Anyone plays this game? It's one of my favorite games but none is talking about it. If you do, how are you doing?

Anyone plays this game? It's one of my favorite games but none is talking about it. If you do, how are you doing?

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yeah I played it, then I realised I'm not into speed running 24/7 and uninstalled

I kinda' just beat it a few times and that was it. I don't know how people get into maximum cells and unlocking every piece of equipment, I guess it's just not for me.

I fucking love this game. A few weeks ago, I finallly fucking beat the game. Now I’m trying to go for 1BC but taking a break from it before I try and continue to go for 5BC.

I love the idea and concept, but I always felt so rushed when playing it that I couldnt enjoy it. Timed rooms, emphasis on rolling and jumpin around etc...
Could not for the life of me understand how people called it the best rogue-lite or whatever.

Maybe Im missing something to appreciate the game?

I beat 4 cell mode back before the giant update, haven't picked it back up since.

I played it like a year ago, there's nothing to talk about. Games like this have very limited shelf lives. It's not expansive or unique enough on it's own like roguelike games, so it's basically just a platformer with very very minor "procedurally generated" elements. Once you beat it a couple times, you've seen most of what it has to offer.

Shitty just like every other modern "roguelike" (hint, these aren't roguelikes just because they rely on RNG to do well)

Fun game though, have 184 hours in the pirated version according to a tracker I use for game time. Only problem is that some gameplay styles are vastly prefered like traps for bosses

It was fun and then 4 cells happened.

I've recently beaten 3BSC by savescumming, now 4BSC is fucking my ass and I'm kinda losing the will to play.

I like it but lose a lot of motivation when I get to the boss fights for some reason. They're not bad I just don't enjoy them, I'd rather just keep doing a regular climb to see how far I can get against the regular enemies.

>all modern roguelieks are bad
>yep every single one is bad cause new bad old good
could you be more pretentious? half of the traditional roguelikes are fucking bullshit too regardless of how much you elitist pricks pretend they aren't.

I think the real issue is that dungeons and boss fights require completely different mutations/weapons and leaning too hard in one direction will inevitably bite you in the ass.

So there are only three accepted traditional roguelikes: Nethack, ToME, Dungeon Crawl.

So, which 1.5 (seriously, you're retarded but fuck) roguelikes are bad and why

Weapons need rebalancing. Feels like a lot of the ones I've unlocked are pretty shit.

I just wish they didn't nerf ice shards into the ground

They changed it so there are only like 3 time gates per run

>played in EA
>super hard
>come back for new DLC
>1-3 cells are a joke now

Pretty fun
I feel like it has this problem where 1 BSC is too easy but any difficulty after that is tedious as fuck and only let's you take damage a few times per run
I think the biggest problem with dead cells is that camping basically makes you invincible on some floor, so they had to design the later difficulties around super patient gameplay
Cursed chests also suck dick

Got bored of it after 17 hours or so, was more frustrating than fun once I started doing runs with boss cells.
These days I stick to Risk of Rain 2, Hades and Binding of Isaac for my Roguelike/lite fix.
If anyone has any better suggestions I'm down to try

Streets of Rogue is good, don't know why so many people slept on it

try Dungeons of Dredmor

not him but when I hear twin stick shooter I think of gungeon and immediately get turned off

It's nothing like Gungeon. A lot of lite stealth and resource management involved. I have about 3 hours in gungeon and 80 in Streets of Rogue

I've pretty much finished with it after 12 hours. I've done everything at 0BSC (bosses/biomes) and my single 1BSC run just felt like it was turning into "Don't Get Hit: The Game" so I can't see myself putting up with even higher levels to get through that 5BSC door after Hand of the King.

ah cool, I think I'll give it a shot. I've fallen for the likes/lites a lot over the last year and they've become my preferred types of game to play. I've been playing Tangledeep a lot which is great but one note so I need something new to mix in.

Yeah, coolest thing about Streets is that most of the characters feel completely different from each other, and even just beating it with each character once takes 60-80 hours

I did play it but got filtered by 1BC


This, along with Synethetik, are the two best roguelites ever made.

CHANGE MY MIND you can't

>A roguelite turning into "don't get hit: the game"
Gee, who would of thought.

Spelunky is the best,

Beaten it a couple of times, tried to unlock some new things and then lost interest since every run was always the same. It's been a year since i last touched it.

It's fun after 3 full runs then it got dull

Spelunky is okay. My problem with it was that the caves are boring as all hell by the time you beat Olmec for the first time.
I always hated the shop-keeper mechanic as well

It follows the shit design most roguelikes have, such as Nuclear Throne: after a few hours, you can play on autopilot for half an hour until you get to the point where you have to be extremely careful because everyone oneshots you. I have no idea why people like it.

That being said, for a time it reminded me of a sidescrolling Diablo 2, which is a compliment. Shame the aesthetic isn't full Arab and jumps all over the place instead.

I approached every single enemy identically depending on my equipment. It made almost no difference which enemy I was fighting and it got boring. I might've had to adjust a bit for bosses, but not a whole lot.
Also this. I didn't realize how sick I would get of all the rushing, and I would be disappointed by any run as soon as I missed a gate. I'm the kind of person who enjoys having time pressure in games, but that doesn't mean I like every implementation.

I was pretty good at the game. I beat all the bosses without damage and beat the game with the sword that kills you if you take damage.

It's good but the combat is too simplistic for what it's trying to accomplish, and all the items and progression is the most ass-tier job I've ever seen in a roguelite, on almost every fucking level imaginable
Like, holy shit, even unlocking things is so ass-backwards that the game both allows you and encourages you to not do it at all, it's fucking baffling

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I remember deleting my save at one point because my stock was bloated with really shitty equipment. And because of the time gates, you're punished for starting with shitty gear instead of killing the run and rerolling.

anyone played Blasphemous? similar kind of game

Played the demo and it seemed too slow-paced for me.
I didn't give it much of a chance because I haven't been in the mood for 2D action.

>similar kind of game

Yas Forums hates it's because it's too difficult which is hilarious considering how casuals were lambasted here for so long in the past.

To expand on this, it seemed like parrying was, by and far, the best way to handle enemies, so I always felt as if I was just killing time until they tried to attack (especially against enemies with shields or something similar). The timing of the parries was braindead simply. Maybe they get harder as the game goes on.
I was also annoyed that the game had collision damage, but the movement wasn't precise enough to make quick adjustments to compensate for an enemy walking into you. The smallest step you could take was too large to account for the movement of your enemy and still be close enough to attack. So that just incentivized waiting for parries even more.
Maybe I was missing something.

2d pixelshit sidescroller with difficult fights and bad platforming, literally the same genre. at least blasphemous has kino art

bump for video games

To be fair the game did used to be much worse than it is now

>used to be
Any idea when it was really "fixed"? I played it in early access, but it was pretty close to v1.0 so I figured everything I played remained unchanged.

It gets samey and stale really fast.
I heard a lot of good stuff about it, but it couldn't keep me interested for long enough.

They just slowly improved it through content updates
I think there are nearly twice as many weapons as when the game launched, bunch of QoL and balance changes, costumes for your character, the game was rebalanced so that you only encounter a few cursed chests per run, time gates now only appear in the early game, and there's new biomes

You're incredibly wrong

I've 100%'d the game, except like 3 costumes from the new DLC boss because I cbf beating it another 3 times

lots of fun, still mad there isn't an alternate ending on BC 5 for beating the last boss without using the panacea; you literally can't

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>time gates now only appear in the early game
And you still need to get most/all of them, because those retards made a roguelite based around min/maxing character builds, so the early game is the only part that matters with regard to gear

the time gates don't have stat upgrades in them anymore so you can completely ignore them

The time gates don't even have scrolls anymore. Totally optional unless you're on a high difficulty

>unless you're on a high difficulty

don't even need it then t b h

This sucks. I'm glad I stopped playing early access games, because being sick and tired of half a game, and completely unfamiliar with another half is just shit.
So it's a bunch of cells and a piece of equipment now?

Think I beat 2 BSC at like 20 hrs. I've clocked like 60 now and the furthest I've gotten is halfway up the clocktower on 3 BSC. The unforgiving difficulty and repetativeness killed it for me.

yes, cells and a choice of 3 pieces of equipment that are high level

What's your clock time?

>So it's a bunch of cells and a piece of equipment now?
Cells and a choice of one of 3 pieces of equipment
The time gates are also in the area between levels now instead of in the level
>This sucks. I'm glad I stopped playing early access games, because being sick and tired of half a game, and completely unfamiliar with another half is just shit.
The game still had a lot of the problems after it's official release.

I don't even know what that is

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I was talking about the gear they give you
Missing out on nothing but one or two scrolls would be a complete non-issue, and wouldn't fuck a run