What's the best Mana game?

What's the best Mana game?

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SD3 and then LoM

My wife's game obviously

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Your wife fucks THE CRIMSON WIZARD

Nah koren is an incel

Is the collection worth getting on sale if I’ve already played the remakes of 1/2

Delete this, my wife is pure and would never do such a thing

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Nah, I would say it's better if you save up for the ToM remake, unless you care about playing the original snes rom first

I've only played two of them so I dont know.

I bought the collection AND the remake
bitches please

Is Adventures of Mana worth playing?

Have you played the ROM hack versions that improve on the game? Or the randomizer? There is a discord channel and everything and the community is pretty active.

Google secret of mana ancient cave to find the randomizer and discord links.

Secret is my favourite of the series but this SD3 remake is looking pretty sweet.

Anybody else depressed for the last 20 years because the mana games sucked? Anybody else buy the PS2 game anticipating it to be something awesome and it was unplayable trash? How about the RTS game for the DS that seemed so out of place?

None of them. They all suck.

Legend of Mana, of course.

Nah user not a degenerate who is completely obsessed with a video game company's IP.

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>that fucking filter

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I love 2, but SD3 is objectively the best one. It's got great replayability, the variety in classes makes each run a lot of fun, and the scope and ambition on display is staggering to the point its hard to imagine its a SNES game. On top of that its got a killer presentation and the combat doesn't suck hot penis like 2 and its broken ass hit detection.

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My bad. You mentioned buying both collections so I assumed you were obsessed with the Mana games like me and many other people. You can see why I would be confused right?

I didn't buy the Secret of Mana remake because it looked like trash and ruined the OST. The improvement hacks online fix every issue the original game had and is what the remake should have been.

That's straight from zsnes emulator, no filter.

>combat in SD3 doesn't suck

After a couple hours it got annoying that I couldn't escape battles and that I couldn't run when enemies were on the screen. I'm liking the remake because you can run non stop.

I am not I responded to your
>Anybody else depressed
statement and felt the need to jerk your chain.

Hello there manaturds

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Don't forget about all those mobages shits that got canceled one by one too

It has been a pretty tough decade for the mana series, hopefully trials can bring some new hope for the franchise

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Angelafags on sucide watch


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Thank all the diehard fans that bought SoM Remake. It was clearly the greenlight to higher-ups to hire a bunch of young blood to develop ToM Remake applying their own personal passion (or none at all) while still following their necessary todo's per upper management.

Yeah I'm fucking boring and can't help, but look from a business perspective sometimes.

Oh, don't get me wrong - SD3s combat isn't perfect (I still have no idea why anybody at Square thought unavoidable full screen attacks belonged in something that sold itself as being an ARPG) and it isn't really very skillful - You don't have real reason to dodge as much as you just stand next to an enemy and trade blows with them.

With that said, there is a genuine flow to the combat in 3 since most of the underlying shit that supports it, like hit detection, is actually functional in it rather than the absolute crapshoot that is 2 (Which had the absolute gall to have you recharge your attack meter if you missed an attack)

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>There is a discord channel

Fuck off, tranny fuck.

SoC sold well despite having an atrocious soundtrack that doesn't do justice to the original game

The ToM one instead seems to be ok since most of the soundtrack has been data mined from the demo and it sounds good

>she smacks her ass during bonkle now

>LoM > 2 > 1(gba remake) = 3 >>>>>> DS/vita spinoffs.

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Agreed, I really need to check the designers/developers behind SoM Remake and compare to ToM because it would be very cool to see same-names appear showing they managed to stick around and shine a little furthermore.

I liked sword of mana as well and its the first mana game I actually played but they could have been a bit more creative with the weapons in that game. Looking back it was kinda neat that they took inspiration from SD3 class system.

Ah that makes more sense. I'm not actually depressed but it's just frustrating they keep giving us a little bit of hope and then it's a shit game. It would be like Nintendo releasing Mario Sunshine 2 or Mario Galaxy 3 and it's a card game. Kind of like the treatment Paper Mario got.

>not enjoying a randomizer
It's a lot more fun than it sounds. Randomizing the enemies and bosses is pretty entertaining.

>hit detection and charging issues
Yeah this pissed me off in Secret of Mana. The improvement patches/hacks kind of fix these issues with increased charging speeds and better hit detection.

>discords are for trannies
It's pretty cool being able to tell the creator of the hack what you want him to put in and he does it. Hot keys for spell casting and swapping weapons is pretty slick.

I'm with randomizer's are a pretty cool way to revisit a title you had some sincere fond memories with.

t. enjoys DWI Randomizer who doesn't try to speedrun it or anything

God I wish Trials of Mana didn't have just three save slots. I'm in the middle of a Duran/Kevin/Angela run and I just started a Hawkeye/Charlotte/Duran run.

It's cool that trails is getting a proper remake but like half the appeal of the original was the gorgeous sprite work. A 3D remake seems like it would loose a lot of what made it special, especially a 7th gen quality 3D remake

I refuse to believe Secret can actually be completed. After you gather all the spirits the game is just brick wall after brick wall. Sunken continent? Fuck you grind for six hours. Floating mana island? Fuck you another six hour grind.

idk, I'm liking SD3 so far but the battle definitely feels bleh to me. Also why do enemies have a lag before they die

its because of the weird way the game queues up actions. You might also have experienced the enemy casting a spell and then immediately dying.

Forums are dead and often when you go to a place now you'll get "join our discord to get the download"

Move on dude

Yes mostly I'm seeing Angela wreck a screen of enemies, and then the enemies still sometimes trying to hit me before realizing "oh wait I'm dead"

unironically one of the discords for the improvement hack has reverted back to the forums. I am still part of the discord but every post for the last year has been "XX has joined the server. XX says -where is everybody?"

It is a convenient way to stay in touch with different communities though.

>Ethics department say kids wagging asses is fine.


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I completed it many times as a kid and NEVER had to grind.

Grow up.

i just finished secret of mana for the first time of my life today, and i had a blast, it's such a great game with a good ost.

Git gud. Wall Face did have a bullshit hit box though.

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Nice. I'm not even sure I would enjoy playing it solo myself these days. Not because its a bad game or anything, but because I know it all by heart and the actual gameplay is not that engaging.
It's not even that difficult. Just avoid the enemies you don't want to kill.


Post more snifs

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In this case the filter is always turned on, can't you see?

This one right here.

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>Heroes of Mana
Does a lot of setting up the main six from SD3, but it sure was an RTS and sucked, although the OST had good bangers

Dafuq does a randomizer hit?

Buy and use items


jesus christ just level up your magic user

Is this any good? Asking about both the remake itself and Adventure.

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The setup music from heroes of mana is the best music of that game, gets you hyped.

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play sword on gba instead.

I'm not gonna play shit on gba I don't have a gameboy since like 2005 and I've always disliked how gameboy games felt.