How can other developers compete?

How can other developers compete?

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By not making their games open world garbage. Pretty easy, actually.

By not making a piece of shit game like this one?

>How can other developers compete copying Skyrim which is what many open world games were doing by post 2012, just like what Nintendo did when making botw

*blocks your path*

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Botw is the new skyrim for a new gen, it's a cycle of garbage smooth brain open world's that'll always keep repeating

By making games of other genre.

Seriously, BOTW was a perfect demonstration of how much ass the open world/sandbox games suck. It shouldn't be something special by itself, but because of complete lack of actual competition in the genre, it's popular.
Yes, million minecraft clones and games that wish they were skyrim exist. No, none of them are good. This leaves a huge void at the top of the genre. The only good game in the genre also becomes the best of its kind.

This is the worst Zelda game and all because autistic faggots bitched hard about muh linearity. As a result, the combat and linear progression was dumbed down heavily so that you can beat the game in 30 minutes like an autistic faggot subhuman speedrunner


> autistic faggots bitched hard about muh linearity

As they should. Zelda is not linear.

It wasn't open world either until BotW
"Open world" as in Skyrim-tier, retard.

They were a hell of a lot more linear than this.
>inb4 but the original
Even that was more linear and was gated in places.

Zelda has always been a linear adventure since the 90s.

This. The game is in so many ways a return to how Zelda used to be like that at this point it feels refreshing. The issue the game has is the same as with many other open world games, but the problem isn't the ideology of
>lmao yeah you can just run there if you go

It's funny because The Witcher 3 has was more GOTY awards and Red Dead Redemption 2 has a higher metascore. Literally no one but deluded drones actually thinks the shit you posted.

Travelling around in botw is so boring. Everything is a trek that takes to long. Even if you have loads of shrines unlocked to teleport to it still takes to long to get anywhere.

>m-muh Zelda was always non linear
The first game was. Zelda 2 and onwards have been heavily linearized in terms of story progression. Stop acting like open world Zelda was a thing for a while

They're all shit. Nobody has figured out open worlds yet.


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This is the reason I bought and sold my Switch. The first game I've been hugely disappointed in for ages. I didn't like a single element of it. I thought it felt like a knock-off of the Zelda formula by some no name indie dev that just procedurally generated the content.

The rare times I got the Zelda atmosphere was in the little enclosed villages. Almost really enjoyed them.

Sad but true, no other open world game is nearly as good.

Please stop implying that there is such a thing as an open world game done right. The last thing we need is more developers banging that head against the wall. It's been two decades and there's never been a good open world game. Pop a cap on that shit and give up on it.

Three notable games over five years? Really?

Zoomer talking shit bout Zeldy.

>More GOTY awards

Ah yes, game journalists. Clearly a group of people that Yas Forums respects and appreciates.

>Higher metascore

No it doesn't. And BOTW actually deserved the scores it got.

Zelda 1 and 2 are open world but not as sandbox as BOTW, that's the difference. Open world is awesome for adventure games, but sandbox is a problem for every game.

But its open world is no different to any other open world.

Very easy, not making open world shite

BotW with SS gameplay and TP story and atmosphere and Dark Souls tier bosses would objectively be the pinnacle of Zelda games. Yes I sound like a faggot but Im just amazed Nintendo hasnt bothered to take Zelda a step further to the level of Soulsborne level combat

>Even that was more linear and was gated in places.
It was also unfun ass that was designed to be played with a guide specifically telling you where to go, what to do, and where all the secrets were which made it feel like an utter chore if you were playin without one, and a mere checklist if you were playing with one. It gets a pass because of age and legacy.

>soundly and utterly destroys Zelda on a budget of a ham sandwich


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Very non-linear progression and exploration.


Tons of great optional content.



Zelda 2 and onwards

Zelda 2 is massively nonlinear. You can explore most of the overworld and get most of the spells without entering any dungeon.

I had more fun with that mad max game desu

>Game journalism only matters when it supports my opinion

An I being rused?

>And BOTW actually deserved the scores it got
Because that's what you want to believe?

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You can tackle dungeons out of order, but you have to be somewhat of an autist to know that or do it.

This game was trash
The gimmick runs out quick and theres a ton of flaws.

Open world will be good when we can actually live in games with VR.

>Open world will be good this time, I swear
Every time. It's the communism of vidya.

>its open world is no different to any other open world.

Wake up.

>2D indie shit.

How embarrassing. Can't your brain cope with 3D navigation?

They can't. Notice how the consensus among botw haters has shifted from it being a "terrible open world knock-off" to "all open worlds" being bad?

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I've been hating open world garbage well before BOTW was a thing, cope-kun.


Let me guess, you think games need cutscenes and voice acting too. Why not just go full on movie and hire celebrites from hollywood?

Go back, nincel

Open worlds are a blight, but there are still open world games I enjoyed far more than BotW and feel had more meaningful content. What is your point?
Hell, ironically BotW's content is almost entirely fluff and padding considering the only areas you actually need to do are the plateau and hc.

How is it different?

Oh shit you're right.

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Fuck off, ACfag. You're comparing a procedurally generated survival-RPG to an open-world exploration game.

>ironically BotW's content is almost entirely fluff and padding
Oh, so it's a open world game

I thought you were joking until I checked the speedruna for it and holy shit, 30 minutes to beat the game's main story? Yeah they skip the 4 dungeons but still

This image sums things up perfectly.

Hater will flat-out LIE about the game or they'll pretend that established video game conventions - which exist in every video game ever made - are somehow major game breaking flaws in BotW.

They'll never offer up an alternative game which can compete with BotW and they'll throw every other video game under the bus to try and convince themselves its bad.

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They're going to pretend botw was the first game to ever have physics and chemistry.

>and they'll throw every other video game under the bus
Just open world garbage.

Open world games all inevitably have very low content density. They severely water down the good shit they have by sprinkling it over a gigantic map that is also filled with emptyness, worthless collectibles and very repetitive quests and activities which might as well have been procedurally generated (and which obviously don't count as real content, since they're boring as shit). This registers to casuals and/or brainlets like a bigger better world with more immersion, but what it actually is is shit padding. That's why open world games suck.
And no, this doesn't apply exclusively to Ubisoft open world games. Ubisoft is the easy scapegoat. The truth is that even the supposedly "good" open world games are shit for the exact same reasons I just stated above. That includes shit like Morrowind, New Vegas, The Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, etc. It's all the same shit.
For some reason, there are people that love walking or riding horses or driving through empty roads while looking at the scenery and they consider that good gameplay. I don't.

Wipe the open world meme from the face of the earth.

They cant.

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I'm comparing two OPEN WORLD games. They have differences, but they also share many traits, Terraria just doing them better.

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In other open world games, you generally still have meaningful content you have to do that isn't just the beginning and end.

Game is just too good. I am still recovering from it and finding it hard to enjoy any other games.

RDR 2 outsold 2 years of BotW in like 2 weeks buddy, I don't think "muh sales" is the argument you should be trying to use here.

Zelda is dead.

>Notice how the consensus among botw haters has shifted from it being a "terrible open world knock-off" to "all open worlds" being bad?

LMAO. Why didn't I notice this before?

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>could not name a better open world game
alright then.
Notice I was talking about "consensus", not your irrelevant opinion, retard-kun.

BotW fixed the open world genre. Its a glimpse of future and an indication of amazing this genre of games could be if developers had any talent or artistic integrity.

Can you make your samefagging less obvious?

I already named a better open world game here.Give me a reason why it doesn't count without strawman attacks.


Heard it all before.

>Notice I was talking about "consensus", not your irrelevant opinion, retard-kun.
Ok. Then I'm glad the consensus has finally woken up, regardless of whatever motivation they have for it. Maybe Breath of the Wild will be the game that finally ends the open world game.

>BotW fixed the open world genre. Its a glimpse of future and an indication of amazing this genre of games could be if developers had any talent or artistic integrity.
Uh-uh, 100 Bokoblin camps and 250 seeds truly changed the game.
And that somehow means it's better lmfao nigga, that make it even more tedious


I suspect OP just made this thread to keep you busy for the rest of the day.

4 years of your life wasted crying about BotW every single day while poor Terraria meeps for attention on a buried tab.

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>could not name a better open world game
Yeah we all know that'd be a totally worthwhile argument to have. But here, I'll toss you some anyway.
RDR2, W3, DD:DA, Morrowind, Minecraft, Skyrim, and others I can't think of off the top of my head.
I'm not saying they're good, or even that I like them, other than DD:DA, but they are better. Or in other words, I didn't dislike them as much as I disliked BotW.

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>100 Bokoblin camps and 250 seeds

See "Haters will flat-out LIE about the game"

>4 years of your life wasted crying about BotW every single day while poor Terraria meeps for attention on a buried tab.
Funny you say this, since I just finished another 20 hour playthrough ala the servers on /tg/.

B...but the line moves downward!

Yep, only an autistic faggot programmer would make this shitty chart. OoT is still a very linear game, even during the six sages temples

Lmao you mean how can this dev copy RDR2?

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By giving up. No one can make a game like BOTW.

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I mean, to be fair, you could make a chart like that for just about any adventure game.

I liked BotW.
But my favorite part about the game was the tutorial area.

It had everything in one. Snow, forest, ect. It was amazing. It was huge also.

If the rest of the game was like that I would have been happy.
The problems for me are: the weapons break, there are too many shrines, no enemy variances, not really well thought out exploration, not many places to visit.

It's small town here or there and a horse stable. There aren't a lot of towns, forests, nor are there are castles or places you can explore.

Why do Botw shills always resort to shitposting about metacritic scores and posting Wojaks? Not even other 10/10 Zeldas like OOT get shilled this hard