Someone please explain this nuDoom lore shit about Night Sentinels to me. So, Doomguy isn't actually a human? He's from this alternate dimension fantasy kingdom? I feel like I'm missing something.
Someone please explain this nuDoom lore shit about Night Sentinels to me. So, Doomguy isn't actually a human...
adding lore to doom was a massive mistake. hes just doomguy. i dont want to know anything about him besides the fact that he kills shit. lorefaggots are the goddamn worst
Yeah I'm a little lost about all that as well
The fact Doom eternal don't just pick up where Doom 2016 left off also adds to said confusion
From what I've heard, basically
>Doom 1
>Doom 2
>Doom 64
>Flash back sequence in Eternal where he speaks and is inducted into them
>Gets enhanced with something by the guy in the hooded robe, flash back in the level you go to get the Crucible
>Continues to rip and tear
>Gets trapped in Hell
>Doom 2016
>Some stuff
>Doom Eternal
nah thats not how it is
doomguy is human, but after doom 1 and 2 he was picked up by the night sentinels and given powers to become even more powerful
He is a human. He somehow ended up in the Night Sentinel dimension after the events of Doom 64. He was so brutal and efficient in the battle against hell that the Night Sentinels uplifted him into their order. When Argent D'nur fell, the Kahn Maykr swooped in and "saved" the remaining sentinels. He became the doomslayer at some point after that with the use of a Maykr device. He then went back into hell, and was trapped there until he was pulled out by the UAC in Doom 2016, which exists a parallel universe to the original dooms.
(Lore from Original games)
>Doomguy is the same Marine from Doom 1 and 2
>In Doom 64, Doomguy is tired and starts getting PTSD
>At the end of Doom 64 he elects to stay in Hell to stop any future demon uprisings before they start
(Lore from Doom Eternal)
>After untold years of wandering and fighting in Hell alone Doomguy only loses even more sanity, ends up nearly dead and then he is found by the Sentinels
>They notice that even with his wounds he is still clamoring to kill all the demons, so they throw him into an arena, he beats all the other combatants and they recruit him into their army
>Doomguy goes along with it because it's a chance to continue fighting Demons but now with other bros
>He eventually gains their respect and spends more years fighting demons alongside the Sentinels
>But eventually Sentinel leadership is corrupted by the Demons and most of them get wiped out
(Doom 2016 lore)
>After being betrayed by the Sentinel priests Doomguy is trapped inside a sarcophagus
>Hell is a world that bridges multiple dimensions, Doomguy's sarcophagus is found by another dimension's UAC which used Hell as a source of energy but it naturally went wrong and led to Hell invasion
>This is where Doom 2016 starts
So no, Doomguy is a human, he just simply fought alongside the alternate dimension fantasy kingdom for a while because it's better than fighting in hell totally alone forever
Well that's still pretty much his character
The new lore is just that a warrior society respected him for his knack for killing shit, so they made him an honorary member, but they all got wiped out so Doomguy is on his own again
>So, Doomguy isn't actually a human?
You are missing something, the game throws you into the deep end in the beginning and ties it all back together near the end in a way that makes sense. The questions you're asking get answered later on.
Doomguy is human
The Night Sentinels are from another dimension that was invaded by Hell
They thought Doomguy was cool cause eh kills demons and shit so they inducted him
it's a s0i game for the cucks who eat it up because it's popular from their gaming critics and is "difficult". Notice how they all go "git gud!" or "fitlered!" and throw temper tantrums when people call this crap for what it is.
So where did you get stuck?
Do I need to play DOOM 2016 to really enjoy this game? I've only played the first and third games in the past and skipped the reboot or whatever since it wanted so much storage space no matter what device I was gonna play it on.
So it's just Doomguy killing demons and getting hired by some other guys who want to kill demons.
Simple enough.
You can avoid both.
Agreed. The codex is worthless. If I wanna read a book, I have books that are actually worth reading by actual writers as opposed to something crapped out to shove in a shooter
Doomguy is a human from an different dimension from the one that Eternal and 2016 takes place in
After Doom 64 he decided to dive deeper into hell and fuck shit up as much as he could. In the process he met the Night Sentinels, warriors from another dimension who were also raiding hell. He decided to roll with them
Story doesnt really matter, but ill give it a shot.
Demons are attacking all planets, not just earth. Alien race are fighting off demons when they find an angry human (doomguy) on the battlefield near death. They throw him in the gladiator pits, he kills everything, eventually joining their Night Sentinels - their elite guards. One of the night sentinels betrays the rest to get his son back from the demons, but the demons lied because theyre assholes. Then the demons start invading the night sentinel's world, random robe man takes Doomguy to magical Divinity Machine to give him increased strength and speed. Night sentinels are almost all wiped out along with their world, Doomguy survives, and is now killing demons, thats the backstory.
The story in 2016 is demons break through on mars by lying to a researcher called Olivia Pearce, but they dont follow through because theyre demons and theyre assholes. The facility is overrun, Doomguy wakes up there and starts killing demons with the outside help of Samuel Hayden (big robot moron), and he find the Crucible (demon sword). He wipes out all the demons, only to be betrayed by the robot guy, who steals his sword.
In Eternal, earth is getting eaten by demons because theyre assholes, you travel around to find the 3 Hellpriests who are needed for earth to be consumed, you kill all of them, halting the invasion, only for an alien called the Khan Maykr to be be an asshole, so you go kill her and save earth.
Is the goose canon?
So is the current "earth" dimension in eternal his earth? Because this would be the 2nd time hell invaded.
I am OK with this.
>is the current "earth" dimension in eternal his earth?
No, different universe.
So is Doom 3 not canon?
Alternate universe. There's more than one Doom Guy. Doomslayer is just the one from 1/2/64 because those games were all connected while 3 was a 'reboot' of sorts
Doom 3 is possibly canon since Doom's Hell is connected to all possible dimensions, but it's not the same doomguy. This would of course mean that there are two doomguys.
no that's souls games
this is the le edgy rip and tear so epic and brutal/zoom eternal meme thread
No, but playing it will make Doom 2016 unenjoyable since in terms of gameplay it's a hard upgrade
Are Urdak and Argent D'nur planets or dimensions?
Then what's Sentinel Prime? I don't get how this game jumped from being Doom into being like Halo or something. So there's planets and alternate dimensions?
Is it a spaceship or is it a ship that transports between all of these dimensions?
Some suggest that Doom 3 takes place just prior to Doom 2016
>"Martian Hero" coffin could be Doomguy's sarcophagus
>doom 3's hell invasion was totally contained to Mars
>not impossible that further study after the invasion leads to the discovery of using hell energy
Doomguy’s a human with blood type AB+. He was assigned to Mars after attacking his commanding officer who ordered him to attack civilians.
He also has a pet rabbit named Daisy.
What does halo have to do with alternate dimensions?
> This would of course mean that there are two doomguys.
Given that Hell can invade all multiverses (which means infinite possibilities), it's kinda weird that there's only one Doomguy pushing their shit in.
Imagine an entire horde of Doomguys raiding Hell.
Argent D'nur is a planet in another dimension. Urdak is like a space station in a pocket dimension or something; it's not amazingly clear what's going on there beyond the fact it was apparently sheltered from other realities.
Doomguy is a special kof crazy and focused.
Had... right. >:(
Thanks, I'll pick up 2016 on a sale sometime and then go into Eternal afterwords.
Sentinel Prime is on the "light side" of Argent D'nur while the Argent D'nur you travel to in DOOM 2016 is the "corrupted side." Sentinel Prime was probably "safe" because it was basically ruled by a Hell Priest and was already under Hell's influence.
Dumb zoomer
Doom 2016 has infinitely better presentation and doesnt hamstring you on ammo to force you to use chainsaw for it
There are multiple Doomguys (the one in Doom 3), but only one Doom Slayer, who has been more successful than the others.
For all we know, Samuel Hayden is his dimensions Doom Guy.
>For all we know, Samuel Hayden is his dimensions Doom Guy.
Samuel Hayden is Samur Makyr, aka the Seraphim.
Doom guy is a mars space marine. Then gets sucked into hell and returns back to before his time. It's like the universe. Always was and always will be. Doom guy paradox
I assumed he was a new original character separate from the classic Dooms.
nope, he's explicitly the doomguy from 1, 2, and doom 64
You assumed Poorly
>complaining about mechanics you knew before playing
>same mechanic as 2016
>same mechanic as 2016
Doom 2016 has way more ammo scattered around levels and a way higher max ammo cap, meaning chainsaw is better used as an "oh shit kill this thing now" button
This was split off into the crucible sword, but you dont get that until endgame
>being a bad mechanic doesn't make it bad game if you know about it beforehand
I guess daikatana must be am masterpiece then
Anti lore fags are cancer. Seriously can’t handle 3 seconds where the game isn’t constantly DUMPING dopamine into your lizard brain for something abstract to think about. You don’t even have to read the codex or pay attention to the cutscenes. You don’t have to care about anything going on in the game, but you choose to bitch about those who might care just a little bit for a tiny bit of depth to a silent protagonist who’s existed for 30 years.
>I didn’t pay for a movie or a book
Yeah well 99.9% of the game has you in control. Stop FUCKING whining.
>he kills shit
Evil shit, ftfy
The lore is literally "dude gets sent to mars as a glorified security guard for eggheads because he defied an order to shoot civilians and is confronted by demons".
Its objectively a great mechanic because brainlets like you cannot stop seething.
>Doom II
>Doom 64
>there haven't been any Doom games released since, just a bland on rails horror shooter and two meme games
>. Seriously can’t handle 3 seconds where the game isn’t constantly DUMPING dopamine into your lizard brain for something abstract to think about.
As I said, if I want to read I have other things worth reading, like books by ancient historians that will give me far more value than a bunch of 3 to 4 paragraph excerpts about monster number 5
t. /lit/ Yas Forums Yas Forums fag
Based romeroposter dabbing on bitchposters
pretentious pedantic nigger
the absolute worst board for anyone who enjoys reading
>Yas Forums
Also not so closet gay
>the absolute worst board for anyone who enjoys reading
>Yas Forums
the absolute best board for anyone coping with illiteracy
Can’t handle something deeper than “demon enemy. Me kill enemy.” Yeah sure, you read literature. You’re hanging out on Yas Forums you don’t have to act like an intellectual.
That may be but I notice you didn't deny any of my points so I accept your concession, you pretentious literal faggot. Don't worry, Yas Forums is pretty fucking homo itself so your dick-slurping ways won't be shamed here, just your fart sniffing kite runner ass terrible taste
He is human
After ripping and tearing in hell he found his way into a slip-gate to sentinel land. They adopted him gladiator style and he became Lord Kickass.
Holy fuck, you want to pretend to be smart but you're retarded.
You're complaining about something you choose willingly to engage with and make a problem for yourself instead of ignoring it like you are perfectly capable of doing since it has so little place in the game.
Absolute braindead retard.
why do you keep talking about dicks and farts
Honestly, the spergs that wallow in video game lore are so fucking embarrassing. They all stink of stale sweat and have 0 self awareness as they try to tell you the motives behind the actions of some minor character in a fucking Ubisoft game or something. Then you get the super spergs that do decide to actually pick up a book, and they end up reading Halo novels while getting epic gamer tattoos.
we need to figure our where each doom wad fits into the lore
>Doomguy only loses even more sanity
I like to think this is where Unloved takes place
He stays in Hell in 64 and at some point washes up on the proverbial shore near the Night Sentinels' home, where they find him and let him serve as a gladiator like their criminals because he's a completely insane retard who has spent countless years fighting demons, and time is warped in Hell so it's impossible to tell how long exactly he was in there. He trounces everyone and refuses to die so eventually they train him as one of their own and his autism gets focused into something resembling actual sanity, and reveals the existence of Hell to the Makyrs who abuse the fuck out of it. He later gets augmented with incredible energy by a mysterious person who is probably Hayden to be able to fight Hell properly and eventually he's the last survivor of their final crusade.