Whats the worst graphical effect?

Whats the worst graphical effect?

Attached: BLUENIGGAS.jpg (1999x1199, 468.81K)

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Motion Blur or visual noise

motion blur

I don't get it.

motion blur, chromatic aberration, lens flare, overused bloom
in that order

Chromatic aberration

covering the screen in jelly when you get shot in fpses


depth of field,i can see miles away irl,why is this a thing in games?

>why is this a thing in games
Hide LOD tricks.

dof, lens flare and fucking mortion blur are terrible

it's definitely motion blur

Attached: WHAT THE FUUUUUUU.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)

Motion blur most of the time but ive also played games with bloom so intense it straight up blinds you.

motion blur, film grain, chromatic aberration, de/over-saturating colors, and lens flares should all fuck off.
All those effects are byproducts of cameras, computers don't need to emulate them because they can render a perfectly clean image.

Attached: 1492018119776.webm (852x480, 2.63M)

don't they give you the option to turn it off on consoles?

Motion blur, chromatic aberration and film grain. The Unholy Trinity.

Not sure it counts, but screen shake to simulate quakes and explosions. They are always overdone and annoying as fuck.

oh hey, wtf was the name of this show i was watching it and totally forgot it existed midway through season 2

The 2.4:1 aspect ratio in The Order 1886 is the worst I can think of.
Seriously who the fuck thought that was an okay thing to do?

Are you retarded or half ass baiting?

Too much head-bob in FPS games. Makes me feel ill.

Attached: cake machine.webm (480x270, 2.98M)

Especially annoying in Battlefield Bad Company 2, 3, and 4

This is the type of thing that filters out the genetic dead ends though, if you can't handle motion then kill yourself

Nothing is worse than motion blur. It looks horrendous and even causes people physical pain: headaches from eye strain, nausea from motion sickness, etc. No other graphical effect is on that level. Motion blur is in a league of shit all its own.

thankfully you will never have children

iirc there was a extreme graphics mod for crysis that made it pretty much unplayable because it introduced insane headbob

S.H.I.T.T.E.R has terrible head bob though.

I have yet to play an FPS where it couldn't be turned off completely.

You don't understand cameras, it makes sense for a cinematic feel. And before you ree about muh cinematic games, obviously they aren't for you.

Attached: b539ae_7299528.jpg (1920x1080, 677.01K)

>We can't maintain 30fps. What do we do?
>Well, just cut the render resolution and stick black bars on the top and bottom. It'll look "cinematic".
Same bullshit Dragon's Dogma pulled and even then that game was struggling to maintain 25fps, much less 30fps.

post evidence of natural BLUE sunshine you absolute retard. Color blindness is not an excuse for being retarded, either.

>i am a boomer with boomer eyes
Nobody cares about this game anymore

Most games today do allow this option

Chromatic aberration, and motion blur that isn't per-object. CA is supposed to be a defect on the camera, not a special effect, for fuck's sake. it looks like you're tripping on acid.

ESL here, what is head bob?

Nothing wrong with ambient occlusion, fag. The only other way to achieve self-shadowing is with full-on raytracing. Enjoy your silky smooth 3 FPS.


Games with no shaders have more soul

>CA could work in some situations but fuckers can't control themselves and overdid it

Attached: 1407798684351.png (848x900, 1017.49K)

Is when your head bounces up and down.

when you're in a FPS game and the camera shakes up and down as your character runs.

Attached: Christina Hendricks1.webm (848x480, 538.99K)

It's OBJECTIVELY ugly as fuck.
No shadows are preferable to trash, always.

Ambient occlusion and self-shadowing are two different things. We had self-shadowing long before we had ambient occlusion.

ZRP lowers headbob significantly by default.

>chromatic aberration
I can deal with other shit like bloom and blur but this legit gives me headaches

Attached: color grading.jpg (1920x1600, 1.72M)

Wow the star wars movies look cheap. I mean what the fuck is the black guy even wearing?

you can decrease it via console commands
but yeah, it really does

It looks like average star wars shit to me. Are you feeling well?

it slightly sways the camera left and right to simulate movement

Replace film grain with depth of view.

Color correction, chromatic aberration, motion blur, lens flare.

Ah, forgot film grain, vignettes, bloom, HDR, ray tracing, most forms of anti-aliasing, depth of field, screen shaking, filters of any kind.

depth of field

"bobbing" is an upward and downward motion - imagine an object floating on the ocean, you would refer to the way it moves in time with the waves as "bobbing up and down".

"head bob" in videogames is applying that concept to the way the human head reacts to the rest of the body moving. If you watch someone walk, jump and run you'll see their head "bobs" up and down.

Motion blur is only good to add sense of speed. Mafia III and GTA 4 did this well. They used it only when you were driving real fast. The actual speed wasn't that high, because assets wouldn't load fast enough.

>ray tracing
Why is this bad?

It also introduced retarded "realistic" graphics that simply turned natural shadows to total void and motionblur to the other dimension.
If you think of the same video as I do.

anime artstyle

Yes but devs nowayday thing if they put every fucking possible effect that looks good(debatable) on still imagine into a moving image it will still look good. it fucking doesn't. I hate DoF with passion. It's such retarded concept. Just because cameras have this limitation that makes the DoF effect to appear doesn't matter everyone goes blind the moment they focus on one object. Oh I made this wonderful scenery, now imma blur the shit out of it.

just seeing the thumbnail gave me motion sickness from the memory

depth of field is one that i actually like if implemented well but i usually turn off because it isn't.

Got it in one. Sometimes I turn off depth of field too.

Probably motion blur since it lowers your framerate to simulate a higher frame rate.

Movie bluefilter AKA the worst thing ever.

>Just because cameras have this limitation
Uh, your eyes have the same limitation, champ. You too can only focus your eyes to specific distances at a time.

i hate film grain but it was fun watching my dumbass friend fuck with the settings on his $3,000 bravia for weeks because he couldn't understand why mass effect looked like such shit compared to on my tv.

I appreciate this webm.

>game auto detects my specs
>sets everything to high
>runs like poo
>turn off most of these gay ass effects like motion blur and chromatic faggotry
>runs like a charm

Attached: HD remasters.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

Why is nobody talking about TAA(Temporal Anti Aliasing), worst thing that has ever existed, blurrier than FXAA and smeary, not to mention that SMAA is literally better.

It's great knowing it's possible to find a survivor from those days.

Attached: foilage crysis.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>Bloom : on
>Chromatic aberration : on
>Vignette : on
>Motion blur : max
>Film grain : on
>Visual noise : on
>Vsync : on (quadruple buffered)
>Anti-aliasing : TAA + FXAA
>Sharpening : max
>Depth of field : max (bokeh)
>Dirty lens : on
>Frame limit : 25
>FoV : 60
>Headbobbing : max
>Nvidia physx : high
>Nvidia hairworks : high
>RTX : high
>Resolution : 800x600

Attached: 8412430675123548.jpg (1068x601, 56.31K)

I might not be able to spend $3,000 on a TV, but after seeing a dumbass like that I'd feel so much better about myself, and I wouldn't mind it as much. Hell, it made me feel good after reading that, thanks user.

Difference is that the brain filters out blue and extrapolates colors and silhouettes from blured visuals. Cameras don't do this.

Have you heard of deferred rendering and forward rendering?

>extreme immersive
i guess if you're trying to simulate the experience of a jenkem-crazed african getting gunned down by rhodesian light infantry...

Attached: sheeeeit.png (1024x776, 80.34K)

screen-space reflections is nearly always awful

i'd do literally anything for an rtx update to mirror's edge catalyst

Yes, i know MSAA is the best, but for trash deferred SMAA is the best.

Film Grain really helps with photorealism though, and is usually pretty subtle.

Time to upgrade, tubby.


SMAA doesn't work well on modern games, there's shimmering out the ass on pretty much everything.

that's exactly why i never told him about it

>>Anti-aliasing : TAA + FXAA

Attached: charpunch.gif (498x373, 1.68M)

I will, when they start making good games again.

and still doesn't eliminates jaggies on them either

idk what it's called but the change in color that occures when going from the depths to blighttown in Dark Souls

Plenty of good games still being released, maybe you were never that much into video games.

>Difference is that the brain filters out blue and extrapolates colors and silhouettes from blured visuals
It does no such thing. It's very easy to test this for yourself right now. Stand a few feet away from your screen. Hold your finger right front of your face and focus on it. The screen behind the finger will be a blurry mess and your brain can't do shit about that.

You now remember crysis 2

Such as?
RE3/Doom and what else is coming to pee cee that can take advantage of good hardware?

They not only have on option to turn it off, but you can just turn it down too, from 1 to 10. It looks a lot better in motion than in cherry-picked screenshots as well, but that wouldn't give you guys something to get unnecessarily upset about.

Crysis 2 was still really impressive with the DX11 patch.

Is this that movie that came out of "What's in the box"?