What are you

Finished Pathologic and Knock Knock, picking Ion Fury back up
Youtube (Shitting on modern Dragon Ball)
Itzy's new album
Would like to continue Notes from Underground but have pol. sci articles to read
Dumpling filled with smoked meat
Yerim Kim
Meh, stucked at home for almost 3 weeks now starts to get boring.

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Other urls found in this thread:

New Horizons if solo
Stardew Valley if my buds are online. They all got laid off from work thanks to the covid
The Hobbit/LOTR ED
Insomnia by Stephen King (audiobook)
See above
Quinoa bowl w/avocado, fried egg, and red wine vinaigrette
Modelo Negra
I'm good
Cozy af

Baldur's gate, finishing chapter 3
Yas Forums
I'm about to have dinner, so i'm curbing on junk food
tired, sad about life

Fire Emblem Treehouses
Corona Beer news
Corona Beer news
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Gay chubs
Quarantine now, final two checks for the time being cane in and everything is literally falling apart. Feels good to play video games though, so there’s that

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Animal Crossing NH
Hate to say it but I'm probably gonna TT, I'm not waiting 5 more days for more villagers to move in. I'm ready to start terraforming my island.
Thinking of rewatching the walking dead
About to make some sausage egg and cheese biscuits for breakfast
Orange Fanta
Idk yet, maybe /ss/
Alright, working remote. Works been kinda slow so it feels more like a vacation.

I just played two games of Overwatch. Everyone was crying about Pharahmercy being super strong with hero bans. I don't really play anymore, so eh. I don't really notice it.
- 2000 AD
- Judge Anderson
- Zenith
- Mister Miracle
- Dark Harvest: Warhammer Horror
- Prospero Burns: The Horus Heresy, Book 15
- Soul Wars: Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Book 1
- The Court of the Blind King
- JSA by Geoff Johns
- Flash by Geoff Johns
- Catwoman by my man Cooke
Krave for breakfast.
Toasted baguette with cheese, marmite & pickled onions for lunch.
Leftover mash, sausage and gravy for dinner.
Coffee atm.
Today, I'll be jerking off to my French side-chick.
Pretty good. I wrote a 4 page comic, but the publisher has shut down temporarily due to Corona, so I've got more time to work on it.
I'm building up some Basedcast Eternal & finishing a paintjob I did on my Mephiston. He's gonna be a Flesh Tearer Mephiston lul
Stormcast will be these guys, as I ended up liking their lore the most.
>Angry, and drink beer with dwarves. No doubt hate Elves. They're horny for swords and worship a spirit called the Father of Blades who's apparently the manifestation of the Empire's Runefangs combined into one person. They seek to become living weapons.
>They kill Chaos scum so brutally even other stormhosts think they're a bit much. Their Scout Leader charged a Lord of Plagues on his own and saved Alarielle on his own. They think that individualism is the first step towards Chaos, so have no issue killing civilians to maintain Order. They have a dude called the White Reaper who terrifies nobles into staying in line. They slay innocents by the thousands.

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The Dick Show 199
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Gintama, just reached chapter 400
Alright, went out shopping earlier and nearly coofed in the middle of a crowds of people

Trying to decide whether to replay Dark Souls Remastered or Bloodborne
I watched the end of Star Trek Picard. It's shit, I hate it.
Touhou music

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I just realized I've been playing Viva Pinata for eight fucking hours.

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Eternal Doom
Ed, Edd and Eddy
corned beef with rice

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Apex Legends, ACNH with GF when she gets home, jackbox with bro's online tonight
Still Game, Mitchell and Webb Look
Cisco/Oracle documentation for new job
Beans and sausages on toast
Monster Ultra Blue
Pretty good. Thanks to the lockdown but still having to work I have way more money than I can spend so I'll be able to support my parents if they need it which I'm glad about. Worried about me and partner as we are both key workers. Nice to be able to spend some time playing online with bro's this weekend though. Starting a new Job in a month where i'll be able to work remotely, so just trying to ride it out and not die of the corona until then. Stay safe out there bros!

COD warzone kinda fun actually
idk maybe one of the many movies i want to watch
jefferson airplane and cream
Yas Forums
idk i just ate some soup
i should stick with water for now
meh, it was my cousin's birthday yesterday, it's almost 5 am rn and i feel exhausted. also i need to get some DUDE but it's too much trouble to even bother

Binary domain and Anarchy reigns on tonight. We're arranging a Yas Forums lobby later for anyone that's interested.
Just some Youtube videos,
Old school Jamiroquai tracks
Nothing for the time being.
Salmon soon.
Water & coffee.
Lost in thought and time.

Finished DOOM Eternal so now I'm gonna play Doom 1 in doom eternal
Weird but entertaining show called HAPPY where some ex cop and some girls imaginary unicron friend have to save said girl from a rapist or something
Finally getting around to Eragon
Eggs Bennie
Waher, pure Waher
Mankitsu happening
Ansty cause of the quarantine

Also I'll reply to some of you nigs.

bb. I saw headlines that the Picard director is happy it's so "devisive."
Based, I should replay.
Did you see that Italian police officer that looks like Winston? Google it.
What soup? Surely French onion? It IS the best soup.
DON'T DO IT user
Are girls allowed in the treehouses?
What TV ya watchan?
Quinoa is the worst. I enjoy kale more.
Wadya think of new Gorillaz tracks coming out?

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What are you
Friday the 13th the Game
I'll probably watch the movies this weekend.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Cheez Its
Chocolate Milk
I'd rather not say.
I'm feeling alright, just been up 28 hours.

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Farming rares in WoW while playing Stellaris
Carbonated water
Free Pornhub premium

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Momentary bliss I could care less for but Desole has that Gorrilaz flare I like.

Coom Eternal/Cs:go
egg sandwich
gf feet
Sick from eating pastry yesterday

Not Italian, saw the Australian one though, that is a REALLY uncanny resemblance.

I'm struggling to get into it, feels like the map is too big and snipers catch you from too far away.

trying to play through Half Life Alyx whenever my body lets me. I get so nauseous whenever I play it for longer than 30 minutes. it sucks so much, my genetics are awful
lulu 3d live debut
good charlotte, train, and other old goodies on my classics playlist
beer. trying to get drunk before coronachan kills me
nudes of people that don't like me anymore
pretty awful
I think I might've got corona the other week. just a few days ago I was going through the worst flu I ever had in my entire life. my throat hurt so fucking bad life was literal agony.
but now I'm pretty much all better though, I just cant stop coughing to save my life
probably wasn't corona and was just a cold or something but still, I wish this cough would go away. hope I don't actually get corona. at my current state, it'll probably actually kill me
other than that, I'm just trying to get drunk and be productive with my morning

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Bravely Default II Demo, Animal Crossing, Ace Attorney Trilogy
Youtube stuff
ARMS music, other game music, mystery and paranormal podcasts
Bible, posts here, ROS tutorials, Black Clover
Bowl of cereal and some banana rum biscotti I made, probably have some eggs later
Fresh cuppa joe
Nah gonna keep it down for now. But if I did, fatties
A little tired but I'm good. Feeling a bit concerned with the rising coronavirus cases, people are being idiots and it worries me about my friends and family.
That aside, I'm alright. About to check into work and see if I can figure out this code shit that's been vexing me for days now.

That show sounds batshit insane, I dig it
Sorry to hear about all of your worries but I'm glad you got a solid job lined up, that should keep you and your loved ones safe through the bumpy times we're about to experience.
BNW is such a crazy book, I love it. Haven't read it in almost 15 years though, I should fix that and see how my thoughts differ now.
Based eating, such a simple but delicious thing to eat
Pastry got you sick? Was it moldy or something?

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>what tv
some movies on Fox, Idk

eu4, taking away lands from the ottomans as the papal state in bloody 20 year wars
netflix serie medals of honor
j.fla covers
just shitposting
the new sluts from pokemon
kinda scared of the corona stuff

Pokemon Yellow, MTG Arena. Cravin some Dungeon Crawler. Maybe i will start with Land of Lore.
I have a huge fucking backlog I need to get rid of.
Finished the fourth Season of better Call Saul and the first one of Pokemon. Dont know if I have the Nerve to watch anymore of those.
Ambient Rain Sounds in the background with various heavy Metal
Magic the Gathering Books
Hasbrowns, Eggs and Spinach
Water and Coffee
maybe later
tired, I have Herpes zester and am munching on medicine. other than that, pretty good
>Stardew Valley if my buds are online
fucking based. I would love to play it with others. But my pals think its gay.
>The Hobbit/LOTR ED
>Quinoa bowl w/avocado, fried egg, and red wine vinaigrette
fucking based
>Stay safe out there bros!
you too based user!

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ACNH, Binding of Issac Afterbirth, and petting my cat
Youtube shit, Live PD, and Kamen Rider W
Dave and Chuck the Freak
shepards pie
water and blackberry ginger ale
gay shit probably persona boys
just really fucking stressed out with family garbage

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based drinkan and eatan
nice, what is your favorite album?
sounds interesting...
enough smalltalk what's the fappan?

Nothing. Will play some Rain World later. And TF2 with the Yas Forumsan.
Monk. Pretty good.
Probably Oingo Boingo soon.
Might finish off a historical book about Paul Revere later.
Ate some chips and PBJ. Was good. Later I'll airfry some frozen chicken. Living the life.
Lemonade always, man.
Fapped in the shower about a girl I dreamt of. I'm so fucking lonely.
Pretty good. About to head to my last day of work before we get quite a while off. I don't know if I'll be payed during it, though.

DOOM ETERNAL MOTHERFUCKER just bought it yesterday, can't wait to pick it up again on my lunch break/after work hours
My goldfish putter around. He seems content.
New Classical music and lofi electronica (like hyperlight drifter soundtrack)
Emails. At night, a collection of Robert Frost poems
Blueberry bagel with cream cheese
Delicious black coffee
Webms that remind me of bygone sex partners before my current relationship/videos I recorded of chicks on omegle doing wild shit
Stir crazy. I miss my gym and going rock climbing. Week 2 of quarantine and people I know are starting to get it. I'm ready for the happening to be over. I'm worried about my grandparents.

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>>Sorry to hear about all of your worries but I'm glad you got a solid job lined up, that should keep you and your loved ones safe through the bumpy times we're about to experience.

Thanks bro, just trying to do what I can, it's a scary world out here right now. Hoping my country starts to see the pressure Spain and Italy are under and go further with the lockdown, stay safe yourself friend

i do also feel the map is too big, but while there are campers, snipers aren't a big problem at least from my experience

Final Fantasy XV, been playing sidequests so long I don't even know whats up with the main story

Supergreatfriend playing Haunted Demo Disc

Benjamin Tod

GK Chesterton's Heretics

I had a chocolate before

White Tea

muh dik

breddy gud, I just doubled my ram and now I can shitpost twice as fast.

doot eternal, alyx, ffxiv
not much, need to get caught up on ishuzoku reviewers
lot of alt rock/pop lately for some reason
some history book i found online
kirin ichiban and water
giant girls
anxious as fuck since ive got a ton of classwork to do over the weekend, two huge programming assignments and a bit of written work

Doom eternal
binge watching numberphile for some reason
Gorillaz - rhinestone eyes
Pringles, natural ofc
I'm good
I'm outgoing and this quarantine is getting to my nerves already

Crash Remake, Fire Emblem 3H and MK8D
Lofi background music
Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Good old Kraft Dinner
Nah, trying to nofap
Pretty good, interesting times ahead of us

>What soup? Surely French onion? It IS the best soup.
sadly no, pozole, it's a mexican soup and it was good enough to make me less drunk

I hear that. Keep up the good work and stay healthy! God be willing more people in charge take this shit seriously and do more to help curb infections. Until that happens, stay safe and you know I'm going to be doing my best!
All of that classwork reminds me of why I hated college. Good luck there, especially with those programming assignments!
Blackberry ginger ale sounds delicious.
Sorry about your family stresses though, hope it passes!


I finished Freedom Fighters last night. Bought an open box pc from Best Buy and it can handle games from 2013 and back so I’m having a gay old time. Thinking about starting Killer7 or Silent Hill 4 today.


Finished Parks and Rec yesterday too, started watching Community.


Future Islands is fantastic.


The Big Sky by A.B. Guthrie. Found it at my local grocery store for 50 cents. For a random purchase it’s pretty good.


Nothing yet, but I’m gonna make some breakfast burritos or homemade hash browns and eggs in a bit.


Coffee and water


Maybe later


Feeling good today. It’s been pretty up and down with the quarantine lately. Getting exercise helps, thank Jeebus I have a dog to walk.

Good luck everybody.

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Mostly playing Animal Crossing. It's good shit, I'm very happy with it. Got my campsite open today, and my third bridge should be built tomorrow morning. Have the second story of my house, I think I only have the basement left to build.
Best of the Worst
About to have some Eggo cereal.
Monster Energy Ultra
Pretty good. I was supposed to have an appointment with my psychiatrist today but got a call in the middle of the day yesterday telling me that they are doing telehealth, and gave very unclear instructions on how to engage them on that. The call came in while I was in a long ass meeting so it went to voicemail, and they never returned my call back. Got a feeling that this is going to be a clusterfuck.

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, and Persona 3
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes, and The Tatami Galaxy
Radiohead, Kanye West, and the DKC2 OST
Protein Shake
Dunno yet
Whatever. Glad I get some free time. Finished Welcome To The N.H.K. yesterday, and I loved it. Also Misaki is a S-Tier waifu.

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>what TV I'm watching
Star trek into darkness

Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Control
Lego Masters
Van Halen
Pussy juice and Cherry Vanilla Coke
No need
I lost my sense of smell. People are saying this is a early sign of corina. Can anyone confirm this.

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There have been a number of reports that there is association. I believe I heard either the South Korean or Italian patients reported about 30% of the time that they experienced it.
Stay relaxed, isolate yourself just in case, and make sure you've got enough food and plenty of water.

replaying star allies, AAI2. still waiting for PW4 to finish downloading
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
20th century boys
don't feel like it need a break from it
every day is the fucking same due do this quarantine and online classes suck so I'm a bit down

> that listenan
based, what's your favorite radiohead/kanye album? mine's a moon shaped pool/MBDTF
I wanna play crash 2 & 3 again I love those games
good luck user, I fucking hated programming when I tried a CS course a year ago
based listenan, that was a great episode

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>content still pending install, please wait
wtf is this? I wanna play the game

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Il-2 Sturmovik
Got P-38 with ground attack attachments waiting on TAW server, hope to get comfy flight until crash/get owned by some Dora

Malcolm in the Middle, started third season

Liquido - Narcotic as I write this post

The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David Landes

[SPOILER] my gf is [/SPOILER] making some chicken with pineapples


Not today

Bretty gud, it's friday

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Persona 3
Welcome to the NHK
Nothing right now
See above
Had spaghetti
Water cause I ran out of all other drinks
Not right now
On edge for some reason

Animal Crossing, Rune Factory 4, Doom 2016, and MCC with the boys.
Probably gonna check out Eizouken today. Also Magical Girl Spec-ops Asuka after seeeing it in some thread yesterday, looks wack.
Hourly AC music now that I've unlocked the town hall
This thread
Pibb Xtra
Not feeling it right now
Ambivalent about quarantine. Lost my job and I'm scared about family members dying from the virus but aside from that this self isolation has been a really good thing for me so far. I fixed my sleep schedule, I've been spending more time with friends (online of course), I've generally been more productive than usual, and if these checks come through I'm gonna be fine financially unless self isolation carries on for another 2 or 3 months.

>lulu 3d live debut
Holy shit I didn't know this was happening. She looks good. Also hope you get feeling better.
Good taste in everything. Really been wanting to replay P3 lately but it's hard to justify with all the other shit I'm playing. You gonna read the other versions of NHK?

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Nice spoiler tag retard

Might start Uncharted 4.
Nekopara, Promare
Me and That Man
Work emails and Yas Forums
Mac & cheese
Various beers, maybe some rum
Coconut from Nekopara
Alright. My headphones have finally kicked the bucket so I can't play PC games with sound at the moment until my replacements arrive.

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Rimworld, Risk of Rain 2
Better Call Saul
Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums
Pasta with tuna
Not today
Got an inflammation in my eye so I'm currently sitting with an eyepatch over my eye. It's not nice

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Black Mesa and TF2
The 1971 Daytona 500
Blue Oyster Cult
Corn Flakes
Orange Juice
Not yet
no work for at least 12 weeks now, I'm feeling mighty comfy

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It was on purpose. Or wasn't it.

>what's your favorite radiohead/kanye album?
Kid A for Radiohead, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy for Kanye.

Doom 2 hideous destructor, borderlands 2, killing floor 1
kinda want to get into eve
doom eternal ost yesterday, partiboi 69 larer

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>You gonna read the other versions of NHK?
Yeah, I was gonna read the novel first, then read the manga.

Kinda only Animal Crossing right now. I'd like some oranges I think. I'd like to carry on with DOOM, as I did the first level and it didn't hook me. I'm sure I'll enjoy it
I might watch Pom Poko later. Aside from that, IT Crowd and Peep Show on Netflix.. Might watch The Lighthouse tonight
Ursula Guin's "The Dispossessed" is next on my pile. Got it as a gift
Unironically Flamin' Hot Cheetoes
I might pull one out later to this video I like. It's about this woman on a sleeper train who starts masturbating, then the guy above comes down and they fuck. He shoots the BIGGEST cumshot on her tits. I usually time it so I pretend it's me
Nervous. The results from my dream job interview could come through any day now. If it goes ok for me, I could be spending the next 5 years teaching in Japan. After 10 years doing it in the UK, I am so done with British education

Pic unrelated, but submitted for approval

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FFXI on Eden
Crime videos on YouTube while working from home
Donald Fagen
not shit
probably make some noodles with butter or go to the local BK provided their still open today
Franzia Cabaret later tonight
married, don't need to
headache, have some PowerPoints to finish for work that I'm stressing about. Other than that, grateful to still be able to work

Hello lads
Azur Lane and WOWS mobile because I’m trapped in a hotel room for three weeks, at the very least. Was supposed to be a two day trip but fuck me
Fellowship of the Ring
Aforementioned soundtrack
This thread
Chocolate covered almonds
Knob Creek
Bote girls
Boss broke his arm and needed to go to Tokyo for surgery, brought me along to carry his bags. Got to ride the bullet train for the first time which was cool, but the next day it was decided we had to quarantine for two weeks since we took public transport. Now things are going crazy and we might be stuck even longer. I didn’t plan on a long stay so I’ve got an extra change of clothes and three pairs of undies, and no games apart from mobile shit.
Any recommendations for decent mobile shit?
What za and beer my lad
There’s MtG books?
>Shepard’s pie
Tell us about the girl user
>week two
I’m three days in and already sinking into my dejected slump that I always get when I shut myself in, don’t want to think about the next few weeks

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God of War: Ghost of Sparta
GTA: Liberty City Stories
Slot streams
Chinese virus threads

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Fuck, that reminded me I dreamt of an amazing girl as well. I'd forgotten about it but now I miss someone that doesn't exist.

ive dreamt about a girl too. Some dude spilled anti hair fluid over me and my party and that girl ive dreamt of cut my hair afterwards. I lookedlike some cybergoth. I told her I love her and that I knew she has a boyfriend. I huged her and she didnt resist. This is how I am being cucked in my own dreams. Thanks for reading my blog

That shit suuuuucks japanon.
Lots of good emulators you can run on your phone. Maybe get a GC emu and play animal crossing and zelda.

TWEWY, blind. It's really good.
corona-chan news. She got our Bojo today.
economics textbooks, currently studying
cheese and ham omelette
lemon tea for some reason
big girls
eh. can't complain

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what's the name of the porn video?

It's simple, but Candies N' Curses is a cute little roguelite. I play every so often but it definitely passes the time.
Sorry about your situation though, really hoping you guys manage!

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>Any recommendations for decent mobile shit?
Yeah, disregard mobile games and get some emulators. Tons of great RPGs and VNs to catch up on while you're in isolation.

>There’s MtG books?
yeah I think there are more than 60 Books
>Fellowship of the Ring

on Pornhub. You will cum so much you'll faint

some WOW, but I'm wanting to play something else maybe. I tried doom eternal for a little bit but it didn't hook me
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. cute anime so far.
I just listened to Lady Gaga, I need to find some nice new music.
I've got a bunch of manga to read, I can't decide which one.
some cheap yakisoba
kinda restless, but not bad. I'm gonna take it easy today.

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Monster Hunter GU

Batman: Hush

Claude Debaussy

Gardens of the moon



Maybe some big titty femdom later.

A bit tired but okay.

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trying to 100% all the old gta games, and maybe play some asciident later
Hugo1 streams
some eggs and hash
nice cold soda
maybe later
pretty gud

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GTA Chinatown Wars, Unreal
virus tracker
keepin' it 69
scrambled eggs
probably short haired milfs
Okayish, but my tooth hurts and dentists in my area simply don't work
Also I'm not sure if I bought enough booze

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Don't know. I have finally decided I'm in a slump and can't focus on anything.

Maybe The Terminator since I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Then T2 tomorrow. Great series, it was a good decision to not make anymore after these two.

Place of Ordeals - FFX

The short story from the Final Fantasy VII Remake World Preview book that details Aerith's early childhood prior to the start of the game.

Just ate a burrito for lunch.

Diet Coke. Rolling Rock later.

Foot tickling.

Okay, I guess. Ended one friendship early in the week after having enough of him rooting for the Democrats like it's his favorite football team and shames me whenever he gets the chance because I don't vote 100% democrat all the time.

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