Hey Yas Forums. I'm a dev trying to break into the fish comedy horror market...

Hey Yas Forums. I'm a dev trying to break into the fish comedy horror market. What should I have in my game to cater to that audience?

Attached: fish.png (1920x899, 1.93M)

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I did consider this option

if you make it so the player can move it will be quite immersive

Great idea. 'Hold space to move'

Saw you in the "How's your game going" thread. Hope this becomes the next baldis basics or whatever.
If you want to appeal like those games you need good fodder for music videos as this video explains youtube.com/watch?v=2BaPIzNBZUs

A good title.

It's called "The Walking Fish 2: Final Frontier"

Gonna give this video a look. Thanks, man

That looks pretty bad OP.
And by bad I mean absolutely unsettling. Good job, you fuck.

Immersive and fun fish-based game mechanics

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thats what VR games do and theyre pretty popular

Hah thanks!

I like that. What would that look like?

fish with huge boobs and butt

Fish-based game mechanics that compliment the game's story and world. What's the game about anyway?

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I've bought every fish comedy horror game ever made, even the 32X ones. If you want to make it big you need three things:
a fish
a banana peel
a fish that slips on the banana peel
a diary that tells of the fish slipping on the banana peel
more diary pages that tell of the dark nature of life eating life and the abyss of existence as a flopping fish that has slipped on a banana peel and cannot get up

You wake up from cryosleep 444 years after being sent off on a space exploration vessel only to find the ship to be completely abandoned. Well, not entirely. Because there's something fishy going on.

That's the first act of the game at least. Then it goes sort of meta and surrealistic on you.

You need a better title.

It's a sequel to my hit title (10 purchases!) The Walking Fish. It has to contain The Walking Fish

Sounds like your game is the next big thing in the Fish comedy horror game market.

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what game is that pic actually from? looks sick

Play with the idea of water = fish and strategically place puddles and watertanks to fuck with people. Doesn't have to make sense but since it's a horror game you can just have sharks burst through pipes and shit. Also, check out SOMA if you haven't done so already, mainly for the sound design of being stuck underwater with the water and other things ready to crush you.

You should call it "Walking Fish Hits His STRIDE: DAYBREAK: bipedal locomotive with purpose"

It's from the fish comedy horror game The Walking Fish 2: Final Frontier

Oh yeah I played lots of SOMA. The sound design in that game is insanely good

>What should I have in my game to cater to that audience?
Something that gets the player hooked.

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I disagree. Too similar to Walking Dead, you're advertising your own game not trying to remind people of another franchise. You'd be better off just calling it something else entirely.

is the fish fuckable? If not make it fuckable
I wanna be able to put the fear of man into it
I wanna become it's monster

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But it's supposed to be similar to The Walking Dead. That's the joke. I'm willing to compromise on the Final Frontier part but The Walking Fish stands. It's a franchise!

You should name the MC Milton Roe

Dude I can't fucking wait for this game to release, I need my fix of fish-based comedy horror.

i'm going to have to ask for your twitter user
i've been waiting to splurge on a new fish comedy horror game and this ticks all the boxes

You heard me

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I'll add fish-fucking DLC if I make enough money off of it

Yeah right here: twitter.com/ThatOtherFish1

>MC has a snappy comment for every gory or disturbing scene he comes across instead of talking like a soiboy in every other indie horror game
>Fishing rod instead of a gun to yank the underwater abomination away from you
>Throw bait to lure the tasty morsel from your path
>Wear your flippers and try to outswim the fish behind you
>Throw a net to temporary immobilize the tunaman that was chasing you
>Aim a broken harpoon at the incoming sharkman to trigger his ptsd and chase him away
>Throw a dynamite to temporary knockout a school of fishes
>They wake up pissed and beeline towards you at x3 speed

It's as much a joke of a title as the Epic movies. It's like that Call of Goat game. Get it? The joke is the title sounds like Call of Duty. But with a goat. Cause it's a well known franchise. That's the joke.
You'd be in a better position by naming it something completely original that won't just remind people they could be playing something else. Make it a fish pun if you want, Dark Scales, Black Scales, Gill, maybe a play on words on whatever specific kind of fish you based the characters on, you get my point.

can you put my oc in the game

Attached: oc donutsteel.png (1747x1363, 16.53K)

>Dark Scales
So like Dark Souls? How is that any different from The Walking Fish?

That wasn't actually intended I was just thinking of generic horror words, but see, that's the kind of thought process I'm talking about. Something sounds too similar or reminiscent of something else so you think of something else. I get that this isn't meant to be the next big thing or anything but a catchy title is always a good start. Something like Five Nights at Freddy's wouldn't have been as much a hit if it was called Chuck E. Scare.

But The Walking Dead games are all notoriously shitty so it's not like people will go. And my fish is literally walking. It's 2 jokes in one!

No problem

Attached: OC.png (1594x899, 2.22M)

Oh just call it the fucking walking fish already ffs.


That wasn't me replying

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>I'll add fish-fucking DLC if I make enough money off of it

Attached: gendo3.jpg (383x101, 5.31K)

Step aside, best bathtub fish coming through.

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Maybe I just don't understand the humor in something being bad on purpose. Those 10 sales could actually go up if it was good.

>I'll add fish-fucking DLC if I make enough money off of it
I'm going to remember this.

What is with Yas Forums and fucking fish tonight.
this is the third thread.

Different strokes for different folks. I don't want to compromise on what I think is funny. But that's not to say I won't take people's ideas into consideration if I find them funnier that what I have!

I love you

What weapons do you have in this game?
What are you trying to do, run away from the fish or fight it?
What happens if the fish catches you?
What things can I interact with in the game? Can I pick up a fish? Can I eat a fishstick?
How many fish are there?
What kind of jokes will there be?

Changed the lighting a bit so you can see your OC a bit better

Attached: OC-2.png (1002x518, 833.77K)

Does the fish like waddle up to you really quickly like a stop motion gmod statue?

Woah, double thank then

Orange Roughies.

So the game is divided into 2 acts. First one is that you're on the space station and trying to figure out what happened and escape the station via an escape pod.

The second act I can't really talk about as that's meant to be kept entirely secret but it is not AT ALL like the first act.

> What weapons do you have in this game?
No weapons

> What are you trying to do, run away from the fish or fight it?
Run away

> What happens if the fish catches you?
Most likely: ya dead

> What things can I interact with in the game? Can I pick up a fish? Can I eat a fishstick?
You can interact with switches, buttons, computers, and some fish stuff yes.

> How many fish are there?
There is 1 Walking Fish

> What kind of jokes will there be?
Fish jokes

It's got sort of a limp/waddle style of walking so kind of?

>Fish jokes
I want to hear a fish joke

>fish comedy horror
I never knew I wanted this

You have COD to be kidding me!

I would recommend dinosaurs. Obviously given that this is at its core a FISH comedy horror game, they wouldn't be a major focus, but I understand dinosaurs are very popular with the demographic of people that enjoy that genre. Perhaps you could even make some kind of dinosaur fish.

no like put your hand on the table and rock it back and forth. Imagine that but really fast.

I mean considering I have a fish research lab in the space station I could add an off-shoot dinosaur research lab

C'mon man, don't just say shit for the halibut

I think you should focus on fish.
if you make it about other animals it would lose the weirdness and feel too realistic.

The fish runs after you, but if you put an object in it's path it falls and starts flopping, the horror music stops. If you come close to it while it does it tho it gets up and kills you with a fish vore animation

Dumbest thing I have ever heard

Ay, I've seen you from gamedev threads and agdg. Are you still citing inspiration from that Frog Maths game (I forgot the title)?

weird squishy echo fishsteps

Maybe. I mean at the end of the day I want 2 things from the game. A cohesive theme and it mixing comedy and horror in a fun way.

Yeah Frog Fractions is still an inspiration

I do have weird squishy fish steps! I recorded a wet dish rag being lightly slapped against a hard surface to get it

If it's not plot essential, i reccomend having multiple walking fish and not telling the player about it

For story reasons I can't have that. And I can't quite explain why as that'd spoil pretty much all of it

give us a setting where the fish walking sounds like this

Attached: thumb_ste-animation-smears-on-twitter-spongebob-squarepants-squeaky-boots-50633061.png (300x167, 31.93K)

yeah name needs to be something retarded so it has the meme factor, but not reddit le so randumb either.
The Walking Fish Presents: 342 Ways to Assume Locomotion through Conventional and Unconventional Means or something dumb like that

Every fish joke has its plaice. Some just lack sole.

That's actually not a bad idea. Having The Walking Fish be the short name and then an obnoxiously long "sub-title"

>Yeah Frog Fractions is still an inspiration
Nice, keep it weird.
I've been wondering though, how does the fish dude kill the player? Can we get a sneak peak of the death screen?

Shit I wish I had a webm of that. Let me see if I can whip one up

sound guy must have went nutts when making this.

Cheers lol

Unironically this. Except subtle sexual appeal

I like this

There is a scene where The Walking Fish meets his romance interest. That could make sense

The Walking Fish 2: Finding an Intelligent Sea-creature Hellscape upon Reawakening in an Alternate and Precarious Environment
The Walking Fish 2: F.I.S.H.R.A.P.E for short.