For me its the comet

For me its the comet

Attached: comet.png (659x408, 505.45K)

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chad choice. jp2 for me

Attached: jpII.jpg (1920x1080, 406.36K)

>world of tanks

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>not wanting prime STALINIUM

God please let me out of this game

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I managed to reach top tier for USSR in 3 months.
I always heard people saying "hurr it took me 3 years to reach top tier on X tree" but that's a load of shit really.

Anyway, the game is still shit and i still torture myself by playing it.

Yas Forums incel choice

wasting your sad life on a shitty pay2win fueled by brainlets

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>mfw no good tank games

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normal people don't spend 12 hours a day playing war thunder

I didn't either.

Bitch playing two hours a day with premium with get you there within 4 months . Literally what I do and I work 50hr/week faggot


Shut the fuck up

war thunder is better in every way

>Not the patrician heavy tank

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thats 250 hours retard rather not

For me its amx-30b2.

Then don’t bother playing the game faggot.

No matter your armor
No matter the distance

It'll always ONE SHOT you.

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Sure unless the one you are shooting is a Tiger 2 in which case it is gonna shoot you first and one shoot you, not like a T 34-85 or Panther can't do the same.
Fucking IS-2 is complete trash.

>Sure unless the one you are shooting is a Tiger 2 in which case it is gonna shoot you first and one shoot you

That only happens if you're dumb enough and get flanked.

>he can't play every tank in the game and adapt to every playstyle

for me it's the cent mk.1
probably one of the most underrated tanks in the game

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For me it's Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match

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WT > WoT
planes > tanks
fite me irl

where do you think we are?

WoT is shit and so is WT.

If Gaijin ever fixes the balancing issues and RELEASE THE FUCKING SUBMARINES
Then i'll agree.

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disgusting decals bro

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>artillery here, yes I can hit that target

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how about we start by nerfing the fucking german cruisers? its like they don't trust germoids to ever do well without constant handholding


*Ba'ath in your path*

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I played them during an event long time ago and they were fun but janky as all hell.

I barely have touched Ships desu, but i've seen the event where they released the Yasen-Class and Virginia-Class, it looked fun as fuck and comfy too.

I didn't managed to, but goddamn this looks fun.

Gaijin when? playing russia without helicucks is perpetual suffering

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They just released the T-72B, which is almost the same, but instead of Relikt they use Kontakt-1.

yeah but it sucks, no thermals and no good zoom against current top tier it gets eaten alive

Use the T-80 then.

Also it's already past the time for them to add the A-10 and Su-25.

Honestly, both World of Tanks and War Thunder have gone to shit.
They were once humble, fun games, but now they're just soulless cash grabs who run solely on hypebux.

Is WoT still fun for low stakes mid teir games or has the pay to win spread there too?

Baa'th party best party.

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It is.
Anything higher than tier VI though is just a bottom tier black hole with gold being flung as far as the eye can see.

Reminder that I exist

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Just aim slightly above the track, it penetrates and then it hits the inner hull.

Cool. I used to just dick around at V and IV mostly and have been getting the urge to play again...

Can you even buy the black prince anymore?

Don' think so, isn't that a Churchill?

>3k repair cost
Gonna go all the way to the challenger 2 with this boy

That's a black prince.

I have no idea why anyone would want to play past the WWII BRs in war thunder. Jets, MBTs and missiles are not fun in any way.

For me it's the e25, which is invisible unless you proximity spot it

Attached: e25.png (1086x484, 1.47M)

Also stug3, if I don't want to play on higher tiers

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>Obj 685
>2,900 repair

Rape Chally's and Abrams for cheap.

Thought it was a Churchill lol.

Wouldn't it be nice if a skilled, western developer made an online arcade tank game? That would be nice. Maybe next century.

>play warthunder
>play british tanks
>want to fucking die
Ruined tank games for me forever.

It's infuriating because British tanks weren't even bad. The British tank meme is bullshit. The Crusader was serviceable and the Matilda was excellent. The Cromwell and Churchill were fine.

Have they nerfed e25 or is it still completely broken?

Nature of the beast. Adequate IRL is meaningless in fantasy, abstracted matchups.

armored warfare?

completely broken

>waaaaa germany baaaaaaad
literally ok boomer

The russian publisher took over control of that and ran it into the ground. Was kind of nice at the start when Obsidian was working on it.