You play vidya with your significant other, right?

You play vidya with your significant other, right?

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God I want a gf so bad

My what?


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Of course I do. you need both hands to play VR games properly idiot

i'm ugly a 5'7 and 20 and have never had a gf and probably never will have one, i will blow my brains out within the decade

Why, of course
Just had a load of fun playing the newest entry in the Musouchad genre
Might have sex later

my who?

Why yes, I do not play vidya with my significant other, as I do not have one, how could you tell?

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No I'm ugly and have too many mental issues

Nah she always tried (single now) but she was always shit. Couldn't figure out the controller. Couldn't figure out how to move. Always had to look at controller to press buttons. Never knew where to look on screen. Always asking why she was doing something (even if we started a game together). And she always got frustrated real fast. I'm sure she would of learned but she always gave up. Bless her for trying but having her play was always an experience

Just find a ugly chick who's shorter then you .

Yeah, I always play with my right hand.

shorter chicks are more discriminatory about height

user you can live longer than 30

this. though i don't mind how tall a gf would be, part of me likes the idea of her being a bit taller than me

Source please

no you won't idiot
you're 20. barely out of highschool and think you're life's over. get over it

it is. i can't grow taller, can't make my face less ugly.

You can become less autistic

believe it or not i'm not bad about it irl (when i do sometimes talk with people)

i bet you think you're real "mature" for "accepting the truth"

i don't think of myself positively in any way other than being accepting of and understanding fellow subhumans

I don't have friends, let alone a significant other

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>believe it or not i'm not bad about it irl
sure thing bud.

So she can step on you ? Nice

yes actually i'm a footfag

god shut the fuck up. quit telling yourself this bullshit. whats it for

I'd rather be single than date a goblina

The hard part comes after you get a gf and honeymoon phase ends

i'm not the one who tells me i'm subhuman because i'm short/ugly

This is cuck shit, isn't it?

i can't, she lives in gensokyo

Become the gf

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This but a boyfriend.

post feet, gay boy

I've got hobbit feet, you wouldn't dig them.

let me see your soles

i play ffxiv with my boyfriend almost every day and it makes me quite happy. it certainly makes long distance relationships more bearable when you actually have things to regularly do together

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Not in my experience also research disagrees with you as well. What may contribute to your discrepancy is tall girls with low self esteem due to height.

*Your significant other plus me!
Thanks for the ad revenue, user. Just gonna peep through those cameras and listen and record everything through it! Half Life Alyx looks based and Kee Know! Why am I recording you ask? Don't worry, you have nothing to hide, right?

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>he does LegalPorno videos now


Crystal cluster?

I have a facial deformity and I'm married with a kid. I also have a lisp.

Cool, user, but some of us couldn't find a gf WITH a facial deformity and a lisp ... actually a girl with a lisp sounds kinda cute.

>tfw i am able to trade nudes with a lot of girls but i'm still a virgin
i don't know what is wrong with me

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This is on the border of too much and a few minus kilograms away from great.

now thats a woman

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built for BBC

user i was the same as you until I was 28, then I slowly got more confident with age and got better. You stop being an incel, or a simp, or a sperg or whatever you think you are. It becomes a hassle, you stop caring about it, and unironically people, not just women, but everyone else as well, will start to like you more as you start to care less about the things they also dont care about.

Built for bacon burgers with cheese? I mean, considering the chub, probably.

Not often, but atm we play AC together.

let me guess, you got a girl around then, maybe after 30?

fuck no, vidya is my thing.


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I want a boyfriend really badly, I'm single.

can gays stop posting in gf threads please

>$3000 TV
>$250 VR headset
I will never understand this.

what do you call your porn folder, Yas Forums?
for me, it's simply called "nothing" in portuguese

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25 years ago

Fucking this, if you go VR, go premium. The finger tracking on index is so satisfying

God, imagine pulling down her pants and shoving your dick into her vagina while she's playing VR.