$60 for a 5 hour game

>$60 for a 5 hour game

How do you justify this?

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Not only that but it's rushed as hell.

I’ve already fapped to the SFMs like 8 times, so I figure I owe them something

It will be $20 in a week just like RE2make was.

>How do you justify this?
by not being poor

>How do you justify this?
Porn mods

They feed my coombrain

Attached: Jill monstered.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

This, even capcom admitted that REmakes were rushed.

Can they be stopped?

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If that 5 hours was really fuckin good it would be worth.
Unfortunately, it's a Resident Evil game, so it's not.

>>$60 for a 5 hour game
>How do you justify this?

FF7; 60$ for 2hrs (Midgar) of EP1

Because those 5 hours are more KINO than any western trash could hope to ever be with their artificial 70 hour playtime games.

You can tell the retards that say this shit have never played a resident evil game. I'm on my 8th playthrough of RE2 remake and i got it for $30.

A night out with friends cost more than $60. How poor or young are you that games are an expense worth bitching about? Grow up and get some life experience.

Attached: Carlos.jpg (1920x1080, 369.12K)

[citation needed]

>How do you justify this?
OP is used to play Ubisoft games: having plus 40 hours of content by doing the same 4 missions over and over again

Name one (1) game that's more than 5 hours long

Based modders

does he have a penis or is he a ken doll?

Longer and cheaper than Bayonetta 1 and 2

Here's a thought...don't buy it. There problem solved! Now you don't have to complain about to random people on the internet, and you can finally move on in your life.

I think the added multiplayer mode is included to compensate if the game really is that short.

I like the new sfm young sherry model with specular maps and elastic cunny

Lmao shit taste

well you're working to change that it seend

Yea and what's new about that playthrough? Nothing.

>pays 30 a week after release
by not being a retard

How do you justify making the same exact thread day after day? Lack of attention irl? Or are you just one of those pathetic faggots that get mad when someone likes something you don't like? I never pre-order games, OP, but I think i'll make an exception in this case. Thanks for reminding me about it.

reminder that carlos is cute & jill is dtf uwu

Attached: carlos desu.jpg (1080x1080, 56.84K)

>How do you justify this?
By playing it on standard or harder
not on assisted mode and run like a nigger

what was up with bayo 1 anyways? i really enjoyed it but i remember clearing it in like 2 hours tops, it didn't seem like there was much replay value either.
didn't play 2 but the story seemed longer. is it just the weapons customization that serves as extra content?

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his face modeler is pretty cute too

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Survival horror games are meant to be played more than once. It's better than a bloated 70 hour open world that has nothing to do in it but pointless fetchquests and lackluster missions, and that you probably won't be interested in finishing.

Kill yourself, faggot.

he's so handsome bro, i hope the classic skin looks as good b/c it looked pretty ugly in the preview image

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You're wasting your breath. He's probably the same type of faggot that thinks "linear" is a valid criticism.


yeah who would ever buy such a thing

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Don't be upset, user

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it really doesn't work, ends up looking like javier bardem

>How do you justify this?
It's a fucking Resident Evil game.

>speed through a game
>"waaaaa! why is it so short?!"

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You need CAPCOM to admit that?

>Survival horror games are meant to be played more than once
No, they just tend to be fun on multiple playthroughs.

can you predownload steam games?
i want to play as soon as it releases

How long it gonna take to crack bros?

Because I'm not a moron that equates $1 = 1 hour like a lot of you dumb retards.

Why isnt there a skin mod for this yet? its been a year


it sucks because re3 carlos still had a pretty good design despite looking like leon 2.0, i would have liked to seen something closer to the original put in

Attached: RE3.png (540x463, 132.77K)

$12 an hour with unlimited refills. Seems fair to me, I waste $10 on a fucking burger.

Less than a week

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More playtime I'd get out of a fighting game at that price to be honest.

By including a second game with it

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I really hope the beta is good, guess we'll find out in 13 hours

i'm looking forward to trying out the beta testing of it tomorrow, looks fun

I played pirate REmake 2 one day after launch. It's probably gonna be the same with this one.

I hope this has singleplayer content; are bots so hard to program? Let me play with myself, dammit!

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I wouldnt have bought this on its own so im basically forced to play this. Hopefully they add mercenaries mode in the future as a dlc

>eat an Herb and it's all good
What a pointless scene.