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Discuss stylish action games like DMC and Bayonetta et al.
What's an enemy design in these games you hate? For me it's teleporting enemies
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The fact that the term "spectacle fighter" never caught on, and that people actually call this shit "character action games" really fucking infuriated me.
Seriously, how the fuck is spectacle fighters not a fantastic term for these games?
Haven't played many in a while. Last game I beat was Ninja Gaiden Sigma, which isn't really crazy, but at least shares some similarities I guess.
t. yahtzee
I mean, yeah, I did first hear it from him, and from a few others after. It's a great term. Far better than "Character action game" anyway.
>enemy can block all your shit
>only has a small window of invulnerability
I decided to never bother with Bayonetta after finding that it has a forced Space Harrier segment just before a pretty hard boss fight. Fuck that noise.
Another casual filtered
I would agree with you if I was stuck on one of the game's bosses or fights.
But, the Space Harrier segments is something that plays nothing like the rest of the game and not what I signed for. So, fuck that. What's the point of playing the game at all when I'll be cucked out of finishing it due to an arbitrary section belonging to a completely different game and genre?
That section is quite easy and it's weird you bring this complaint up now when you had to have done Route 666 before it
It's pretty easy FOR YOU. Not for me.
I had to cheese the one on the first Devil May Cry and never managed to go far on the Yakuza 0's emulation of that game, but at least the later was optional.
I just can't handle 3D perspective simulated over an on-rails 2D perspective. Again, I bought Action Game 9999, not Space Harrier.
>Route 666
So Bayonetta has another hard section that plays nothing like the actual game? Not playing that game was the right decision after all.
Oh you got me user, you're parodying a shitter in these threads. Very good stuff, you hooked me
I'm not parodying anything; I'm serious.
But you aren't. You literally can't do the Space Harrier bit before Route 666
Read my posts again: I've never played Bayonetta. I wanted to until I found that it had a forced Space Harrier segment before a boss battle. This Route 666 thing you're talking about is new to me.
How does it play? Another Space Harrier segment or some kind of vehicular segment?
>I've never played Bayonetta
Hahahahaha fucking hell they always expose themselves as shitters
Play the game, it's fantastic
No I won't. What's the point when I will never be able to finish it due to the arbitrary vehicle section?
Except it isn't and literally every game in this genre has some silly minigames
Play Bayonetta, it's great
nobody other than redditors call them character action games. kill yourself and fuck off
Play Transformers Devastation
dmc 1 is the best action game that is all
Man how do you deal with Furies and Judeccas?
It is because it doesn't play like the rest of the game and if you don't clear it you never finish the game. Like forcing a Dark Souls-like third person melee segment on a racing game.
I hated the Devil May Cry 1 one but at least you could cheese it with purple stars. God Hand had some minigames but they either a. used the same controls and gameplay as the main game (like the cannonbal punching) or were optional (the Chihuahua races). Metal Gear Rising's stealth was optional. Vanquish had none but I don't know if it counts as an action game.
Character Action is a nonsense name that doesn't actually make sense but it's pervasive enough that everybody kind of knows what you mean when you say it. It's like Immersive Sim.
You've literally never played one of these games then
MGR is a great starting point as well as DMC 5
stylish action makes more sense. where the fuck did character action even come from?
Stylish action is also the tagline DMC had
Except I literally did.
Not shown: God Hand because I played that one on PS2.
That said, I do plan to play the rest of the Devil May Cry games. Fuck Bayonetta.
The missile section isn't bad because it's hard or even necessarily because it's before the last Jeanne fight. It's bad because it's too long, and also because it's awful at emulating the gameplay it's going for. Despite Kamiya loving Space Harrier, Bayo's Missile section is clearly an Afterburner rip, but for some stupid reason they play a Space Harrier remix over it while the actual Afterburner remix plays over Route 666. The missile section has you control somewhat similarly to AB, just worse, firing guns until you get a lock-on for your homing missiles and doing evasive barrel rolls just like in AB. The problem is that your homing missiles are linked to your Magic gauge meaning you have magnitudes less available than in Afterburner when a lot of what makes Afterburner what it is is the ability to blow clusters of enemies out of the sky rather than pick each individual one off with gunfire. On top of that your barrel roll is mapped to the normal Dodge button and not only doesn't move right, goes too fast visually, and stays in place with i-frames instead of actually dodging, it also activates Witch Time on lower difficulties which fucks up the pacing even more.
I love Afterburner and I hate that sequence so much. W101 dedicates Operation 009-A to an actual Space Harrier sequence that's just as long or even longer and I prefer that WAY more; it plays decently and on top of that I'm not actually much a fan of Space Harrier so even if it was a bad representation of it I don't care. Fuck's sake, even Bayo 2's Star Fox sequence is better than Bayo 1's missile sequence, and Bayo 2 generally loses to 1 in terms of gameplay.
>that literally nothing play time
How about you actually put some time into this genre? Besides it's obvious Bayonetta filtered you and you lack the skill needed
play bayonetta anyways. its pretty good despite the shit sequence u mentioned above
Stylish Action was coined by Kamiya, and it fits DMC, Bayonetta, and some indie games inspired by them perfectly fine, but it does kind of shut out in-depth action games that don't put as much emphasis on style as they do efficiency. The main issue is that while high-level Ninja Gaiden looks cool, calling it "stylish action" is a bit of a stretch. NGB is fantastic but the only stylish things Ryu does are mechanics or combo enders that you end up doing all the time like UBs, Flying Swallows, and Izuna Drops.
Also "character action" I believe was at least popularized if not coined by the Super Best Friends Play channel, which had way more influence on internet culture than their actual peak viewerbase would imply. IIRC Liam was the one that used it first but it's been many years.
How is that low? DMC1 is like a 3-6 hour game, even on a first run, and DMC3 should still be
What about calling it "Chad Combat" games
>How about you actually put some time into this genre?
Yeah, I will. Just not with Bayonetta.
Goddammit; it sounds like shit. Thanks for your reply, user.
So, The Wonderful 101 has another? Another pre-dropped game then.
>getting filtered before you even play
Fucking based Bayonetta
Of the DMC collection I've only played 1 on Normal (first time, completely blind) and Normal.
Same with Revengeance and Assault Spy.
Only played Vanquish once.
You have it posted right there, the demon bosses on God Hand are more like punching a meat few times and then dodging away, rather than relying on guard breaking, launching, juggling and keeping them staggered.
Other than that, having revisited Viewtiful Joe, the enemies that spin and don't give warning if it's low or high attack. At least Fire Leo gives sound cues.
>So, The Wonderful 101 has another? Another pre-dropped game then.
W101 has the most sections that aren't the core gameplay of any Kamiya game, but they also all play good. There's a few different shmup variants and a Punch-Out style fight. Wonderful 101 is my favorite game of all time, and it wouldn't be if I hated any of those sequences half as much as I hate Bayo's missile section.
>Just not with Bayonetta.
I mean if you dont want to thats fine. Tell me you have atleast played Ninja Gaiden. NG, DMC, and MGR imo are the big three of action games. bayonetta is great and you're kind of a pussy for dodging it, but i doubt you're missing out on that much anyways
i remember watching jeff's award show and in the action category was like 5 first person shooters. Although i agree that character action is a retarded name, a more unifying term that includes titles like NG, bayo, dmc would be helpful, but then again ""character action"" is a fairly niche genre anyways with 90% of normies thinking god of war invented and is the king of it.
I don't have an Xbox or PS3 so I have no way to play Ninja Gaiden. If they ported it to PC or PS4 I would give it a try.
xbox one x i think lets you play NGB, NGII, and NG 3 razors edge in 4k60. Id highly recommend if you like action games.
I'm trying but I'm finding it too boring; probably I'll end dropping it.
I expected better from such an extremely hyped game.
is Afro Samurai on ps3 any good? I am trying to get a list of and play some underrated gems in the cuhhrazy genre. also play ghost rider
is Bright Memory a CUHRAZY GAME?
Play Ninja Blade, it's absolutely crazy and made by Fromsoft of all people
2019's action category was three FPS games, Astral Chain, and DMC5, but at least DMC5 won and we got to see Itsuno's award show attire.
Hey guys, finally the video is up
The fun starts in Magnus difficulty user, don't give up
After I beat the game I'm currently playing on PS4 I'll be popping it back in and running some Challenges.
First playthrough? It's definitely a game designed for replay and running the Challenge mode due to the ARPG elements. There's a lot of mechanics and character differences to get used to as well, but I think once it clicks it really clicks. If it helps, I think the game is designed around momentum, both building and keeping it. Learn what the flashing Autobot symbol in your HUD means if you haven't yet.
>It gets good 40 hours in
That shit has never been true, ever.
frustration is gettin bigger
campaign playthrough takes like 5 hours watching the cinematics, 2 hours if you skip them.
challenge missions range from 2 minutes to 20 minutes long gauntlet of mixmashed bosses.
it's an arcade game.
Jesus christ shadek finally
Magnus is unlocked the moment you beat the game on Commander, and the game is like 4 or 5 hours long. Unlocking it increases the level cap and Magnus weapon drops are way better than the three default difficulties'. Even then your Commander run should still be fun given the boss fights and the music still being stellar.
You're basically saying that having to beat Devil Hunter in DMC5 before you can do SoS makes it a bad game or that it takes that long to even get there.
how you like it
Beri good, it's time for you to overtake moike
yeah, i don't think so man, but glad you liked it.