thoughts on street fighter v?
Thoughts on street fighter v?
fighting games are shit
DBZ is shit
Mortal Kombat didn't add Shaggy cause (serious game) but willingly adds, Joker, Spawn, Predator, Terminator, Jason, Freddy, Alien and other stupid shit
SF5 was only good in it's first 3 years now it's garbage
MVC is dead as fuck
Then you got the weird anime fighters that are boring nobody plays
Tekken was cool, now it's shit
Dont get me started on (((soul caliber)))
>Tekken was cool, now it's shit
How so?
Have to wait 10 minutes for a laggy borderline unplayable match at silver ranking in Aus, not worth the effort.
The netcode is so shit that sometimes it shows you hit the opponent, so you do a special confirm, then the game rolls back and the enemy was blocking somehow so you get punished for a third of your health and its entirely the games fault.
Not as fun as a new Darkstalkers could be
It was fun on launch day to watch people figure shit out, but like all fighting games, eventually people figure out a meta and frame data fags ruin everything by autistically studying shit.
I did a headbutt with Alex, and it showed I had him in my fucking hands, and the motherfuckeibg roll back showed I got flash kicked instead.
The latest update fucked up my matchmaking, I'm having the same problems as and , and even teleporting chars.
I miss SFIV
Shit balance.
someone who has no idea how to actually play fighting games spotted
I like fighting games though, I like playing them on launch day when it's all about fun.
But after a month the frame fags quickly settle in, study the game autistically and make it unfun by unboxing every single secret in the game establishing a shitty meta of "these are good, these are bad".
It happens to every fighting game and you can't deny it doesn't happen
Smash is the worst of these
This is the most retarded take I've ever seen. You don't even play fighting games and you act like you know everything.
Redditors these days.
yeah your right
I don't play fightan games cause some random guy on Yas Forums tells me I dont
I didnt even know that until you told me thanks user
>good its first 3 years but garbage now
The first time ive heard anyone say that as quite literally every single person in the fucking galaxy feels the opposite.
Your bullshit would have made a bit more sense if you were talking about card games, especially those where you often lose without a sense of agency.
i don't
It removed system and combo complexity while also reducing walk speeds and normal range, baffling decisions.
There's something unique about the art styles of these games. I like it but I don't know what it is. the shading?
they're pretty different from game to game
Isn't that the guy that said something about not going to tournaments because kobe doesn't play street games or something
the last few have been identical what are you talking about
> guess correctly 5 times and do 60% to win
> complaining about throws in sf4
what is your preferred sf? what do you even dislike about this that's different from any other sf?
Good sniffs, got a lot better with time but still not worth your time unless you want tourney bucks
what do we think of kolin?
>no lose condition
I'm in
but pls give me cammy or mika pls
>some dude doesn't know how to tech so sf4 is bad
sf4 has its share of flaws, like every street fighter, but throws were not one of them
I actually got Chun Li. Amazing.
Before Leroy came along (and him being heavily nerfed back for good measure), it was/is pretty damn balanced considering it has some shitloads of moves to balance out.
I want her to rape me so fucking badly, she's perfect. You ever play that game Succubus Prison? yeah...
Lilith is something else, pls post more
I agree but what the fuck is that ugly goblin on the left? Rollan for Juri i guess
There is no way Mika is that big unmodded.
Guess i'll get to know that goblin pretty well, at least it has nice tits Fuck you karma you piece of shit
rollan for kolin
Maybe try not living in the third world
>fwb went home to parents house to quarantine
>haven't had sex in like 2 weeks
>see this thread
shut the fuck up
Lilith is my waifu, but I have more pics of her on my phone than PC
juri plz
You picked the perfect picture OP, because it's ass.
I don't want to masturbate with people like you so thank you for being here, I've been trying to quit
>all the 0s itt
Damn, Menat's got a long day ahead of her, also rollan for Karin
ask Leroy
I love the body types in this game holy fuck