watch a speedrun. Theres no rule saying you had to play the game to know the game

i barely buy physical games anymore.

Adding one to a Steam game list placing a Humble bundle downloaded set-up files into a folder to forget it.

Cmon, you know what OP means.

None of these are alternatives to actually playing the game. Only exceptions are games like Life is Strange and some Telltale games. You only get a superficial understanding of the game by only watching a Let's play or reading a review.

Because videogames are a very limited source of entertainment and we were supposed to grow beyond them and find new sources of entertainment or at the very least use them as a supplementary source of entertainment but we all didn't because of autism. And due to that autism we just repetitively do the same thing we've done since childhood trying to catch a bit of what made us happy then not realizing we've grown since then and being a (even though minor) more complex person means we are no longer satisfied with the basic things that kept us happy when we were children.

You can only do the same shit for so long before it becomes boring. Eventually the hobby shifts from playing to collecting or some other tertiary vidya hobby like pc ricing.

If you buy games just because they're cheap or on sale and have no intention of playing those games on the spot you're cancer and should kill yourself.

I'm actually still the same in regards to playing. Also I went digital ages ago.

t. pseudo-intellectual
Why are you on this board?

Well your bad consumer habits drove the market to churn out shitty no risk vidja and you kept buying it. Pretty straightforward stuff.

Yes but as an adult you have more important things to do than sit and play a children's game. If you're still interested in video games as an adult it's best you find a good let's play or streamer and watch them over actually playing games. You wont get the behind the controller feel, but at least you can do something more responsible while you watch them waste their lives away

People spending more time complaining about games than playing them.

Ok! Muah!

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>talking about self improvement
>all this on Yas Forums
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

I will never put it on the shelf because I'm too busy masturbating to chuubas playing it and making lewd noises.

Whatever you say failed normalfag.

Very cute thread I needed this

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No one can be 100% productive all the time, Videogames are fun and let me relax. How I'm wasting my time?

>kid: free time
>adult: no free time
Dumb we-poster.

>responsible adult
>actually useful hobbies
Fool of a cuck

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Speak for yourself. I still open every single game I buy the day I buy it.

It's not that hard to understand when you thought about it.

>Be a kid
>At the mercy of your parents, or saving up allowance for new games
>Typically have fewer games, spend time with said games far more

>You can afford pretty much any game you have enough interest in
>You get far more games
>Don't actually have the time to play each and every one of them

Nah, fag.

Now you need to suck my unwashed futa cock.

>More games coming out by a bevy of corporate and indie developers
>Instant access through downloads
>Lack of innovation in the industry makes everything feel the same
>Free income and greater knowledge means you're free to access them all at any time
Freedom is free greatest prison

Videogames are the LEAST transferable set of skills you could ever have. Not to mention it also is a form of addiction. So by playing video games you're allowing yourself to get addicted to something that wont even help you in any other aspect of your life when you finally put the smut down. Find a real hobby to put time into

I forgot, theres literal man children in the man child board. My bad I apologize for that

Most people, including normalfags, won't bother with "self improvement" or "useful hobbies" once they get an stable job.

talking about the plot and game mechanics is part of the escapism

Bro, even watching your shitty netflix series or reading books is escapism

Ok this thread is going places

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Nah, there's worse. Watching movies is more of a waste and hones nothing, unlike vidya. Worse yet, you could be a music """critic""" instead of learning to play an instrument.


Nah white boy Im still having fun

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A. Why is the game case glowing?
B. Why is his left hand fucked up as a kid?
C. Why is he bending his new game case? that will destroy the disk inside.
D. That is not the face a kid makes when excited about a game. the artist needs to work on his facial expressions. That is clearly a Donkey kong trace.
E. Why is the kid saying his first statement, as a statement. "I have a new game." If he was a kid with that much expression, he'/d be screaming it with exclamation. Who the fuck just says "I have a new game." in the most deadpanned expression ever?
F. Why does he wear the same shirt for 20+ years? that's gross.
G. Why are his genesis cartridges on their sides? the labels are on the tops.
H.Why does adult him have no ass? Seriously. He has no ass.
I. Why are you still reading this?

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The most useful skill is charisma. If you don't have it you will never find a job, it doesn't matter how much you study or how talented you are in some field.
Life is a popularity contest.

I make it a point to finish every game I buy. These past two months have been tough. I got the free bioshock trilogy on psn and then I preordered re3 remake and ff7 before getting control and doom 2016, all the while playing the new ark dlc. I was able to beat all the bioshocks, control and doom but still working on ark as that's the game I play consistently. I really needed to get those games done before re3 and ff7 come out and I'm glad I did it.


KISS ME user! Muah!

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>he doesn't know he's actually the man child obsessed with growing up

>Ask why someone is on Yas Forums if they don't enjoy videogames
>Get called a manchild
My question still stands. What purpose do you have in coming here? Is it solely to "own the gamers" and correct people in what they should or shouldn't enjoy?

The vantapill is that you'd all feel better if you actually kissed each other, even though you're all obviously dudes

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Just order the game online and when they deliver it have them leave it on your door step and run the box through your decontamination system (while wearing your hazmat suit of course)

Let me guess, you are jelly because no one has kissed you ITT:

Well is a video game a toy then? Because you make it sound like it is.

Also nice to know that someone’s taking my word for it.

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I'd kiss a neckbeard if he was nice about it.
J-just on the cheek though. I'm not a slut.

Heerio Cheerio

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Also people don't die from shitting themselves to death anymore


I Think you have a serious missunderstanding on what hobbies are. I Agree that videogames don't really translate to real life skills, but you are saying like the only worthwhile benefit is a physical one, videogames help me relieve my stress, are entertaining, and let me have some excuse to talk to my friends sometimes, Mental benefities are just as important as physical ones, I exercise every once in a while, and while it's good for my health, I don't enjoy it at all.

Hobbies don't need to have physical benefits because they are things you do for FUN, when your mind isn't in the best place.

About the addiction thing, it's true, it happens, but the vast majority of gamers are just casuals, that play the newest FIFA or COD and maybe buy two games a year, the hardcore ones are the anons you find in this site, which is a fraction of all the gamers out there, and even a smaller fraction has some addiction.

Speak for yourself.

If you don't enjoy videogames anymore FIND A DIFFERENT HOBBY you fucking nerds. And stop posting on Yas Forums how much you hate everything.

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poor Yasuna. Sonia will kill her...

But WHY don’t I (or we) enjoy video games as much as I used to?

Because you're obsessed with always playing the newest games, which are made for stupid zoomers these days.

I think a lot of "gamers" are just in it for the culture.

Because you don't enjoy anything as much as you used to because your life sucks