Zooms love color vomit in every single game

>zooms love color vomit in every single game
>we’ll never get gritty realism ever again

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based, I honestly liked my brown shooters

that wasn't "zoomy shit" back then?
even the first bayonetta had it

I hated the 7th gen because of the shit and piss color palette (well that and the 17fps and screen tearing).

Just go and buy an x360 and shut up, there’s enough “muh gritti” games to last you a lifetime.

>Yas Forums now defends BROWN AND BLOOM

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OP in five years
>fuck zoomers loving the _____ trend in every game
>we'll never have colorful games again

I often keep forgetting that the brown and bloom cancer was more than ten years ago.

colors in real life don't look like that
on an unrelated note, are there any shooters that aren't something like rainbow six or swat that have non-combatants?
why are devs so scared of having civvies in a game, all of the "realistic" shooters feel weird when you are in an urban environment but it's deserted except you and the opposing forces

>colors BAD
I fucking hate this board so much

It wasn’t. Zooms werent born yet.

The problem is every game is on the same trend bandwagons at the same time. We're currently in the color vomit era.

>fucking ww2 fps games everywhere I can't stand this shit, lazy ass devs do something new
>fucking future fps games everywhere I can't stand this shit, lazy ass devs should have never stopped making ww2 games
>repeat with color pallette or whatever else faggots get their panties in a twist over
OP is and will always be a nigger

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Realistic color correction > clown makeup vomit > brown and bloom '''realism'''

>actually having color means it’s “color vomit” now
I’ll bet that OP is a contrarian zoomer that grew up with CoD

Anons on here claim the new Doom game is too colorful, so I think half of the ones complaining are genuinely retarded.

Try medal of honor 2010. Pretty fucking nderrated game

same, the problem is zoomies who are nostalgic for the brown and yellow of the x360 which was their first console, some user called it years ago that one day zoomies would be nostalgic for brown and yellow games, and well here we are

>calling colors zoomer while defending the brown bloom era

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the single player is bad and the multiplayer is literally a worse cod copy

>color vomit GOOD

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Thank god

I like Color vomit, it takes me back to the dos era

Vibrancy in games isn't zoom. Gritty fps looked like shit at the time and it still looks like shit now. The only people who like the aesthetic are the zoomers who played Cod back in 2011.

>Thank god

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You fucks really don't think for yourself and just jump on the contrarian bandwagon huh?

this, what the fuck went wrong

>ITT zoomers shitting on each other
Nothing to see, folks.

>pretending brown and bloom wasn't the most widely-mocked shit on this site back when it was at its peak
fuck off false flagger

Remember when Halo was known as babby's first fps game and would be laughed off this board? Times have changed so much that newfags even call this into question.

>some user called it years ago that one day zoomies would be nostalgic for brown and yellow games, and well here we are
Literally nobody said that. Zoomies didnt even exist in 2011 and realistic stylized color palletts will always look better than color vomit of reds and pinks we see today.

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I just wanted green and warm colors bro, i never wanted it to be like this

> Zoomies didnt even exist in 2011
user, it's a term used for underage retards. Underage faggots like yourself have always been a thing here.

And thank fuck for that

>zoomie calling me underage
Fuck off

>Nostalgic for brown n' bloom
Fuck off millennial tranny

>defends brown n bloom
>calls others underage
zoom on little zoomer

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Dumb nigger

piss & shit

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>it's a term used for underage retards.
Fuck off zoomer

Why is the color vomit as purples and pinks anyway?

Fuck brown and bloom. But also fuck aesthetically blind high contrast colors haphazardly thrown all around your screen with no regard for immersion or artistic sense.

Cool it with the racism. People of all colors browse Yas Forums and that's ok

No need to samefag, OP

piss & shit

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Point out the excessive use of bloom on OP picture.

At least the first Resistance game was fun despite looking like shit.

zoomers are all 15-22, what are you talking about?

piss & shit

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Point out the excessive dick sucking of OP

point out where they were talking about the picture and not the trend in the industry at the time
keep squirming OP you cowardly faggot

I think we get sick of any over-saturation

Not every game needs to have the same color scheme, make some games colorful and others not, depending on the type of game you're trying to make.

The problem here is money, people don't make games based on their own passion, they make them based on trends and what will sell. That's the problem with the world, nothing with actual soul gets made because everyone is simply trying to chase the dollar

piss & shit

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piss & shit

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If you like or defend brown and bloom, you're a fucking faggot retard.

piss & shit

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Maybe, but this is clearly a thread for brown and yellow people.

you've got to be fucking kidding me

The OP mentioned gritty, not brown and bloom.

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And the replies were referencing the trend in games, If you were alive back then you would be well aware of that. pay attention faggot OP.

That's a lot of projecting.

Read the replies, they specifically said that. This isn't hard OP.

user, this is what zoomers say when they want to pretend they're not zoomers

Literally only one reply before "defending it" and was directly quoting the OP, retardo.

op is a zoomer confirmed

Both are referencing the trend. You would understand this if you weren't retarded OP.


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>Both are referencing the trend.
Uncalled for from OP, so now point out the excessive use of bloom from OP pic that made them recall that.

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>Uncalled for from OP
What does that have to do with it? Other posters correctly identify it as part of that trend. Cry more OP.

Anyone who prefers the left side is braindead
BF4 removed the stupid filter and as a result looks much better

We have either brown shit or tang commercial, there's no happy middle ground.

We even have unironic Naruto threads on Yas Forums now, all the things we used to consider shit and "babby's first" are now being praised by zoomers on Yas Forums

Alright, I understand.
Games simply can't have realistic art direction, otherwise they're brown and bloom.
The only alternative we can have is F*rtnite colors, I got you.