Who is right, Yas Forums?
Who is right, Yas Forums?
Is that really a question?
>we don't use the word fun
Good for you, but I think I'll be the judge of whether or not I'm enjoying myself playing your game.
You should update that picture and edit Horizon out. And soon God of Snoy too.
But you know who's wrong?
You for thinking these two people are talking about the same thing. Reggie is talking about immediate gameplay and Druckmann is talking more about the feel, fit, and finish of the game and how it resonates with the player. Druckmann's game can still be 'fun' in the way Reggie is talking about, and TLoU multiplayer was fun as hell.
Nintendo is vastly superior to Microsoft any day of the week/year/century
Nintendo has 12 of the 15 best selling games of all time. Sony doesn’t even make the top 50
videogame "stories" are sub movie levels
if you want a good story read a book
The one that makes good games...__Sony__
Not every game need to be “fun”. Horor games aren’t “fun”, but they’re still fun. You get me
As a ps4 owner i can safely say that nintendo are the last greats of the industry. Once they go the route of dyked up 3rd person narrative driven "game" its all over
>is good because a lot of people played it
then i bet justin bieber music is good or marvel movies are masterpiece
Autistic homo makes the same thread for the 1000th time
name 5 on ps4
Nintendo games are exclusive, people buy consoles for them. Everything else was a multiplatform title. Cope more
couldn't you use this argument for ps4 sales?
Nintendo ofc
>Lists movies in comparison to games
Like puppetry
you can have both. I don't all games to be all about imediate fun, and i don't want all games to be all about having a deep underlying political message.
The company with the money printer
schrodinger's fun
God of War
Ratchet and Clank
Wipeout HD collection
I can also shit on my next steak. Having both isn't an absolute good you turd.
Yes user. Why you wouldn’t? Or you think will defend everything that Sony does due to royal brand? Well maybe
That’s one of the few pro that the nintendo fanbase have: at least they aren’t black
>food analogy
I'm saying you can shit in the toliet in one game and be able to eat your steak in another, not to mix the two.
True, but i don’t care how good the exclusives of a game are if they are like only 3 exclusives. At least with PS4 i can also play multiplataform
one of those companies makes pretty solid games
the other one makes dime a dozen movies that only get praise because they're on a PS4 disc instead of a regular blu-ray
also i don't see anything inherently wrong with sometimes having a game meant to be fun also having the plot and mesaage to be political?
>God of War
>Ratchet and Clank
>Wipeout HD collection
I'm 75% of the way to Reggie but I need some sort of conflict and reason to do things. I like strategy games and city builders.
political messages are nearly always trash considering the left wing faggotry that dominates the industry
ND gave in and have gone to the dark path, the gameplay path.
And yet we have the same experience
>those snow physics
what dreamcast game is this?
That looks shit. Is this an example of exciting gameplay?
well i'm a left wing faggot and i like it. I don't really know any games that's entire message is JUST to be more progressive, even so I don't see anything wrong with that.
am I supposed to be impressed with the way that snow moves? it looks so fucking fake and incongruous with her dumb looking jump.
and you know, that wouldn't be a problem if it was just a regular ass game. but they want muh realism, muh feels, muh immersions. you can't have janky animations when that's what you're so goddamn fixated on.
Hey, be considerate to Snoys, this will be the first time they'll experience the joys of having your input matter.
That's fromsoft
>well i'm a left wing faggot and i like it
>left wing degenerate faggot is also a sony fanboy
imagine muh shawk
>I don't really know any games that's entire message is JUST to be more progressive
detroit become human and hzd fall into this category, more eco shit in the latter and muh human rights in the first
Also its not exclusive but outer worlds
It's fun to run from monsters and fight them, as long as i am safe in real life. That's what makes them fun.
bump :^)
There's a monster under your bed right now user.
Nintendo duh
Didnt Nintendo remove gender from pokemon ?
I play pc and switch lol. detriot become human is a game about a race of android slaves right? Is being anti-slavery really a partison left and right issue? I don't know much about horizon zero dawn or outer worlds, besides maybe outer worlds being anti-corporation. I don't see anything wrong with having some games having an anti-corporation or an ANTI-SLAVERY bent, or even a game that is truly pushing progressive issues. I recognize it's not for everyone but i think games as an art form should be able to push more meaningful messaging than just being a fun game for the whole family. as i said maybe not every game has to be that way, we could just have some games be more political and some be more for fun.
This is a good reply right here.
if you like to be treated like a kid then go for nintendo
if you want a good story then go for playstation
Of course Druckmann is speaking about how the game resonate. No one is expecting a TPS on playstation to have a fun gameplay.
It looks like Rise Of The Tomb Raider. And that game has way better snow effects.
>Playstation: sells tens of millions consoles, household name
>Nintendo: Switch is fucking dead, literally who
Now Nintendo's an entire game generation behind, they're fucked for the near future. I can't wait for the seethe once they sell the Zelda and Mario IPs to Sony.
>justin bieber
I hope you've realized how out of touch you are with the youth already. You're the old man now.
pc or playstation? lol
Someone people find sony's way fun though. Not me personally but obviously it has its audience
Druckmann is right and you know it, that's why Yas Forums can't stop seething about what he said. If it was just some dumb comment you'd let it go, but Yas Forums clings to it because the truth hurts.
>Who is right, Yas Forums?
after the Sony CEO change and the PC ports I decided to go full PC+nintendo. that said Neil and TLOU 2 is the only reason I still keep my PS4. The original game was brutal as fuck.