Who’s your favorite female vidya character Yas Forums?

who’s your favorite female vidya character Yas Forums?

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For me, it's Ricotta Beldine

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None, I hate women

I've got more than one but I'm gonna post Jill because I like her

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1. Samus
2. Midna
3. Newt
4. Aqua
5. Magilou

You have dangerously good taste

weeb shit so far


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Thanks bro. I also like this snake with large breasts.

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I want to lick sweat off her abs.

She's an inspiration!

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Best girl of all best girls to ever have best girled and if you disagree, it's just because you haven't played Stella Glow.

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>have fit asian gf
>sends me sweaty post workout pictures of her chest and tummy in a sports bra

i love em all man, im the fucking simp king and i want to give pretty flowers to all the pretty girls in the world 2d and 3d

Fuck off

White Bea is great.

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Female or female? (male)

black bea too

Post more

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My wife

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based brocel

FE's best girl

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who is this cheesy cum cruncher


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Based and bluepilled.

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Classy. Sassy. Old school hot. Female character that is actually female, not male with woman skin. Made during times when goal was to make interesting, iconic and memorable characters instead of pushing some shitty flavour of the month fucking agenda. Sigh.

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To fap to: Chin Li

Outside fapping: Bayonetta

Bea's pretty good, but only because she looks similar to the actual best vidya girl

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Good joke, but Youmu is shit.

I hate all women except my mom

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absolutely yes lol, it comes down to personal preference but black bea & nessa is best bea & nessa

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not even ironically funny

The female character that I want to fuck the most is Isabella Valentine, yes.

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good choice

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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>cucks you in canon
oh no no no

My beautiful wife Tracer

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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Does anyone else feel like there's something missing from this thread?

white rurina looks like she was skin bleaching. dark skin rurina is better

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I had a dream about her last night.

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Sheva. She's visibly short, hot as fuck, has an incredibly sexy voice, and is just generally extremely feminine while remaining badass in her own right.

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Need fit gf.

Johanna dark > kate

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NTR is never good. How she stole MC from Risette is awful! She deserved her childhood friend as husband, not Hilda!

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I like Alyx because she's nice and she actually cares about the player.

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>nice personality
>unique design
>two hot forms
>good character development
>her laugh

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She's one of my favourites. Literally has one word for dialogue but I still love her

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That black bra poking.

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Only if she's Grima. I don't even play FEH but FRobin is alright if she acts like a world ending force of nature.


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my wife aqua

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