Final Fantasy VII Remake

2 weeks

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I want to see his twink butthole

Too long

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GOTY and will easily sell millions.

She looks so old in that image

the masamune?

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Attached: smile.gif (540x304, 1.61M)

1/3 of a 20 year old game

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Attached: tifa_and_aeris_and_mistletoe_by_spindoc.jpg (741x900, 161.89K)

She's emotionally mature and supposed to be motherly. Looks very young to me. Then again I'm 30 and work with mostly middle aged people.

I preordered in-store the deluxe edition a month ago. Will I still be able to get my physical copy through curbside pick-up or am I stuck doing digital?


Dear god

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G'day mate.

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>do not repost

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This is your RedXIII for tonight.

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Hey are you white? I just want to know if you're actually young-30 looking or busted ass "been looking 40 for the past 10 years because I'm white" 30

Patrician taste detected.

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Attached: Aeris is too cute.gif (500x250, 1.77M)

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Get help.

Aeris is beautiful!

Attached: Tifa v Aeris (2).jpg (1440x574, 186.62K)


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her face looks so swollen

>That huge chin
Too much if I'm quite honest

>no option to make them date each other
fuck you nomura

Attached: 158900246831.png (1026x574, 652.87K)

>huge chin
Tifa and Aeris both have the same chin, the only difference is Aeris actually has facial structure while Tifa's fat face just loops like a circle.

Attached: dog_nose_face_cute_89881_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 767.96K)

I have to get it digital

I really, really find Cloud to be attractive. Not even his 'feminized' version where he cross-dresses, just regular old Cloud. I don't consider myself gay, however there are certain circumstances that leave me fearful of what I may truly e feeling sometimes. Like with this webm for example. If any drawfags could draw Cloud dressed up as the boy from this webm, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Also I really want to smack and kiss Aeris' fat, white ass.

Attached: Webm (135).webm (544x960, 859.09K)

Yeah, 2 weeks left for part 1 and 2 lifetime for the rest

Wow so excited

Attached: Queen Aerisu mogging Tifa.jpg (1920x1080, 709.62K)

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I will buy their game

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>Tranny shit
Kill yourself.

It's not gay if it's for Cloud

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No Aeris chin is definitely more distinct.

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>Buying an unfinished game (part 1) for $60
>Buying the subsequent parts for $60 each as well
>Not just waiting to get the full game for $60 or less down the line

Attached: Aerisuuuusu.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Attached: Jessie and Biggs.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

>even that old hag admitted that Cloud and Tifa are official
I wonder what she will do when the games goes full Highwind scene

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Jessie and Biggs are OTP

Tifa has a deformed face

Attached: Queen Aerisuu.jpg (1125x1265, 242.71K)

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>Final Fantasy VII Remake

Attached: 377.jpg (644x800, 71.46K)

So at this point FF7 has been milked half as much as the holocaust?

>Aerith(male) looks old and has the body of a 12 year old thai boy

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>he died to Scorpion Sentinel

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Attached: Aeris wondering why Tifafags are so obsessed with males suffering from gender dysphoria.jpg (970x750, 164.3K)

Tifa looks very pretty. Aeris looks like she just had "her" transition.


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lol barret

>thingken of tonga

So people are still throwing shit at each other with waifufaggotry

As for me i really want to see the sidequests, hopefully nomura delivers some good world building sidequests

If this is about who looks younger than Tifa wins this easily. They gave her the face of a teen girl.

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I prefer Aeris

Attached: Tifa v Aeris.jpg (914x1024, 104.61K)

God I want to fuck them both so bad

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Tifa looks way prettier there.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake_2020_03-16-20_051.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

>Are you white?
Nope. Salvadoran but I'm paler and taller than the rest of my family so I look out of place in photos lol. People say I look young and I think it comes from my mom side.

Can anyone answer? I'll do digital if I have to, but I was hoping to get the physical copy before the stores possibly close up.

>hotter body
>doesn't die
Can't go wrong with Tifa.

>a brawler that is also a coward
immediate turn off desu

It's boy showing very feminine characteristic and mannerisms. I wouldn't worry about it. And yes Cloud is attractive, all of Nomura's characters are. Admiring and recognising good biological aesthetics does not necessarily make you gay or otherwise

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>fights against monsters, armed forces, demigods with her bare hands
uh sure

Dude what the fuck, that's exactly me. Both of my parents are from El Salvador but my dad's side is of European origin so I stick out during family reunions because I'm white* and an actually average height.


>scared of fucking ghosts
yea i'm sure

>Aerisfag AND tranny simp

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200315000612.jpg (1920x1080, 332.62K)

Well she's a girl so it's fine.

>yea i'm sure
What does that mean? She literally does all these thingHow can she be considered a coward?

bitch can't go through a trainyard full of ghosts
easy as

>Using shitty ai to support your non-argument

Attached: age comparison.jpg (1584x831, 195.84K)

>we want the nuJill audience
Consider Sudoku.

prefer crosswords desu

>tifas face is barely animated
>still looks almost as young as CGI Aeris

Actual Tifa looks younger

Attached: livejupiter_1576720823_9502.jpg (1034x1044, 351.79K)

According to who?

Attached: age comparison 2.jpg (750x391, 270.36K)

15? How could anyone get off to a teenage girl with large breasts and a fit body? What a sick world.

Does anyone have a picture of FF7R cloud smiling?

I will never understand some people's irrational hate towards Aeris

Attached: Aeris is a cutiepie.png (1334x750, 1.46M)

>Uses a image with that got edited

>$60 for midgar

>$60 for midgar zolom

>$60 for mount nibel

>$60 for temple of the ancients

>$60 for wutai


>starts shit
>wonders why people banter back
Stop being a bitch.


Attached: begonet.png (485x455, 299.8K)

>Use an image
>Use a different image

Attached: Aeris 'are you okay?'.gif (660x374, 3.74M)

I love the fact that Biggs is now Gigachad.

have a better ARE YOU OKAY

Attached: are you okay.png (640x438, 343.04K)

Is all you think about trannies?

Attached: Aeristhecute.jpg (903x1732, 480.3K)


Attached: Inside FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE – Episode 2_ Story and Characters (Closed Captions)_2.webm (900x506, 1.4M)

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