Do people really hate tints?

Do people really hate tints?

Attached: 1561082218091.jpg (4000x4000, 2.99M)

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>zoomer discovers reshade

I strongly disagree with this statement.
the bottom one is clearly better in term of visual and more natural to the human eye

it works for the setting of that game, and can work to give a surreal look to the world... however, that "teal shift" shit in some films, is as meme-y as "60fps or bust"

Attached: morpheus-inside-matrix-with-green-tint.jpg (1200x514, 73.85K)

Tint has its uses in cutscenes, but in gameplay should really only be used for specific moments like some abilities or a special enemy. A whole area being one color is already retarded, doing it for the WHOLE FUCKING GAME is abysmal.

the problem here is that bottom removes shadows contrast

Yes, they were a down side of under powered hard ware. It's easier to process one spectrum of color. Thank god we left that shit behind.

wait, how do i remove the piss filter? might actually replay it then

Post effect tints are usually a hamfisted way of unifying the visuals in a less-than-optimally art directed game.

Just like post-tint in movies.

Difference is, you can remove it in a game. But then the game is usually still poorly art directed, and maybe more of a jumble visually than with the tint on, so it's about picking your poison, I'd say.

user that's not an actual thing.

The piss filter actually took more GPU-power, because every single on-screen pixel would have would go through [multiply with piss] before going to the frame buffer.

>gray/brown/piss/green filter era

Is there a filter that removes Chris's clothes? That would be funny haha

There is no atmosphere in the bottom picture. The filter also makes the colors more consistent.

looks better on low end hardware like xbox 360 and ps3
looks much better at high resolutions on pc

the tint just hides the flaws present in the console versions

yeah you can mod the pc version
he probably wont have a penis tho, just a ken doll

striving for realism in games is fucking gay. that said the classic horror filter is best

They add to the art design

>There is no atmosphere in the bottom picture.
Neither there is any at the top one.
>The filter also makes the colors more consistent
Yeah, everyone with the pair of eyes can see this and it looks like shit.


Attached: DeusExHumanRevolution.png (275x183, 143)

Is that a playable filter-less filter at the bottom, for lack of a better term? Because that looks good. I want that.

Attached: 1344676578713.jpg (1914x2356, 2.62M)

The top looks better.
It looks like an oppressive shithole, bottom is soulless and looks like a vacation.

The piss filter in 5 did just that, made the entire game look like piss.

Do you faggots know what stylization is? What art direction means?
I never understood why people wanted to remove New Vegas' piss filter for example. A game built on a shitty engine, already wrestling with mishmashed reused assets and struggling to create a certain atmosphere.
But what should I really expect from people who mod anime waifus into videogames anyway.

>posts on Yas Forums
>doesnt like anime
you dont belong here immigrant

Neither is more "realistic" than the other, user.

from a narrative standpoint it actually makes sense for everything to have a grayish desaturated look in battlefield 3s campaign considering the story is one giant flashback. no excuse for multiplayer tho

Do you prefer silky smooth 30 FPS?

someone post that battfield 3 image with multiple steps into adding post processing effects


top: bleak, edgy, sick, atmospheric

bottom: fortnite/minecraft graphics

spotted the zoomer
yes, now it's as flashy and colourful as GTA V and your mario games, that's why you like it

everybody know its blue

Attached: file.png (437x470, 251.73K)

Malaria filter. Makes the entire world seem infectious and diseased
Generic no mood being set. Not the devs intended color mood

Attached: 1583375889544.jpg (532x664, 200.51K)

Not sure why people says games that are photorealistic look good.

Maybe video games aren't for you, go the fuck outside

the piss filter does a surprisingly effect job of creating that hazy, sun bleached look. i dont hate it in the context of resi 5

there should be an option in game to enable disable both

one looks better though

Attached: 1323885626232.jpg (960x2688, 609.79K)

Art direction is overrated anyways.

it's green because they're in the matrix, duh

>muh photorealism
aesthetics in context are far more important than turning up vibrance

Yes I do, especially this one

Attached: 1568844628798.png (1240x695, 1.78M)

>muh atmosphere!
>*punches boulder*
you're a fucking retard


What is your example supposed to prove?

So you're saying its not realistic? So a realistic look to the game doesn't fit the tone? Hmm... Good job proving the top makes more sense, genius.

the fuck, bottom looks better


I can't believe Battlefield 3 is almost a decade old

10 years before 2010 games looked like complete ass, but 10 years ago games didn't look much different from now. WHAT HAPPENED?

>photorealism is shit
>artstyle is forever
>game uses color to impress a certain mood upon the player
>wtf the game is way better and more realistic when you disable it

>you must be completely 100% dark, gritty, depressing and realistic to have any legitimate use of atmosphere, any exception in any regard in any capacity completely invalidates it
God I hate absolutist retards like you. You're why everything is over the top and polarized in their themes now.

Diminishing returns. The difference between 1 million polys and 10 million polys isn't noticeable unless you zoon in.

The filter makes the game stand out though. If every game had the same "realistic" colour palette, then every game would like the same. Especially a modern fps

Thanks goodness BF4 doesn't have this stupid filter

That's why Modern Warfare 3 looks worse than CoD4 and MW2.

The filter was clearly pointless and stupid because they removed it from BF4

The bottom looks more pleasing to the eye but the top has better atmosphere. It makes it look like a hot, humid, shithole full of disease and danger and the kind of conditions that make it hard to think straight.

The bottom doesn't feel like a hostile environment at all

God RE5 was trash

a small increase in graphical quality now requires an exponential increase in computing power due to physically based rendering

Yes, we do hate brown people as a matter of fact.

Come back in a month when your therapy is over

Attached: literal_children.png (380x513, 20.1K)

i don't know, maybe consoles holding back progress for whole 8 fucking years?

I'm allergic to colorful images user.
Put the filter back on pls.

Sheva did funny things to muh dick and is underrated as far as resi characters go.
Did she get much fanart?

>hating on Sheva design
A literal gay faggot.

tints are a cinematic thing so they dont belong in video games

Bottom is reminding me of Just Cause 2 for some reason.

>Its dark world, everything needs to be toned down to make players feel like they are in dangerous place
>Slaps green tint and calls it done
I hate tints.

She's the most boring non-character in the series.

Attached: wdawdawda.jpg (1280x720, 148.07K)

Bottom makes it look like Farcry 3 or something
I'm fine with whatever the devs intend
I like the way it's used in the first Dark Souls for instance cant play without the tint remover mod

This, the filter is great for the campaign, it makes everything harder to see but you're not expected to react fast to your environment.
I have a problem when it's a multiplayer game like battlefield where you're expected to react fast or you die instantly.

top: soul
bottom: soulless


top: cinematic experience
bottom: F2P lootbox shooter

How does it feel to be illiterate?

Cherry-picked shit. The whole game constantly changes tints depending on where you are.
Also RE5 had one of the best aesthetics and lighting out of any gen 7 title.

First image looks unironically better than the last. Whenever i play a game - i always turn off all these bloom, blur and lightning effects.

There is literally nothing wrong with color filters and other post-processing if they're used correctly.

They can be used to great effect and create a certain tone.

Attached: 1357173752312.png (135x135, 1.67K)

No it doesn't retard, every game is going for realistic colours now because they can tune it for HDR

just admit you are a shit taste fagget

>piss filter

>Yas Forums now unironically defends brown and bloom
nuke this place already

Attached: y.jpg (5000x5000, 1.3M)

Colour filters are the sign of a lazy dev.

>muh Fortnite

holy shit what mod?
I played RE5 a few weeks ago and I hated that postprocessing effect that looked like a piss&shit filter

probably sweetfx or somethin

>bro re5 is shit lol
>uuuh mmmh boulder punching XD

I've always like them. Gives the settings a nice feel.

Why did they release a remastered version for consoles but not for PC?

she actually doesn't have too much fanart and sfw content desu

I think they are both valid and games should have the option to choose. One shouldn't be forced on the player

Yeah, it's kind of funny actually

found the nigger