Main character canonicaly dies in the tutorial

>Main character canonicaly dies in the tutorial

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demons souls?

>the last boss calls at your house

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Dragon's Dogma.

>posts a porn webm and expects to get serious replies
foolish yet based

>game teaches you how to do taxes

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>you can defeat the tutorial boss
>dies like a bitch

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is this the Payne residence?

SMT IV: Apocalypse

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Don't tell me Colin got the chink-flu.

>mc is a pussy ass bitch that tries to look tough but never actually does anything
guess the Yas Forums game

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90% of JRPGs until they get to the last boss which just happens to be god

>I know that feel bro

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god i hate my wife

gta v

what a genuinly boomer thing to say


>Main character's son becomes a tranny

>game teaches you how to avoid scamming

this reeks of cuckoldry
so give me the source please

>main character is a canon rapist

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wow that costume does not look as good as I remember.

wasn't this from the rance hentai

Mass effect 2?

Guys I think

>what a genuinly boomer thing to say
i wish i was a boomer, then i could at least be living in my own place and working

>ally was the bad guy all along

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Wait, you're not meant to beat him?

>protagonist of the sequel is the orignal protagonist's son
>the character is ten times less likable than his father

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maybe not the tutorial but within the first 5 minutes.

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>This episode

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God, I can't stand looking at the father's face
Poor bastard

>Mc has chlamydia in 10th grade

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>hooded character turns out to be female

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>that look on the fathers face

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I can, it's fucking hilarious. Although yeah it is pretty sad.

>wow that costume does not look as good as I remember.
Name a single fantasy villain costume from any movie or show.


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These cultists from Detective Dee looked pretty dope to me

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look at the title in the metadata

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I'm not saying that looks bad, but the art direction and costume design in LOTR is iconic.

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>that title
pretty based ngl


You can use WAIT on mobile and get the source

>mfw when re-reading the text scrolling by on the second mission
>mfw "died of complications of surgery"
something I never would have expected from a cowadoody game, that's for sure.

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>boss has a second form

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got so used to this guy i forgot this was the source. like he's a celebrity of sorrow

Looks like a father happy for his daughter, stop being rude

The Rance hentia

I think its just that shot, the glove looks really poorly stitched.

>wow its a badass pilot
>who is he
>actually its she

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I dunno how these guys can be so ignorant to their fathers reactions. I'd rather my dad never knew I was gay then for him to look at me like that. Let alone on a video or image we post on social media.

>villain shows regret

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Black Ops III?

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