Name the bully

Name the bully.

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George Soros

Anonymous No.500820383

Yas Forums

I dunno, think we can get tumblr to attack Yas Forums again?

his name is robert paulson

was it kino?

Target locked

>implying tumblr ever did
It was a false flag.

my mom she said no when i asked for choco milky

Not really, every authority organization was watching their streams. She was busted almost immediately.

Bernie Sanders


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the hacker known as "Four-Chan".

It didn't even take the authorities to figure out it was fake




That was Yas Forums


what was the purpose of this again? to sell headphones?

This is Yas Forums
The board we Yas Forums users use to talk about videogames.


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Well Yas Forums is the most used board by far so I'll give you a based

bully THIS!
*unzips dick*

well,to be fair theres a reason why every single other boards thinks we are cancer


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It's probably your grammar

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shut the fuck up dirty american im gonna never learn your language
proud balkan here


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the masked man

How can she say no?

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Have fun being among the niggers of Europe

>socialism is good when it's nationalistic :^)


virgin hands writed these post


>calling anyone else a nigger

Feminist trannys



the socialism that nazi germany used is not the same type of "socialism" that the soviet union used
also "communism" and "socialism" are not even part of the same type of ideology

Hence the "Yes."

writed is not a word user

>free speech means I can say "nigger" and "chink" out out of nowhere and be an obnoxious faggot for people trying to discus something that is unrelated to politics
This is why Yas Forumsfags are mentally ill. They're like those faggots irl who try to skirt around the laws and pretend they know shit.

probably, I would suspect they also wanted to put pressure on companies to ban people for being mean

Better then living with literal niggers.

no no,like,"nazi-socialism" is not just "socialism but nationalistic" since socialism is already something "nationalist"

shut your nigger chink mouth

Nigger we know

shut the fuck up faggot this is the part where you suck my nuts because of how high my iq is

>females aren't cance-

Toby Leckie


Why not?

never forget

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Yas Forums has always used racist and homophobic language to mock people you newfag.

>newfag triggered by verboten words
Lurk for 2 years before posting.