Guilty Gear

Rollback netcode and okizeme confirmed, what's your backup excuse?

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IAD being gone is my excuse

No Bridget

>okizeme confirmed

So does it still do the corner shit? If so no it isn't and it never will be.

ahh, you just reminded me about IB too
they said they were gonna do something about it but I don't know if it's gonna be in the coming beta

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Haven't been keeping up on news for this game but thats real shit if IAD is gone

They replaced forward airdash with a new airdash that lets you choose from various trajectories and Millia can even fast fall out of it

Dont have one. I'll probably buy it now, especially with my free trump money

IIRC you had to combo into IAD so for this new air dash is just that without having to combo into it?

Sounds like you've never played any anime fighting game before
IAD is a neutral tool before a combo tool

No answer

Dont have one. Ill buy it, hide in the lab for way too long, try online and get shit on then drop the game.

no curossupuray

If this post is your argument then no, the game is still shit.

Yeah because everyone loved playing with PS4 wi-fi BR Kens on PC right

No obscure waifu character I wouldn't have played anyway, no buy

I'm gonna buy it and I'm gonna play it.
But I'd really like ABA back.
And Ky's grinders.
And a fairly graphic depiction of Ky and Dizzy holding hands really hard.

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Jump cancels are back too

>And Ky's grinders.
Hell no

only thing that could cause me not to buy it is if they censor the sexier girls and put them in burkas n shit. if they add crossplay the game will be huge, hope people start asking for that next.

They were fun!

Can someone post the meme of millia trying to escape hammerfall?

Fuck no, a character with neutral as strong as Ky's should not have Millia tier looping 50/50s

It's time for them to get married for real.

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2nd child but this time a blue haired girl!

capcoms ineptitude and hiring one guy to make new netcode and broken match making has nothing to do with crossplay

I wonder if the new beta will have a lot of these changes. The UI being different means it's clearly a different build, so I wonder if it'll have the reworked defense system yet, or the increased risk on jumping.

I have faith the game will still be decent. Even Strive at its most limited has way more going on the GBVS and that game has the loudest fanboys I've ever seen in a fighting game. Obviously this one won't have gacha shills but as long as nothing makes it straight up terrible it will still be good fun. Crossplay would be nice but baseline netcode is more important and at least they're doing that right.

The gameplay looks pretty bad so far but I'll still play it because I'm a faggot for GG.

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My excuse is that absolutely nobody will fight me in ranked matches on rev2 because the fucking game makes it looks like I have a shit connection when I’m using a 400mb wired setup.

What is going on with her jaw, why is it so wobbly.

the gameplay, you know, that only thing that matters

They were an interesting idea when it comes to neutral, but 90% of their utility was some of the most boring looping oki I've ever witnessed.

>what's your backup excuse?
It's gonna release a year after consoles on PC and like the previous game it's gonna have 40 bucks balance "updates".


How about the primary reason? The gameplay is shit.


This, most people who played the original build said it was really fun, and it's only improved since. Unless the CBT shoots itself in tbe foot the game will be pretty good.

We have entered a new golden age of neutral focused fighting games heralded by arcsys, first granblue then guilty gear later.
Praise be.

>guilty gear
to be fair this one seems to be taking a different approach than previous entries

>Axl gets pants
>Design is suddenly an 11/10

How did my boy become so handsome


/fgg/ told me that it isn't neutral if you aren't wobbling left and right for 50 seconds before whiffing a button

None. Rollback alone is enough to have me disregard whatever other concerns I may have had. I'll certainly give this game a try.

are you talking about Tekken, 3S or Arcsys games?

what’s my backup excuse?
>gattlings fucked
>characters neutered
>whack airdash
>no air tech
>wallbreak shit
>ib doesn’t affect frame data
>no chip kills even without fd
>air blocking without fd
>counter hit camera zoom interrupting gameplay
>text taking up half the screen
>ui intentionally designed to be hard to read
>shading is too drastic and muddies the visuals

>>ib doesn’t affect frame data
Why on earth is this a bad change?

He just went back to his X and XX looks. I don't know why Xrd took inspiration from his GG1 design, even if it's the og it's ugly as fuck and doesn't convey Axl's personality at all.

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No Bridget.

Bridgetfags literally do not play Guilty Gear and just masturbate to Astolfo all day

No crossplay.

I want an alternate storyline where Jam wins the Kybowl. She deserves it.

because it’s been an essential defensive component for the whole series and is one of the multiple ways gg makes defending an active prospect compared to other fg’s

ASW REALLY fucked up first impressions with this, it's doomed to fail.
People ITT still complaining about Fafnir x4 combos even though it got patched out in the EVO Japan build. RIP

IB is a surefire way of guaranteeing easy and braindead offense being really hard to defend against. I've always hated it.

You also got a bunch of Zato players whining about their character being too weak because he "falls apart if the opponent perfectly IBs and defends against everything" as if anyone but F.A.B can do that

I meant to get into Xrd all those years ago but never got round to it.
Would it be retarded to jump in now to learn some shit or should I just wait for strive?
I know fuck all about the series but the characters and music are 10/10

I was always going to buy the game since I'm addicted to fighting game and I need my fix. If BBTAG can change from the lackluster game it soudned like before it launcher, I'm sure they can change whatever is causing fans to be worried as well. I mean shit, they added rollback after people complained enough, why can't they do the same to other mechanics?

Just wait for Strive. Xrd autists are being just as bad as +R grandpas were acting when Xrd came out.

I for one am excited to try a new fighting game with characters I love without having to deal with Elphelt or a bunch of Blazblue esque gimmicks like Jack-O.

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It doesn't matter you legacy knowledge anymore, the game is getting completely overhauled to get more and newer players

god strives visual design is so fucking bad

the only things i've seen of this game so far are the slow, projected airdashes, and the dogshit menu system, so i cant say im all that hype
Look things up before making kneejerk comments

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can't sol literally just jump out of that

why is the left so fucking washed out?
it looks like i'm looking at it through vaseline

that is still worse though
it's fine if you want to instant overhead but otherwise box jumps are just strictly worse
and i liked box jumps

>why is the left so fucking washed out?
Since the game has so many details it gets fucked over by uploaded videos. If you want to see what it actually looks like you need to play the game or watch Maximillian's 4K recordings. Everything that isn't 4K of this game looks washed out because of video bit rates.

>Gloomy atmosphere of the past UIs
Well yeah old UIs did use too much grey and brown but jesus you went completely overboard with the new one. Literally went from one extreme to another


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I'm not a fighting game fan.

This, I like that they showed it off early to get feedback and impressions, it's why we are even going to have netcode in the first place, but the unrelenting force of autists who didn't even play the demo is unreal. I fully expect people to review bomb it with dumb shit like "Wow I can just 4x fafnir, great combos arcshit". Hopefully the CBT will shut them up, but I doubt it.

There is literally nothing wrong with Zwei YRC, in a game full of bullshit it's the least bullshit thing of them all.