Holy shit ARMS Online is insanely active

Holy shit ARMS Online is insanely active.

Attached: Arms.jpg (176x286, 23.03K)

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Is this a good opportunity to stomp on noobs and improve my rank?

>make game temporarily f2p
>day after f2p trial begins

Yes. I was doing it yesterday lol

I wonder why? It's almost like people will play a game if they know it exists.

Attached: 1583325465710.jpg (2700x2682, 1.8M)

I sold this game, I thought I didn't care about it anymore
The female characters in it are cute tho to say the least

This but unironically. That's me in that image. As you can see I'm very excited to play video games after a long day of fucking your mom and stealing your girlfriend

Yes, I'm sure all the smash kids are pretending to be lifelong fans of this new addition.

I'm excited to pick it up again. I fell off of it before the dlc finished. It's good, but don't play with motion controls. They are more free but prone to mistakes. Gamepad is much safer.

Back when I tried it out I really didn't like the motion controls and didn't get into it, but I apparently missed the non-motion control setting entirely.

hows the drought treatin ya snoy?

>t-the game is only about punching and throwing!!
and parrying and wide grabbing and dashing and super activation parrying and punch sliding and hit confirming and arms clipping


>It's good, but don't play with motion controls.

They really that bad? I remember anons saying that it was the best way to play since it let you curve your punches.

They're equally competitive. I play exclusively motion. Curving is certainly better, but for me it's mostly that it helps to be able to really burn all the tension as physical energy

any good videos of competition matches?

>keep throwing grabs too early during their wake up, and it just clips right through them

Attached: 1560322255765.png (347x295, 49.49K)

Jap EVO has some great matches

Last I played I was ranked 16 with Lola pop. Is sidestep man still tearing up the 20+ ranks?

how do i even use min mins dash reflect? she jumps too high and its so hard to time

Most of the stuff out is out of date but its a good place to start

go in training and learn how to move

You can do it on the ground, too


Min Min better be the Arms character in smash.

Attached: min min.jpg (1280x720, 91.09K)

Ranked waits are still rough at higher levels. I thought there would be more players but everyone is still shit at this game

what are some good controller configs?
i wanna change block from L stick to B or some shit

30 seconds

Honestly the best parts of the single player are the special cutscenes that play like when Dr. Coyle comes and clobbers Max Brass
If ARMS 2 had more of that, it'd be an amazing game

>cutscenes are what make good games
The state of Yas Forums right now

Who is side step man?

What's your point?

user stop I'm embarrassed for you

Is Robo springboy any good? He looks cool.

That goes for any fighting game

Why should I care about that though?

Spring tron is pretty damn good but looking for an opportunity to burst is hard

Playing SFV right now, going to dust of ARMS later today. If I open a lobby for 1v1 comp rules, would ya'll join?

If you know how to use him. The speed boost he gets after an emp is borderline broken but it's hard to pull off in high level matches. In low level matches he destroys all the shitters

You're dumb if you think anyone other than The Commish himself is getting in to smash

Attached: Max-Brass-trailer.jpg (750x400, 76.24K)

Sure. I'll wreck some of you guys

What's your rank?

I completely agree
Honestly, the animation quality on the victory animations and throws and such are so good that I really wish they'd put in a mid-sized adventure campaign.
They don't make games good but they can add some extra context that helps players who don't care as much about intrinsic reward get more invested into a game to stick with the learning curve.
I would also love it if ARMS2 introduced some new mechanics, particularly more options for every character offensively and defensively

Why does he flex his belt arms? There's nothing under the belts, it's hollow. What is he flexing?

Oh please. Cutscenes wouldnt have helped bad players at all. Just admit you want an Arms movie. I do too. That would be cool

They're not equally competitive, there are way more rank 20 with the pro controller. In fact I only remember one rank 20 with motion control who was a Twintelle main streaming on Twitch

15, it's been over a year since I last played though

The springy belts have muscles inside of them

It's been active since release, man. I've always found matches. However, since it's free for a while my noob stomping has increased 10x.

because he can and it looks cool
If you had belt arms you would flew them as well

There's a considerable skill gap between rank 15 and 18 and then another gap to rank 20, good luck user, I lost my save haha

It's honestly making me a worse player playing against so many noobs.

Is there a tier list? I like snake dude, mummy dude and the cop n dog.

The only tier lists that matter are those for arms and even then lists are always really subjective. The triblast is almost universally considered one of the best arms in the game though

Snake dude was S tier back then, mummy and cop bottom tier

Oh fuck I just realized they're bringing back golden hedlock for the party crash reruns. Get hype

Haven't tried it yet but I like Master Mummy and Twintelle in Casual

This game is shit for faggots. It died because it was garbage and now you retards are lapping it up because “muh smash” Kys.

Stop baiting

I’m not baiting! Look at it! Just fucking look at it! There are so many fighting games out there and you’re really going to tell me ARMS holds a candle to any of them? I swear most of you don’t even like games you’re just members of the Nintendo cult. You make me want to sell my switch.

After a few matches I'm really not feeling this game. Really wish characters had a few more options in a match to make it all a bit more varied. I like simple neutral focused games like GBVS and SamSho but even they do a good job at giving a lot of unique tools. Along with the general fighting game systems being present. Here it feels like poke, dodge, poke, dodge. Feels like it lacks those basic stages in a match, no push for you to get a few turns on them, a chance to style if you guess right and then back to neutral.

Also I really don't like the more cluttered stages. Weird shapes are fine but I don't think using cover to either turtle or fuck up punishes is a good idea. Also fuck unlocking arms


Have sex

Because you're not pushing. As soon as you get a knockdown, get close and go for the mixups. I've had people guess wrong 4 times in a row and I just win