Holy fuck. Get hype

Holy fuck. Get hype.

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we were hyped 10 years ago

fuck yes freeman in HL3

its too late

>caring about half life in 2020
It’s so pathetic how valve thinks that some dead franchise is gonna make VR relevant and get people hyped. How many players does this piece of shit have right now? 2000? Yet another huge flop by valve. Sad!

that poor advisor

all these fucking quitters
"it's too late"
too late for what? keep crying. i'm getting HL3

why do you fear valve and steam? and VR?

Why can't Valve just be candid with us? "We are are working on HL3, and you can expect it around [x date]". Is it really that hard?

>Down to just 2000 players a few days after launch

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No, the last good Half Life was Opposing Force.

Valve doesn't give two shit about what the fans want because they know that basically whatever they do will net them money

Ayo Gordon man we gotta go dis unfo'seen consequences nigga ya feel me?

Because you smallminded apes freak out if that date has to change.

I wouldn't.

What the fuck is that filename?



poorfag cope
phoneposter retardation
gearbox dicksucker

>these are the people shitposting about half life alyx and half life 3

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Anyone have a high resolution screenshot or render of this moment? It'd be nice.

call me a poorfag more when you just wasted 1060 dollars on a 15 hour experience

i paid $400 for an oculus rift on January 2019
i have spent several hundred hours playing all sorts of great vr games, and the best is still yet to come.
cope, poorfag.

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2019? damn you gotta upgrade your rig soon.

>i paid $400 for an oculus rift on January 2019

i have an rtx 2070 super

oh I wasn't talking about your computer

the rift s isn't really an "upgrade"

>Gearbox dicksucker
I hate Gearbox, most of their games suck ass, OpFor just happened to be one of their few good ones. It still isn't as good as the main Half-Life, but it doesn't suck like Blue Shift or HL2 and it's episodes.

tell me that when games start requiring it in 3 years

Valve will never top the fame and popularity they had 15 years ago. The old Half Life devs are gone with Laidlaw. Let it stay dead. Epistle 3 was enough closer.

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there is literally no unique functionality the S offers over the Rift S. Even if software required it arbitrarily, which wouldn't happen, you can just trick software into working with the original.

they have the same functionality

S offers over the original*

reply meant for oops again

They had all the assets, and they had all the time; they could've made HL3.

Instead, they had put all of their eggs in the business of skimming the top of the profits of people, who actually make and sell games on steam.

what is wrong with HL2?

The gunplay felt floaty and weak to me and I didn't really like the characters much or find the story very interesting. Also too much focus on physics gimmicks which I'm sure was impressive for the time, but now it's just lame.

Same. I feel like I'm making more and more of these kinds of mistakes recently. Maybe it's just Corona putting stress on me.

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Yeah, look at all those interesting characters in Opposing Force like Otis! And the plot, oh, the plot!
Dude, I have warm feelings for OppFor too, but HL2's gameplay variety is superior to it.

>Valve has no fucking clue on how to resolve the Combine plot, so after 13 years of mulling it over they're just putting it off and making G-Man the primary antagonist


I didn't like OpFor for it's plot, I liked it for the gameplay, the plot is just another thing I didn't like in HL2.
Variety wise sure, but I don't enjoy the core shooting mechanics of HL2, so none of those varied levels are any fun to me.

I'll get hype when VR set costs ~$200

wasn't he since first game?

He's no more an antagonist than he was when he tried to take alyx in the mines though

>but I don't enjoy the core shooting mechanics of HL2
how? it's one of the most satisfying headshot games

mine cost that in 2018

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Like I said before, it just feels floaty and the weapons feel weak

which one? cheapest I see in my country is $600, i'm not wasting that to try it out

anyone with console commands or something can get out of this scene and post some screens of white forest

I honestly doubt they modeled the white forest base, most likely just the hangar.

He didn't try to take Alyx. He just implanted a message in her.

I dunno, there isn't even much shooting there and puzzles and vents crawling are like 50% of the game. It's the basic HL formula and it's present in HL2 and episodes as well. The new weapons are kinda fun though.

Hype died when 2017 nothing came. That was last time there was true hype for HL3.

>Bought a Occulus Rift off ebay for 270 dollars in 2019
>Pirated alyx on launch day
>Play a bunch of other super fun VR games daily
I love seeing neets and poorfags cope
I can't wait for my trumpbux lol sorry neets

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what games do you enjoy on vr?

H3VR is a favorite. The gunplay is really unmatched and the quantity of guns with the mix of attachments means I never really get bored.
When I want to have fun with friends I hop on VRchat and we just talk to random people with hilarious encounters or we do the minigames on it.
Blade and sorcery for stress relief and beat saber and or Thrill of the fight for excercise

Right now I'm working my way through skyrim VR which is pretty fun as a magic build

there's also all the H-vr games

yea but you can see trees and a skybox out the window. i want a better view of that

>tfw going to get a VR headset with my trumpbux
What's the best porn game I can play

There's literally tonnes but honey select and koikatsu are classics.
There's also the more realism based 3D-mate or whatever it's called with some pretty advanced physics and a lot of other shit like clothes having cloth physics so you can physically peel them off women
browse around the h-game threads and shit

gmans true form?
something seems to be inside his head when he disappears after handing you his briefcase

Attached: gman34.jpg (503x146, 9.22K)

I live under a rock and what is this? How do you get it?

Attached: hl3confirmed.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

If you've filed taxes in 2019 and are not a dependent and made less than 79-120k I think it is; you'll get a check from the US government for 1200 dollars.

His head is not just blurry; it certainly glows in some weird way. They also made his eye glow in the dark.