Has a game ever made you commit suicide?

Has a game ever made you commit suicide?

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imagine being such an awful parent your son kills himself at 15

If someone committed suicide, they wouldn't be alive to post here you fucking retard

The absolute fucking state of reddit jesus fucking christ. This is worse than the faggot posting a selfie with his unconscious dying wife. It's not just that these things are uploaded, but the massive support they get. Seriously they're fucking psychopaths

If I commited suicide then I wouldn't be here to post this, dumb redditor.

How do you know?

whatever you say retard, i'm gonna kill myself just so i can come back and tell you to suck my balls. brb

I feel the son..

LMAO get good

wow ur dumb as shit faggit

yeah I'd kill myself if I had to play 76 too LMAO

>he doesn't have any extra guys

>he didn’t dictate Yas Forums posts in his will / suicide note

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I would kys to if my papa was a redditard manchild and a falloutfag

I'm back now. Suck my balls.

Can't say I blame him. If all I knew was Fallout 4 and 76, I'd probably want to off myself too.

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>He doesn't shitpost in the afterlife

counter-strike: source made me commit social suicide. Broke up with my gf because she would cosntantly call/text me when I'm trying to scrim

>Being such a shit parent you kid leroy jenkins in the no scope
only reddit things

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At least they're msking our planet healthier

I'm certainly hoping that my behavior in Dota has caused at least one suicide

There's a lot of reasons one might off themselves that the parents have no control over, user.
For all we know, it was his closeted gay love affair with you that made him feel so guilty there was no other way out.

Fuck man. Don't post that shit. What a fucking downer.


your son was an hero :)


Would it be more pathetic if this post was true, or if he made it up for upvotes?

You cant stop someone who really wants to kill himself, therapy may delay it but it gonna happend eventualy

Have you tried taking the cocks out of your mouth before posting on 4channel?

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I'm surprised someone remembers that

>using your own son's death to get upvotes and reddit gold on a video game subreddit
Absolutely disgusting.

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my son killed himself :((((
edit:thanks for the gold kind sir it's my first ever! maybe I'll spend it on some nula cola!

>buy your son fallout 76
>son kills himself
jesus todd what did you do to this man

I've been fucking your mother since before you were born newfag. I don't like reading about dead kids.

It's not that old, user.

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>Son commits suicide
>Brag about it on Reddit
Maybe he should have spent less time on Reddit and more time actually paying attention to the no doubt obvious moods his son was going through, and actually made sure to ask him if he was okay and checked in on him frequently.

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Yeah, it's a downer to see that someone is using their son's death for reddit gold.

This is so sad?

Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions.

To be honest, I'd kill myself too if my dad forced me to play bethesda fallouts.

dood this is so sad but elon musk and tesla are giving away free bitcoins click here now to find out more

He got a good 15 years of tax benefits and he doesn't have to pay for the kids college. It worked out.

fuck you he should have just pulled himself up by muh bootstraps its not my fault

Why are you expressing gratitude towards a company?

Companies exist to make money, and only to make money. Your happiness, well wishes and pleasant memories are nothing but a byproduct of said wealth accumulation. Being thankful to a company is like thanking a tree for growing. It's nice that you're happy, but the tree grew for it's own sake and cares nothing for your happiness.

How do Americans fail yo grasp this?


He probably doesn't have anyone else to vent to to be honest
I know that feel

Americans have been completely brainwashed by neoliberal capitalism.


Just something like 11 years ago if I remember right

>Make such a great game you kill yourself because nothing will ever compare
Todd does it again

I'm starting to think maybe it's all a ruse by Bethesda to garner positive public attention associated with Fallout after recent disasters. Make up some bullshit sappy story and post on r*ddit, have other accounts you own upvote/give hold to get the ball rolling, retarded r*dditors are retarded and upvote/give gold because lol everyone else is gotta think and act like everyone else for this epic post, and in the end people probably subconsciously associate Fallout with positive upvotes/gold/whatever gay shit they have. It's repulsive to think a company would do that but I honestly wouldn't put it past them and it makes just as much sense as some completely psychotic parent posting that stupid bullshit. Or it's some faggot who wanted internet points, which is best case scenario.

they're not psychopaths. they're the perfect representation of your average joe.
seriously I was essentially forced to spend a year browsing reddit after not ever using it and I was appalled by how self-centered these people are. the awards fucking give them a reason to go on, I shit you not.
and the worst part is that that's just how people are. it's more shameless on reddit because there's an expected degree of anonymity.
but people just suck in general.

So what, you're a pics or it didn't happen kinda guy? You're a sick fuck user, but I'll see what I can do.

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yo, grasp this *grabs crotch*

It's not entirely that. It may look like they want attention, but it's not. Not feeling alone helps greving a lot

>son offs himself
>thank you Bethesda
I hope this guy has at least two more kids. Next one will earn him free Netflix and the last one will get a free WoW sub. This is why you raise kids, folks. Free stuff.

I am disgusted by this thread.

>I don't like reading about dead kids.
Absolutely homosexual

companies are just groups of people and they love having their egos stroked
cool fart sniffing tho

Imagine making such an awful game that your fans commit suicide.

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This. Life as an american is pure hypercapitalist hell. Land was right.

>companies are just groups of people

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>Your happiness, well wishes and pleasant memories are nothing but a byproduct of said wealth accumulation.
This. Every major company on God's green earth will take your side, care about your feelings, and love you only as long as it is the most profitable move.

Sony participate in the gay pride parade every year. Do you think it is because Sony, as a company, has a great interest in the homosexual community? No. It's because this shit sells at the moment and it's good to get facetime in with this crowd. Sony would be participating in the KKK-parade if it was the event most likely to make them the most money.

prove it

venting is one thing. you can do it alone and out loud, even.
that fuck is just looking for a circlejerk.

land is a boomercon with amphetamine psychosis

Man no one ever talks to us.

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Not the best place to post it either. Yas Forums will find anyway to twist the blade. This board is truly full of cruel discapible people.

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Bravo user...every one of you moba faggots that don't exist makes room for real vidya.

>noo mum, I don't want to play your buggy shit fest of a game, noooo, please stop

Pic sauce?

edit: thanks for the (you)s guys!

it's like he had a really expensive dog

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Some people can’t vent alone, but he is a fucking retard for doing it in a public space


Why do people do this?

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Considering how often mental health is glanced over in the US and treated like a joke, I'll make all the assumptions I damn well please.

He's clearly looking for pity first and foremost. Looking for actual, professional advice instead of having a bunch of people on Reddit pat you on the back and validate you as both a person and a parent would have been a much better solution.

>He probably doesn't have anyone else to vent to to be honest
>not having any friends (or familly members) to talk to

I mean Its nice to talk to people that understand your niche interests, but that's incredibly sad.

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Shaun committed suicide when he let a bunch of lousy scientist running the institute.

Reminder that reddit used to have a great board where you could watch videos of people's deaths, and they killed it out of political correctness.

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Flower Knight Dakini

the one time I had to deal with grief I was too weak to eat or leave the bed, let alone circle jerk about a company for internet points.
I still can't bring myself to even delve too deep in it and this fuck is putting it out there for strangers to see. at the very least I wouldn't use the death of a loved one profit, specially not something as low as fucking pity.