Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

We are here to talk about the future best CRPG ever.

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Other urls found in this thread: & Dragons/3rd Edition (3.x)/3rd Party/Book of Erotic Fantasy.pdf

yeah but if it's RTWP it's trash

I have wanted to play a lich for a long time then this game comes along and gives it to me but then gives me options for living swarm and golden dragon to rival it.
Fuck this. Too many cool options.

>Implying it's not going to be a garbage fire of a multitude of badly implemented features they are now forced to add.

I wonder when the voting for the beast race option will be

It's both. You can switch between rtwp&tb on the fly.

>added Heroes of Might and Magic III as a minigame
The madmen.

Can I be a necrodruid?

Druid lich is there so probably.

Russians man, Heroes is in their blood.

I will now buy your game.

I cant wait to redeem a succubus with my dick

>For me? It's Human Male Paladin Angel, how could you tell?

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Same, but golden Dragon instead

Just the fact that you had to specify human was enough to make me vomit.
Nu-RPGs are cancer and you morons ate that up like candy at a diarrhea convention.

>the first D&D game I got was NWN2
>the first characters I made were a lawful good Aasimar paladin and a chaotic evil half-orc barbarian
I'm not sure I miss the days of being able to relate pure good and pure evil.

That's nice, but it's designed for RTwP primarily so it will have pretty braindead design which tactical gameplay will destroy and little thought will be given to the pacing of turn based mode, which will give those 'turn based is slow' idiots some actual fuel to use for a change.

They did develop V after all.

The only remotely good romance in the original was in the DLC. Probably the most interesting character too.

Hope they don't fuck it up like that again.

Is Kingmaker worth buying/playing?

Yeah, with the turn-based mod.

It gets a bit dull late in the game when you've done everything and just skipping days, but the character building is really fun

Now? Absolutely. It was buggy as fuck forever but its fine now and its a solid 100 hours of content with a few outstanding flaws but a lot of strengths.

>Yeah, with the turn-based mod.
Might as well play it on story mode then

>having a lot of options is bad
>only play what I want you to play

>written by Amber Scott
Game's not even out yet and there's already at least three gay main story characters, one of whom is a tranny.

Who cares just fucc the succ

I mean, the tranny isn't really a tranny in the real world sense. And you can fire all companions anyway.
Owlcat are pretty good at keeping Paizo's shit at a minimum while improving the whole adventure path story. Fuck, in the original AP, the salad came pretty much out of fucking nowhere near the end while Kingmaker alludes to it in almost every single chapter.
Also, about the Amber Scott thing, don't forget she's only responsible for the very beginning of the story and was removed afterwards, so that isn't even really an issue either.

Is Valanon dead?

>run past a perception check 4 times, nothing happens
>fifth time I'm running through the same room in the same pattern, it finally gets discovered
>due to this roll and DC
I am confused

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Neutral Good
Human or Aasimar
>Mythic Path
Havoc Dragon

Do we know how will the Mythic Paths work?
I remember some user's speculating we might get two "tiers", as in, you choose a first, then a second Mythic Path, since apparently a dev mentioned some of them being late game content or something.

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>D&D game
>no game master
>no soul

RTwP isn't even harder you absolute moron.

>implying cuckfinder will top BG3

Fuck off with your stupid ass russian game

>oh cool I will roll a lich and be the best nercromancer arou
>see the swarm that walks

I am so conflicted, I like the concept so much. What the fuck does the swarm that walks even do to make it mythic? Sounds fun but kind of underwhelming compared to being a lich or a demon lord.

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Nice bait, BG3 is the game with a literal cuck.

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>no muh humans!
Kill yourself

>this retard is still mad about a roasty being a roasty

BG3, PF:WoTR and Solasta.
Man, what a time to be alive.

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>thinks hes chad picking all that fancy tripe
Human male fighter with no mythic path is the only chad play to play

>no mythic path
Why not LEGEND?

Wasn't that wizard guy you rape in the House of Fun actually a swarm of worms or something?

I swear, if Owlcat had the balls to make Azata's dragon romanceable I would never ever pick anything else forever.

>tfw no antipaladins
Why do moralfags always win bros?

Owlcat, make it happen and make it cute!
It's a fantasy game where dragons are extremely intelligent and powerful beings, c'mon!

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>dnd breeding table.jpg
I'm not surprised it exists but I can't help but be disappointed. & Dragons/3rd Edition (3.x)/3rd Party/Book of Erotic Fantasy.pdf

Just mod it out and have then seethe

video game romances are for faggots

They are, but since there will be romances in the game anyway, might as well give us something fun and different.

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I wonder if Pozzio will let them rewrite parts of the scenario or if it will still end with a chance to get trumpeted to death while the epic ending is handled off-screen.

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A worm that walks, yes
The main bad guy is the Demon Lord of Swarms, so you will end up assuming control and devouring everything in the world, most likely

Tooting has been rewritten already.
Otherwise, you playing as a Chaotic evil demon would result in a personal smiting

You mean forever corrupt her

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They said you choose your mythic path relatively early in the game. But they also said there are some late game mythic paths. I guess we just dont know yet how that will work.

>spend the entire game waiting to see what the late game mystic paths are
>Never actually take one

You would trust this squad with your back when you ride into the Abyss, right?

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>The main bad guy is the Demon Lord of Swarms
Did they do that on purpose, after reading all those whiny comments about swarms on the Internet?

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I'm gonna need more information on the extent of her fucked up thought process before I entrust my back to her. But she seems like a good girl.
>Hellknight gnome whose name I can't remember
Yeah, I just wouldn't hang out with him outside of combat. Hellknights are trusty, but the biggest sticks in the mud in the world, and probably assholes about it too.
Sure, so far he seems like a cool guy.
Absolutely not. At least not until I know what's up with her amulet.

>viper familiar gives +bluff
shes a snek in disguise isnt she?

Does Golarion have yuan-ti?

I don't know what terrifies me most, the text or the images.

They have serpentfolk and they can actually disguise themselves as humanoids.

Did the devs confirm that player made henchmen will be a thing like they were in Kingmaker?

Really need that back, I enjoyed making party compositions of my own liking, and being able to replace characters which annoyed me but their role was not replaceable.

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Of course not retard.

>what is [Chaotic Evil]
Unleash your inner demon, user

Is it a Devil or Demon mythic class?

What the fuck do I care what gender or sexual orientation they are when they will all just end up as a part of my skeletal horde?

They can be tranny skeletons all they want for all I care.

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