Comfy Animal Crossing

Post dodo codes you fucks

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advice: use solid color designs as decorative wall panels

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double teaming Alice with my bro!

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Don't bully the koala

somebody let me catalogue a bunny hood please god i haven't seen mabel since she spoke to the twins

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just buy a pro controller lmao.

Calm down tranny

How do I get CJ?
I'm ready to make some statues.

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this user is never getting a bunny hood

How about this one.
Is it better?

cis straight
self-inserts are weak

I have a fucking pro controller I want to play portable you NIGGER

Use a straw to blow under the flaps, for a temporary solution

What do you have to offer for the bunny hood?

buy a pro controller like I am (based third party, fuck ninty) or open em up and replace the part for ten bucks + shipping.
considering doing the latter since i'm still in quarantine, and probably even see about switching shells to a custom atomic purple

Soulless vs. SOUL

>trying to catch tarantulas
>one starts running at me
>my joycons drift up and im trying to run down so i start walking

depends on if you actually have one, what color it is, and what you want

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Thanks for trying to host for the school outfit.

Wow. Can't even attach an image.
Maybe i should get some sleep

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Reminder that tarantula farming is faggotry on the same tier as TT

MUCH better
i like it, honestly. go for it

I wasn't even trying, just saw a random shadow

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Post landscapes, trying to get some inspiration

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fuck you, if the game blesses you with an island to have trannies on, it's not a cheat it's intentional game design.

I time travel because it's not cheating since if it was they would have removed it. Get fucked losers i'm already in winter can't wait to show off my complete museum to you fags with your 20% done ones.

just buy more joycons lmao.

Right on.
Now I'll just make the rest of them.

Are they the rarest fish still? Or at least the highest selling? They arent super hard to catch as long as its raining.

gib sturgeon

Yeah sorry bro hope you managed to nab it. Hopefully can try and open again after dinner.

I got it but my inv got reset :)

>muh using game mechanics is cheating
Please kill yourself.

>since if it was they would have removed i
except they literally cannot outside of always online

are you okay user?

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>as long as its raining.
thats the issue

Same, wasn’t expecting to get such a rare catch so soon...

>loading screen every time someone visits the island
How the FUCK is this acceptable in 2020 goddammit nintendo

The tutorial takes way too fucking long.
I wish the game just gave you most of the shit like the shovel, axe and vaulting pole from the get go instead of arbitrarily blocking off basic features.
And give me a fucking way to turn off this fucking tutorial music.

that poor elf

those tools are literally a couple days lmao

Cool, youll finish all your retarded goalposts and be uninterested in the game in a week or less and then shit up Yas Forums with “why is this game fun” or other dumb waste of space threads, or posts

I like this goat dude. Was the first one I encountered on a mystery island

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Oh, he's cute

Shhhh don't tell em that, just let em get to it themselves

No, the most rare has to be the Stringfish, I used like 300 fish bait without success

Kinda bored and waiting for Resident Services to open tomorrow, anyone wanna open their island?

Sherb wouldn't be my first choice for GOAT but he seems cute enough for lots of anons.

can we get this dude banned for spoilers if he posts the museum

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Bro don’t act all smug, we can all agree that locking the OST behind 7 days of a 40 second shitty guitar loop is bullshit.

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Please respond.
Does he only appear after you get the town hall?

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yes, but I wasnt commenting on that

post tom nook

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Before you all flood in: I have literally nothing other than some peaches that you guys probably want. Im day 2 noob. I have NOTHING!!!!!!!
if you wanna bring a shovel for me plz :))))

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My first island resident was Aurora, shes fucking fantastic

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Tom seems like he'd be a cool uncle.
Lost my old ac folder a while ago, only have these two nooks.

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anyone have a list of fish/bugs with their sale value?

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this is the level of intelligence you should except from the reddit migrants who keep shitting up threads with this

But you gotta agree that shit is bullshit. My town hall being built tomorrow and I can’t be more ecstatic since the hourly music is something I love more than anything else in all the AC games. Who the fuck decided to make the first week have some repetitive ass music, especially for first time players? Fuck

are you pissed?

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uncanny resemblance

can u show that design?
like, on the edit page, i wont download that shitty nintendo app

Stupid, worthless post

Gimme a minute

I did that last night and now they're fucked again plus it's really awkward trying to lift the flap up and do that at the same time
I looked up a teardown of the things and it has a gazillion tiny ribbon cables, fuck that shit I don't want to fuck with that I don't even have a tool to reinsert those properly


thanks mang

Anyone with an open store wanna let me in? Looking to fill out my catalog, can bring items/froot to swap, just tell me which if not both you want me to bring

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If you make a decent amount of
Money it’s best to just replace the fucking things if you’re going to use them so much

nah sorry it's an actual shirt

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>rangebanned from /vg/ again
>can't fucking post in /acg/ at all
what the hell do I do

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