Why are video games so fucking bad now

Why are video games so fucking bad now

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no one has an answer huh

most companies just want easy money
they don't care about making good games anymore

You grew old.


They were always bad.
It just took until now for you to see it.

There hasn't been a game like Metal Gear Solid 2 since it released

Video games used to be made by passionate turbonerds. Now they're made by corporations who answer to shareholders.

because companies prefer to invest on shitty gimmicks like vr

Play indies

>two good games come out in the space of one weekend

Learn to live.

cazzies an sjw

Doom Eternal is filled with tutorials and linear levels
Animal Crossing is shit

Bing bing 1up wahoo fps with overly saturated colors and a game i can't play because i don't like VR games. Woah!
>learn to live
go back

That game sucked shit


>No More Heroes 1 (and somewhat 2)
>Spec Ops: The Line
>actually unironically YIIK
>Mother 3
>LISA the Painful/Joyful
Postmodernism has been in games for a while, and you can't introduce self-examination of a medium twice, unless you like post-postmodernism. No one's made a postmodern game where you can sit in a stream of piss and complain about the smell, though: MGS2 hasn't been beat there.

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>Metro Exodus
>Doom: Eternal
>Surviving Mars
>Half Life: Alyx
>Black Mesa

These are all some of the best games of all time that have released in the past 2 years

pumping out games quickly removes time for innovative ideas

ok number 1 don't talk about fucking postmodernism with me, I studied postmodernism in University and am an art major making 90k a year professionally.
number 2, MGS2 is not good because it's postmodern, it's good because it's a fucking incredible video game in all except variety of environments.

The people making video games now grew up on video games.

Same problem afflicting movies and media.

Everything is just derivative of each other that nothing is worth noting or have any intrinsic meaning.

because normalfags are the majority of buyers for games nowadays, but they dont actually like videogames. Normalfags like movies and feeling special, which leads to most of the trends ruining videogames nowadays. Like ultrarealism, weak characters they can identify with, politics, drama, shit music like "rap",etc. They dont like things that are too difficult, or too hard to understand, or things that dont run in "4k", or things without dialogue every 2 seconds, or "emotional" shit like that faggotry in the new god of war game. The nightmare never ends

Every few years there's a stylistic shift. I still like some genres, some I don't like anymore. The biggest victim has been the FPS I think.

I haven't played many of the modern RTS. But if you can recommend one with base building please do. They're having an indie resurgence over the last 5 years, I've noticed.

Also this.

This is without a doubt the most teenage thing I've ever read. Even moreso than a John Green novel.

>wasted time studying something as stupid as postmodernism when you could've been part of it instead
fucking gay

He's right though, I mean the reason normalfags like rap is because normal music requires too much thought. They'd rather just read the elementary vocabulary words along with the song

I think they're pretty nifty.

the only answer. if identity politics and puritanical leftism had stayed at the looney bins, we'd all be better off.

>normal people don't like normal music
I wonder how do you double digit IQ folks function in the world.

I like rap music and movies, significantly more than I like videogames, and the last thing I'd want in my videogames is s storyline.

Normal music with actual pitch. You know, that's existed since the beginning of time.

SquareSoft died in 2003
Nintendo didn’t buy Sega in 2001
Microsoft started making consoles
Ps2 releases with a DVD player

sounds like you a normalfag user

Yes I am. I actually free up to be a functioning member of society unlike some of the halfwits here.

These are fucking on point

too many women and gays working on it

>functioning member of society
Fucking leftist extremist.
Why can't you just be normal, like all the useless niggers?

Actually, it's not enough gays.
Gays were the only thing that kept vidya writing from turning into kike kitsch it is now.

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play indie games.
you're welcome.

Because leftoid insertism.

They aren't though. Good games are still being made.

yiik is not postmodern at all
its a fucking trash fire and seeing people unironically put it in the same tier as no more heroes, mother 3, and killer7 is actually making me never come back to Yas Forums again

Innovation is a meme.

if you like a thing you want more of it, not entirely something different.

Releasing games quickly, especially caring about muh graphics damages but not because of lack of innovation.

It causes a lack of overall quality and content (that may or may not be added in later - often at another cost even though it should've been covered by the upfront cost because it shouldn't have been released without it).

Fuck deadlines and fuck anyone listening to them. Devs included even though brainlets like to pretend otherwise. A good dev would not release low quality shit no matter who told them to do it.

You don't get better shit by bowing to retards who don't care so there is zero pity to be had for people without the spine to stand up to imbeciles who don't know better.

Another problem being investors too. Small companies sure but there should be a limit. If a billion dollar company needs someone who isn't even an actual customer to help them - if they can't stand on their own goddamned two feet, then maybe they shouldn't exist anymore. And by maybe I mean it definitely shouldn't.

If a billion dollar company would fold without money from random people who don't give a shit about making infinite money regardless of quality of the product then so be it.

>play indie games.
You might as well consider suicide

Here's the ultimate redpill, Yas Forums.

Not only do video games suck now, but they always sucked. All the supposed "best" video games are mediocre at best. Deus Ex, Planescape, Dark Souls, they're all mediocre.

Go get a real hobby. You can thank me later.

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I don't want 2D art style bullshit

Wrong, I'd argue they are at their best. Disregarding some key old classics from 90s and 2000s, the best games I've ever played have almost all been from the past 10 years.

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Do you have any idea what indie even means

Every played Original Sin 2? That's an indie game, retard.

Because Resetera, as they say, always wins bay bay. Just once I want them to lose

In the past decade, we got:
>Dragon's Dogma
>Both Nier Games
>Persona 4 Golden and 5 and 5 Royale
>Witcher 3
>Dark Souls
>The Last of Us
>Uncharted 3 and 4
>Arkham City and Arkham Knight
>both Red Dead Redemption games
>Breath of the Wild
>The entire Xenoblade franchise
>Mario Odyssey
>The entire Splatoon franchise
>Smash Ultimate
>the entire comeback of the Fire Emblem franchise, culminating with Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Monster Hunter becoming a known gaming icon with every game since 3 ultimate releasing within this past decade
>Hollow Knight

There's more, but I've think I've made my point. Despite the 2010s producing some of the absolute worst trends in the gaming industry and seeing the downfall of once great devs like Bioware, it has managed to produce a large number of some of the greatest games ever made.

i was playing gitaroo man and we katamari yesterday and i was asking myself the whole time "where has the soul gone in video games?"

Nier & AC are the only good games there

No, you really, really don't. What would you do without the boogyman to blame your misery on?

You grew up.

>lack of innovation
>repeating the same game, but adding a sequel on it *coughdoometernal*
>it no longer takes a few dozen people to create a game, now you need hundreds if not thousands of people to make one game
>shareholders want more profit year by year without taking into account the innevitable plateau
>microtransactions to avoid that plateau and keep the upswing
>low wages for studio employees means low passion, low effort
>managers with no hands-on experience on developing a game asking for stupid implementation they saw in other games/movies
>battle royale
>survival games

Too bad most games from the right don't have any replayability though.

Stop being a jaded bitch. 2019 was an incredible year, and 2020 has been a blast so far.

>hurr durr all games are mediocre
>also videogames aren't a real hobby, get a real hobby stop playing videogames

>have easy access to almost every game ever easily, even for free
>more games being made than ever before
>more variety than ever before, dozens of genres
>even (you) can make a game if you want to, lots of game engines to choose from and guides on how to program and design a game, game design is even an actual degree in college
>industry flourishing
>technology advancing rapidly, standards rising higher all the time
I guess some people just can't be pleased

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I don't think you're ready for the answer.
It's because you're older. Literally, that's explicitly the reason. The glory years you remember were times of ease and diminished expectations. You were younger and dumber and easier to please, and you had fewer responsibilities. You've been corrupted by the sins of the world, by reality. Likewise, you've been trained to notice how games "work." When you're younger, game mechanics were strange and wondrous things, with levels and characters holding infinite possibilities. Yet now that you're an adult with dozens or even hundreds of games under your belt, you know how it works. You've seen the man behind the curtain, you're the greyhound that caught the rabbit. You know they're just code, you know they're just developed mechanics. The magic has been revealed to be sufficiently-advanced technology, and you know that now.

and only 1 of those games was good...

yes, consoom more shit
good goy!