Bleeding edge online on steam now:

>bleeding edge online on steam now:
>465 people
Oh no no no buttercup bros we were to cocky

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bros... why it's always happens...

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Unironically just make her face slightly more attractive and she’d be 10/10 architect bait. I’m not even saying get rid of the haircut or the double chin, but just make her a little sexy goddamn. Show me some cleavage.

Everyone is playing through the windows store and on Xbox.

>windows store

I know it seems like I'm shitposting but the game is free with the xbox game pass and it's $30 on steam/without it.

I'm enjoying the heck out of this game y'all. I just love the representation and body positivity.

I wish that huntress character with the huge ass wasn't a nigger

Fuck games that have unattractive women. It's always some feminist/sjw/faggot agenda or women influence. Who the fuck looks at that and thinks yup, perfect. It's hideous

Don't fucking type racist shit dude delete your post.

Why would you not just play through windows store, just pay 5 a month for gamepass

I do not want to play games that predominantly feature butt ugly characters. Fuck this faux punk aesthetic shit.

It's not even in the top 50 most played on XBL. This game is dead.

Should've marketed it more with the hot girl

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I have no fucking reason to spend money on this. Shouldn't have released your shit moba when doom eternal is still fresh

Delicious amazon chocolate, and tight underage red head.

Unironically fucking based

negro worshippers get out please

Everyone recognized that it was gonna be DoA from the very first trailer. How come the developers and publishers didn't see it coming?

It looks bad and it's another game in an overpopulated genre. Not really worth anyone's time.

who the fuck expected a game advertising itself with that abomination as it's front(wo)man to do anything BUT bomb? only incredibly retarded/deluded faggot devs who loved how woke their design was I guess

I want to lick those abs

Only steam fags are so retarded to buy this game when its free on windowsstore

i was expecting more from the game
it aint bad, but sure as hell it aint good, just decent at best

Even when the beta testers overwhelmingly commented about wanting the game to remove the auto locking and making everything free aim, they ignored it completely.

Oh well, gotta go back to waiting for something that at least come close to replacing Gigantic

I understand the complaints about this game, but I have a lot of fun with it.

The menu music is very nice and I do actually really like the music ques when they happen.

God I hate these zoomer fortnite graphics
unironically give me back the grey and brown of the late 2000s instead

I would love to play it but i don't want to buy it

it's a game Developed mainly for the Xbone, of course it will have autoaim on 24/7 much more when the enemy is jumping around and dashing the whole goddamned time and you have to aim with a controller
get Gamepass and you can play Yakuza 0 and Doom too

Lol you woke people are insane

I'm sorry but majority of people who actually play shooters (eu, russia, china, japan) dont use consoles and also dont use xbox gamepass

>get Gamepass
fuck off shill

There's some fun character designs (Daemon, Mekko, and Kulev really stand out) but the writing is so fucking awful.

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>hero selection game
>not being f2p
It was doomed from the start.

>unironically give me back the grey and brown of the late 2000s instead
>Thinking that the grey and brown times of the late 2000s were ever good

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This. Soon as I saw they had a price tag attached I knew it was doomed to fail. Imagine being a studio so clueless in 2020.

wtf is that landwhale

The upcoming gods and monsters game from ubisoft is just ass creed odyssey but with fortnite graphics.

They all shit tbhq

what the fuck is this game?
I thought the gameplay was somewhat like an arena fighting game after seeing some promotional material but now I've seen a video where they shoot each other but now I read you don't even aim so it's like a moba really
and it's not even free lmao
what the fuck were they thinking

seethe and cope

Another billion dollar franchise

They are mentally ill

haven't they realized yet people play this kind of jank with sarurated colors and shitty graphics only because it's usually free
oh nononono they really thought this trash could sell?

Microsoft seems really keen on making this the next big hitter, too many resources spent you know?

Game feels like a better OW.

If it had more coomer bait, it'd probably be more popular.

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>develop a great game

>don't market it
>don't talk about it
>don't try to even showcase it anywhere

>release it the same week as Animal Crossing

Typical M$ strategy.

It honestly just feels like a soft launch, we're missing a launch character, skins and other shit.

>If it had more coomer bait, it'd probably be more popular.
>implying this fat abomination is not a coomer bait for sjw

is there any porn of the game at all?
because jesus all mighty i haven't seen any and it's been a while since the beta
even blunderborne had some by the third day

>release it the same week as Animal Crossing
What does that have to do with anything? AC is a 30 minute a day game anyway, not like people will be so overwhelmed by marathoning AC they won't play anything else

SJW's don't play a lot of games, let alone multiplayer battle arena's.

Buttercup, Kulev, and Nidhogger are S tier

All others are below them and not even worth the time to sort them

Go woke
Go broke

i do not understand racism
becuse racism means putting Beyonce on the same tier as Leslie Jones, and i feel that is absolutely retarded.

Some niggers are beneath other niggers but all niggers are beneath whites

Lol I didn’t even know it was out.

Ninja Theory will never make a successful game. They had a shot back before DmC. Now their name has become synonymous with “not good enough”.

Nobody who just spent 60 bucks is going to buy another game.

Marketing. Its hard to get your message out when everyone (potential costumers, influences, "journalists") is talking about AC and Doom.

still retarded to believe some white rosties are above prime black pussy

>release it the same week as Animal Crossing and Doom, when they develop a weird synergy between both fanbases.