

Attached: tifaflower.webm (1920x1080, 726.38K)

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if remake tifa was a totally new character in this apparently new ff7 game, everyone would be losing their shit over her and instant cooming

Attached: tifa123.png (887x918, 983.73K)

Cloud loves Sephiroth

Attached: 157852968436.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>everyone would be losing their shit
This is dumb though. She looks fine and is very obviously Tifa. Anyone who knew the character before but was unaware of a remake could look at her and know who that was

looks like an alien

Attached: tifa_8.png (522x825, 621.16K)

Just stick to Steam.

We are so deprived of the game and tifa that every frame of her scenes is cooming material

Just like every SE character

Attached: movie-game.png (860x1375, 1.63M)

Based Tifa. Best girl 23 years and running.

>inb4 Aeris/Aerith fags shit up the thread

Attached: TifaBestGirl1997to2020.jpg (972x1994, 1.08M)

>AerisChads literally BROKE the Tifacuck last thread
How long until he comes back here, spamming the same two words to 500 posts, while AerisChads laugh at him knowing he's too dumb (because of all the coom in his brain) to engage in actual discussion?

Attached: Tifa v Aeris (2).jpg (1440x574, 186.62K)

Attached: 8-021.png (757x496, 422.36K)

I'm going to sum up all the posts this thread will have so you don't have to post it again:
>Resetera trannies ruined Tifa
>Ethics department nerfed Tifa
>Tifa is white
>Tifa is Asian
>Aerith (my waifu) is better than Tifa (your waifu) who is shit
>Demo sucked
>2 weeks left bros
>She fucked Johnny
>She fucked Corneo
>Post more Tifa, ignore the haters

The stench of Aerith's rotting, waterlogged corpse fills the room yet again.

Attached: HeideggarFF7R.png (1484x834, 697.24K)


Attached: gpgbp258bmk41.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

I forgot:
>Why does loli tifa look so creepy? (with an obligatory reply mentioning it's because she has an adult head)
>Tifa looks ugly/weird
>Tifa's outfit is bad
>Tifa's side boob hnnng bros

dear lord

Attached: 1584852455902.jpg (586x580, 75.01K)

Biggs time

Attached: 1509465827370.webm (1920x1080, 1.82M)

Shut up about Cyberpunk, not coming this year, i'm absolute sure about it


Attached: 159638904221.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)


>didn't want to laugh
>made me laugh

Attached: 1584937011779.gif (233x172, 2.44M)

Attached: 1547805792218.webm (1920x1080, 2.76M)

>If real life warped so that history had changed I would be right I win! I really am a woman!

So who is this little shit again?

Attached: 1-22.webm (1274x720, 2.77M)

Forgot pic

Attached: chadley.jpg (480x480, 26.45K)

The fuck are you on about, obsessed mentally ill retard
you sound like that autistic nigger that cries at the demo

Attached: 1573805330937.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

always cute

Attached: 1576560306165.jpg (1660x1535, 129.92K)

Nope. Zero chance it wins goty.

Wreck it Ralph 3 lookin good.

Tifatrannies really are the lowest lifeform

Attached: 1570594822873.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

As long as Tifa doesn't go full tranny llike Aerith, everything is fine

Tifa is already 300% tranny though.

News about Corona-chan and shit

Attached: 1563044902309.jpg (964x954, 205.73K)

Attached: 1563295710092.webm (1274x720, 2.73M)

nothing changed, they just said that they are trying to deliver the physical copies
With a little of luck, they deliver the physical copies earlier so we can get it at the same time as digital

I wish Tifa looked like this in-game.

When she gets zero tits like Aeris and loses her delicious hips, then we can talk.

Attached: 1500820484127.webm (608x634, 1001.64K)

>PC chads have to wait

Attached: 1571550926369.png (400x553, 228.87K)

anime graphics comes with awkward animations, meme voice acting and other meme stuff, just look at trials of mana.

Attached: train_2.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

>Nerfed tits
>No thighs
>Twig legs
Just because Tifa has boney hips that are accentuated by her skirt doesn't mean she's not a tranny.

here that's what the script says about him

>menu_Loading_Character_Chadley_Text>A Shinra materia researcher who commissions Cloud to collect monster data to further his studies. He harbors doubts about Shinra's current policies and wants to provide the citizens of the slums with materia powerful enough to overthrow the corporation. Though just a child, Chadley possesses an impressive intellect.&

I'm sorry but
Tifas body>>>>>>>>>>>>dog dhit>>>>>>Aeriths body

Attached: 1580732334077.png (2294x1440, 1.58M)

I hope Chadley finds his Lightning.

Attached: _20191027_221645.jpg (375x470, 73.57K)

Attached: Jessie and Biggs.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

What was that thing about him being a AI, bro?

Attached: 1584567655648.jpg (800x450, 74.18K)

Attached: boom.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

It already has awkward animations. Barret moves like an anime character everytime he talks.


>If you manage to collect a lot of battle intel, Chadley may have special missions for you.
Can't find anyting about that desu

What's with JRPG "stoic female protagonists" and shotas? Lightning, 2B and Velvet all had a shota protegee/ambiguous love interest.

Tifa has tranny hrt tits user.

So did everyone on the original, through. It is a japanese game.

If you don't use a shota it would be gay if the girl is stronger

Her face looks weird.

Are you implying that movie versions were better of these characters?
The guy looks like Prince Charming from Shrek above, while the girl looks like she is addicted to meth.

Yeah it does. What do you think about Aerith's face though?

Attached: Alien uncanyvaly fuck.jpg (1143x1078, 210.83K)

absolute SAVAGE

Attached: 1584277820936.webm (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Purest form of love.

Attached: 29.png (1407x2000, 644.74K)

not him but weird and tranny like

Aerith and Tifa are the tranny sisters (male)

Are you implying that the game versions of them are better in comparison to already atrocious movie ones?
In-game that guy looks like discount Sephiroth, while the girl looks like frog that had sex with Ayy LMAO.

Seems like he can reset your weapons too, but why would you need that?
>enu_Tutorial_Fld_0270_p1_00You can ask Chadley to reset weapon upgrades.

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