How much thought do you put into your passwords?

How much thought do you put into your passwords?

Attached: common_passwords.png (1345x765, 152.4K)

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>inb4 someone posts that useless xkcd password generator

This one?

for me, it's


for things i care about i usually use a system of random letters and numbers

for things i dont care about super simple passwords

I usually make them a sentence so it is easy to remember. Something along the lines of "Dontforgetthispasswordyoufuckingidiot"

I use Chrome's suggested passwords for most sites because I'm lazy.

>go to that page
>click link to password strength comic
>this happens

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The handful of things that are important (bank account, main e-mail address, 401k account, 529 account) each have a long, unique password. Everything else I have uses the exact same password. If I need to make an account for something stupid, it's getting my generic password.

If your answer isn't a password manager just die

Whats wrong with it


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>mfw my password for everything is on that list

Attached: 1557208436772.png (424x501, 398.89K)

>mfw i use bitwarden

Attached: kirby dab.png (1233x1062, 126.41K)

I make a random sentence since it's easier to remember than random letters and numbers

Tibia account number and password

Using common words as a password is a dumb idea, because such passwords are easy to bruteforce.

I have a specific word I like, written in leet speak, then I take the letters from the website and rearrange them, then add a number and character to the end.

Word is "Salad"
Website is Gamestop

Password: S@ladstopgam31!

just hacked ur gamestop account nigga lmao

Attached: 1a4.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

fuck you nigga

I usually use inside jokes.

Guess I know where I'll be doing my brute force attack.

>username: BigGuy
>password: imaginethesmell

it's a 13 letter long phrase starting with a capital followed by a specific set of 4 numbers that is based on the type of service or website the account is for and an exclamation mark at the end if symbols are allowed

pros are it's complex enough, cons are i reuse passwords based on the category a lot

>website on desktop allows for 32 character passwords
>mobile site only allows 16 characters so you cant even log in
>desktop changes to some bootleg mobile version and now has 16 char limit
>cant log in
Web UI designers are niggers and can suck my balls.

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>password isnt y0uuuu

I take a phrase, press the key to the right of each letter, divide it into 3 chunks, add numbers every 2 (for even chunks) or 3 (odd chunks), capitalize symmetrically, and if the service allows special characters, i intersperse a question mark at the beginning, exclamation at the end, and a +- around the midpoint if it's odd chunked.
>mohh r tzsm
>?mO1hH2+r-Tz3Sm4!m (optional)
Now of course I wouldn't reveal my exact formula online so it's not this exactly but you get the picture. And what makes it nice is for memory, all I have to do is remember a basic phrase for each website like Youtube = handjob, Amazon = niggerman, Blizzard = braphog, etc.

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that's for literalyy everything

>1 website only accepts alphanumeric
>another website enforces 16 minimum with special characters
>another website doesn't allow special characters
>website 1 gets hacked, and now you have to make a new password
I know it's bad to reuse passwords, but goddamn I couldn't keep up with remembering all those passwords for throwaway accounts until I started using Keypassx

I don't put much thought into password, usually I just go with 3 letters 2 number 3 letters a hashtag at the end and the ending letter is upper case :)

put the first letter of the website's name at the start of the re-used password and the last letter at the end


If humans had access to one of the passwords and were trying other accounts, that would be an easy guess. It would be better to have a process adding a bit more mystery that's still easy to remember, like
>base pw - opisafag1989
>for example, amazon - Aopisafag1989N
>ex, go 5 letters backwards on the alphabet
>add number to V as sum of 1+9=10
>add number to I as sum of 8+9 = 17

I read the password requirements to see if it requires punctuation, then I open notepad and hit 10-12 random keys, copy/paste that to the password field, and away we go.
Now, if I ever get hacked, obviously I'm fucked, but hopefully that never happens.

1. click on Yas Forums
2. use the first four words in the first topic as my password

>holy shit arms online

>all the paranoid fags itt
I've been using the same simple one word password since 2007 and nobody ever hacked me

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There's a very good reason you shouldn't use the same password for everything, try typing some of your accounts in here, you may be shocked at the results.
My main e-mail has been in 5 different security breaches.

I use key pass and generate 32 character passwords which can use lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and special characters. I also change my password for all important sites I visit once every 3 months. Also, fuck websites that have absurdly low maximum characters for passwords.

Also, every time I update my list of passwords I upload the new KB database to google drive. The password to key pass is the only password I have memorized and it's 84 characters long. I have my google account password written down too and always keep it someplace safe in case my PC fucking dies and I need to get into my account to download my password database.

Are you some sort of rich entrepreneur or something? Why would someone want access to your email?

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Its a numbers game. They dont target individuals, they target masses and then check

Your email and everything you use it for should have different ones, but all the little stuff can be the same.

It's more just about what sites you've registered to, I have a business e-mail for professional use that's never been in a data breach, but many of my other e-mails (Which have been in use for nearly 2 decades, mind.) have been on sites that have had data breaches.

Which is, indeed, what I do, however I have received ransom e-mails on 2 accounts with information pulled from these breaches, but what would be worse is someone actually competent using the password pulled from a data breach to attempt to sign in to other accounts of yours.

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As long as your password isn't some idiot shit like Admin or password1, it's way more common for people to get compromised just by voluntarily giving their info to someone

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wow that was hard

Attached: pass.png (408x28, 2.53K)

>There are people who don't use a 13 character password and turn it into a Hexadecimal for their password.

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Here's one sample of a password I could use.


i put 0 thought into it but they're all really good
>roll face on keyboard
>have a password that not even you know
its a bulletproof strategy

Nice try, hacker.

Did you even read that xkcd? The whole point is that using 4 random words is exponentially harder to brute force while being easier to remember

where my keepass chads at

Just write them down. Who the fuck is going to target YOU specifically, break into your home and steal some paper with you passwords?

using 4 random words makes it vulnerable to a dictionary attack

I just use some of my random generated college passwords they gave me as my actual passwords and combine them into one long password, I'll switch the order and change characters from website to website

Try reading atleast 4 of the words of the explanation next time lmao

i use a 150-character quote from a book with numbers in the middle of two random words, and a symbol in another.

Right here my nigga. Look at all these losers worrying about leaked passwords and shit.

Lmao what a loser