Anyone Try the Demo

so far its like the first two games but with graphic upgrades and the wardrobe changed. I am getting it and Trails of Mana

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I cant remember but did the first one have sub classes?

i booted it up, switched to jp voices and start dicking around in the job menus.
i got overwhelmed and decided to play it when i had more time and effort to learn that shit.
you could pick your main class and then what secondary class spells you wanted. so you could be monk and then pick black mage abilities.
i haven't looked too far into what subclasses are in II so i don't know if that's just a fancy name for it or of it's a new thing entirely.

I'll get it if it isn't censored.

seems if you make something secondary the spells and abilities are weaker. So far though I love the redesigns for Monk. Monk looked like shit before and now its fabulous.

In all honesty you probably won't be able to tell until the concept art comes out. With Square Enix's new ethics committee it's safe to say whatever decision they make will be in every version of the game.

we might not know if there is any at all, since they are very aware of how childish the west handles these thinngs.

well we know that Elvis is scottish and likes to get drunk. So wait for my fellow americans to get upset for the scotts.

that's an understandable balance decision but a shame because i used to just pick what the "main" class was based on the outfit. So If I had a black/time mage combo I would generally pick the black mage class as the main because the time mage outfit looked like ass.

Time Mage might look different. The costumes for monk is much different now from before so there could be a chance for a wardrobe change.

>go out to take out the trash, return and make breakfast
>in the meantime the previous thread went from page 2 to dead
What the fuck guys? It was a good thread.

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ah shit sorry dude I didnt see it in the catalog for some reason. My bad.


Oh yeah for sure. Black mage for example went from being the best outfit to dogshit for everybody but the princess. I wish everybody had the hoodie because it looks like a corrupted version of the typical final fantasy white mage.

I just started it, but so far it just looks like a bigger version of the 3DS games, yeah

Hwoo! It's a wee bit sweaty round these parts, eh? I could do with a little something to wet the old whistle! Ho ho ho!

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Guys. I hate to say it, but Gloria just might be sexier than Adelle.

this is post is unacceptable

If fire emblem can pull themselves out of the shitfest that was fates I hope BD 2 can

I liked the class system in the first game but everything else outside of combat really grated on me
Guess I'll keep half an eye on this anyways and see if it looks any better

Am I shit or am I supposed to avoid the giant wasps?

This demo is hard as fuck - I got my ass handed to me by those rabbits in the cave. That move plague rat does like 80% of my health and they can just open with it.

I never played BD 1 but played Octopath and I liked how Octo handled the combat with the points building up on normal attacks and the break system.

Why is my Black Mage doing a horrible Shrek impersonation?


Since Nintendo mandates the same version on all stores, the most censorship that will happen is text based. Nothing physical are art wise that isn’t done at the early stage

>select elvis as the black mage
>go into spells
>tiocfaidh ár lá: Deal critical fire damage against mounted opponents
what the fuck square enix

the voice acting is terrible, just like Trials of Mana in both games it's just pervasive, and just washes over the rest of the game. it's amazing the same publisher that made Shadowbringers and FFVIIR which have amazing voice work gave us these two games that gave us Elvis and Angela.

The graphics are good but blurry, I hope it's just an effect to simulate heat haze

finally I still not a fan of the BP system, it's just content padding to make encounters last forever by giving regular monsters gobs of HP and forcing the player to waste tons of MP , I'd rather BP work like Focus does in FF, waiting a turn gives you a boosted attack, instead of attacking 4 times or casting a spell times you one attack that does 4 times damage.

will buy BD2, if it comes out before the PS5 and no where near Cyberpunk and TLoU2, skipping Trials until it's on sale or comes in a bundle with Secret of Mana.

Is there no way to skip the dialogue when you chat with npcs

Both games offer Japanese voice options so who gives a shit about shitty English dubs? Stop using them already.

I don’t understand
What was bravely second if not bravely default 2?
Bravely 1.5?

Does hitting enemy weaknesses actually do something?

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too much untranslated battle text.


extra dmg

Tried this again after barely scraping by through the thief boss and reading some posts on last thread, still don't really super understand how to use brave points effectively but I at least dealt like 10k damage to the worm boss in a turn, much better than my 2k at most vs the thief, still couldn't beat it but now I've got a more ideas on how to tackle it.
Overall the game doesn't feel too satisfying to play, hitting enemies lacks impact so I hope the devs address that for the final release and I much prefer Octopath's BP to this but I am sure I'll get used to it

it said at the start of the demo, the difficulty was boosted from what you'd see in the retail release.

Yoshida isn't the character designer anymore so there won't be any fat butts and thighs to censor anyway.

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I kinda dislike it that all characters have exactly the same stats. Don't know if this was in the other games like this as well but Ind kind of takes away the uniqueness, or should I call it personality, from the characters.
I understand why they did it but still.

Oh don't worry, I wasn't complaining about the difficulty. I just didn't really get the combat system at first, I like the demo being harder because it's actually forcing me to learn how to play before I just throw myself into the full game and drop it before I understand how it works

no that was Second as measurement in time.

it was for the demo it seems

Honestly good thing there's a fuckjng demo because this version of the game has a million issues that require tweaking.
In certain areas the models are so fucking small it's like looking at ants.
Enemy spawn rates are completely ridiculous sometimes respawning in as little as 2 seconds.
Enemy groupings are wildly random to the point of not being able to guess what you'll encounter via the overworked.
A good deal of the dialog is horribly bad at this stage.
When looking possible equipment a change in weight always indicates positive regardless of increase or decrease.
Nothing seems to be balanced around the brave/default mechanic currently.

There's a host of other issues, and I really hope shit gets fixed by the final product but if they released it tomorrow, based on the demo I would not buy the game. BTW I liked the first bravely and octopath and was really looking forward to this game, just for context.

Is there anything left to do after the ruins?

The demo hints there is.

>Nothing seems to be balanced around the brave/default mechanic currently.
I kinda wish they would just remove it, but they cant because its the fucking name of the game.

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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one overwhelmed by the amount of good games we're getting on Switch. I'm being 100% serious.

I’m pleasantly surprised by the characters

>sandnigger party.
>Desert theme.

Not even once, full pass.

dialogue is bad
overworld is bad
the game looks way too unreal engine-y
music and combat are nice

Does the demo have spoilers for BSecond? I haven't played that one

Thoughts on Strong Strike versus regular attacks with the Monk?
Is it just straight up better?

Yea there's a ton of good stuff but it's not put together right. Definitely fixable if they put in the time, but fingers crossed for a better game.

There're two secret bosses.


No. Totally different universe than the first two games.

How to beat the worm?

Blizzara hits it hard as fuck so I think that's key, but it nukes mage super easy.

So what does mastering a job do?

>when adelle's japanese voice says "motto!" on her tier second brave charge

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this, fuck the fedora, bring back the wizard hat or hood.

I don't know what is it but this game's models bother me a lot, I think it's with the upper half of the face.
Wish we just got the simpler chibi style.

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I love the chibi style of the previous games. Always cute when they emote.

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Why does this have to be SD? On 3DS I can understand characters being SD due to tech limitations, but on the Switch they should've been able to reflect Yoshida's designs more accurately ingame.

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>have to reboot the series with new characters in a new world because Bravely Second shit on the plot of the first game so badly

Fuck it’s hard getting used to the battle systems in these games. Excited to play the game from the beginning so I can progress naturally. I hope they listen to the criticisms like the did with octopath cause then this game could easily outdo the originals

Gonna go fight the sand worm, please send tips

Son, you haven't played any of the games to completion, have you

Octopath had insanely satisfying combat.
The rumble in the joycons were perfect for breaking shields too.

You wanted another rehash of the same world and cast after Default already rehashed itself four times and Second did a couple more?

fuck imagine BD2 with the original cast.

We’ve had enough it’s Adele’s turn baybeeeee