Sonic 3 is the best Sonic game
Sonic 3 is the best Sonic game
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Shadow the Hedgehog is the best Sonic game
only retards believe that
>killing 60 enemies is fun
>OST composed with help from Michael fucking Jackson [who did not diddle kids]
>It's G I R T H was too much to handle on one cartridge, so they released the second half as an expansion.
>4 different playstyles, with secrets for each one.
>Elemental Shields that offered complete immunity to certain things, and gave you extra abilities
>Bosses at the end of each Act, as opposed to the end of the Zone
>Cutscenes and setpieces that convey a story without a single spoken word. [Angel Island Act 2 bombing scene is fucking kino]
I miss when platformers were groundbreaking games that pushed system to the limit.
>killing enemies in a video game is bad
Oh god no not combat not in my video games.
How could one thread be so BASED?
>it's fun and totally not a chore to find and kill 60 enemies in this level that takes 2 minutes to complete normally
>it's fun to just run past everything in a game to get to the end and ignore all the content
Let me guess, you also think Sekiro needs an easy mode.
I believe you meant Black Knight.
You're right that is a good one. I think I prefer Shadow, but Black Knight is up there
that's the difference between sonic 3 and shadow. in sonic 3, exploration is an optional reward which adds to the experience. in shadow, you're forced to do it. not to mention you have to play through westopolis 10 fucking times.
look how totally fun this i-
oh, nevermind, false alarm, it's a fake sonic fan.
Yeah, I'm thinkin' he's back.
Didn't Sonic A.I.R surpass this
Yes but Complete has been around longer so more people know about it. 3 AIR is basically the Taxman remaster everyone asked for.
Nigger you're the fake sonic fan if you can't appreciate the kino that is ShTH and Black Knight. I've been playing since Sonic fucking 1 and I know Sonic way better than you do.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you special.
No, half the game is locked behind a $70 (in 90's dollars) expansion cart
You seem to have forgotten to put 'D Blast' after the 3.
And skipping 99% of a video game doesn't give you the experience to talk about it with any authority
Playing Westopolis 10 times to get the true ending isn't fun.
I'm really hoping that they make Sonic 3 AIR open source in the future. They're still developing it with a lot of modding in mind, and have cross-platform support promised, but making it open source would mean bringing it to all sorts of devices like modded 3DS and Switch, or open handheld devices running OpenDingux.
An actually decent and correct OP? On MY Yas Forums - Video Games?
I like how zoomers think this was actually a problem. It wasn't.
>true ending
Nigga YOU CHOOSE the ending you want.
The Last Story existing invalidates every other ending.
Only if you consider it canon. You choose the canon. Based Sega let the fans experience exactly what they wanted with the best Sonic character and pulled it off masterfully.
Sonic 3 felt polished as fuck and still feels like it all these years. Even the emerald minigame is the best out of the series.
None of them matter in any way and are way less meaty than the final ending
>shadow doesnt call himself shadow android in any other game
you fucking liar i wanted my ending where shadow is a robot
i'm kinda sick of current gen "sonic 2 fans" when sonic 3&k blew everyone away
I never got 2 as the best, FUCK the special stages.
wrong, it's Sonic Blast on the Game Gear
>There are anons who haven't done all 326 paths
I like everything except Blue Sphere, Mania spoiled me by having good special stages
SA2>3K>power gap>SA1>Mania>Black Knight>Generations>StH>2=CD>Lost World>Colors>1>another power gap>Heroes>Unleashed>06>Chaotix>a power gap the size of Eggman's dong>Forces
Shadow the Hedgehog isn't even the best Shadow the hedgehog game.
I very much agree. It's always been my favorite Sonic game.
>SA2 ANYWHERE ahead of Sonic 3
Can these Adventure Trannies honestly fuck off? Everything Sonic Adventure 2 does, Sonic 4 and Knuckles literally does better.
>Lost World better than Colors
Heavy disagree
>the best Sonic game
Sonic Adventure 2
I can't believe that Project X game is still getting updates
>caring about literally any sonic game after they peaked with Shadow.
None of them are canon, bro. Shadow is the last canon because YOU decide it.
CHADow > Cuckles
so what you're saying is that adventure 2, heroes, and shadow are the last three games?
boy, you're handicapped.
Both classic shitposters and Adventure shitposters are insufferable. Can't we, like, like both?
>Michael fucking Jackson [who did not diddle kids]
If he has you fooled I guess you could say... he's a Smooth Criminal.
>Chao Garden
>actual story
Classic cucks are retarded.
Yes it is
Bingo, although i think there were only 3 play styles?
Probably counting Sonic and Tails as it's own
Shadow's Death was more kino than the entire S3&K.
Seeing as they didn't come out with a single good game after (chronologically, Mania counts), yeah.
You mean the death that will lose all value by the next mainline game and wasn't even as good as Gamma's? I prefer SA2 over 3K but come on man
>in shadow, you're forced to do it
You could just complete one of the other missions. Only one of the 10 standard endings requires you to hunt down enemies, but you can get through the game just fine up until then.
Just speed through Westopolis, Glyphic Canyon, and Prison Island. Then just branch off starting at Sky Troops.
Reminder that the offical order of events is 1->2->3->3D Blast->CD->4
Sonic 2 has a more arcade-y feel. I never liked the save system in Sonic 3 given how short it was and the lack of a save system in SK. Yeah, I know you don't have to use it, but Sonic 2 coming off Sonic 1 was a huge improvement while Sonic 3 was a step backwards.
>You mean the death that will lose all value
Who cares unless you are a zoomer. Shadow came back exactly because of the impact his death had. I remember that instead of feeling accomplished for clearing the game I cried and wish I hadn't finished it just so Shadow could still be alive.
Sonic 06 is the best soundtrack
You know Gamma came back too, right
Never played Sonic. Where do I start?
S3K>SA1>Sonic2>SA2>Sonic1>SH>S06(with mods)>chadow
Fuck boostshit im not listing it