Attached: Xenoblade DE Collector's Edition.png (2333x655, 1.74M)

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Well this franchise sells best in America. They clearly want better sells in the poor English speaking countries

>Fisher Price weebtoy shit.
>Much higher chance of dying from Corona-Chan

No it doesn't. Half of the original sales came from Europe. Europe is the only reason why the Xenoblade franchise is still alive.

>supporting squarenix trash

Are you retarded?

Europe is the luigi to americas mario

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Well it's a British game

Well Luigi is the more liked brother by anyone with taste so...

And yet the game is still called mario

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Xenoblade has sold 600k in America compared to 500k I Europe. Stop fucking lying

Why would I pay extra for music in an outdated format?
Us ausfags will probably get the EU one right? I really only care about the art book so I wonder if it might turn out cheaper to import the American one than to order here the EU one.

Win what? I don't even know what is in the EU one.

is that a vinyl record? Why would I want that? Reselling to some moron is its only purpose.

>Why would I pay extra for music in an outdated format?
It also come with a digital soundtrack, that's what that code slip is for.

Why are there two different collectors editions anyway

It's a japanese game retard

I can torrent the ost.

Has anyone seen the EU collector's edition go up for pre-order anywhere yet? Ideally somewhere that's willing to ship to the US.

NoA loves to cheap out when it comes to these things.

Don't know about their international policy though

US has the better box. That red is slick and classy, whereas the black is a bit too tacky and played-out. The EU has the far better goodies, though. Love the vinyl.

Preordered in Russia European collectors edition. 7500 rubles = 85 euro

>Much higher chance of dying from Corona-Chan

Boy do I have news for you

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Doesn't look like they support going across the pond.

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use printscreen and I might consider looking at your picture

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>86k is greater than 80k + 58k + 43k + 30k + plus the rest.

>Fifteen times more deaths in Europe so far.
Your point.

Nigger they haven't made a good game in 15 years.

You know Europe consists of more than just Italy, right?

What language do you type and speak in? English.
American doesn't exist.

Then why do they speak British?

Yes? And America consists of more than the US.

>Europe is a country

American education

America is gonna get hit hard as fuck possibly even worse than Europe its currently only new York this is just the start


Just wait for the mutation to occur and it starts targeting the younger people.

Neither will fit on a shelf. Vinyl is worthless and anyone that has anime posters on their walls is a faget. I don't like either. Just give me a steelcase and and artbook. That's all I ever want.

>that Italy
That's what you get for hugging and kissing every person you meet, wop ffffucks

>infected for weeks
>8k deaths
>because of kissing and hugging

>literally a few infected when italy went down
>now already over 1k deaths

What is the reason for all the deaths in the US?

>What is the reason for all the deaths in the US?

All the cocks your mum sucked.

>"Vinyl is worthless"
>wants the steelbook
Go digital you hypocrite. All physical media is a meme at this point.

>has the option to spend more money
Go ahead and take your victory.

Holy seething

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>Well this franchise sells best in America. They clearly want better sells in the poor English speaking countries
It didn't even release in America until much later

People in US can't afford to go to hospital so they rather die working.

What the hell do steelbooks have to do with vinyl?

and I still like physical games. That said the FFVIIR steelbook looks like ass so I'm not getting that either and just going digital.

All of the Americas combined have much less cases than Europe despite being like 50x bigger.

It's going to get worse in Europe too. Thank god I live in a country with plenty of countryside.

>mfw gonna pirate both

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The franchise sales best in America

Well then maybe I will get the EU one, I would much rather an actual CD rather than pushing the price up with vinyl though.

They offer the cheaper product for the less prosperous market. In europe you can either afford the more expensive collectors edition or you are too poor to be buying video games at all, in america there are a lot of people that can afford cheap collectors editions but not expensive ones.

There are third party services that ship from America to other nations so I assume there are ones that ship from Europe to America.

It's the exact same fucking missteps every other nation is taking, why do they always have to make it a specifically anti trump thing, this whole situation should be getting people angry at governments in general for failing to act earlier.

Don't forget the Italians specifically went out and hugged every Chinese person they could find to show off how not racist they were.
I know a dude who went absolutely fucking ballistic when I mentioned this and wrote up a freaking essay making up excuses to try and exonerate them from that fuckup.

>europe gets the black version
Nothing changes

Bong prime minster has just tested positive. I blame trump.

Healthcare system in america is hot garbage, half the reason we got so many nothingburger posters early on was burgers who have defended the current state of American healthcare had a desperate subconscious need for it to not be serious because once it got bad they would be forced to face the reality of the system they defended.
The other half was euro fags virtue signalling so they could call the people concerned racists.

Also the poster might be nice to have.
I don't see why the burger one doesn't have the poster, it's about keeping costs down but a poster can't possibly cost much to print.

Thanks for reminding me this exists. A bit pricey but I will find a sucker who will pay double for it regardless

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How about you kill yourself.


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You uhh realize how much bigger the US is than Italy right?