Is it actually good? All the footage I see just looks like a very passive tech demo.
Plus, Alyx's voice actor is reaaaally bad
Is it actually good? All the footage I see just looks like a very passive tech demo.
Plus, Alyx's voice actor is reaaaally bad
>Tech demo
Lol, incels have been using that meme since HL2 came. Over 10 years and you guys are still seething
a lot of HL2 segments feel like the devs just said "let's just show off the physics again for a bit"
It's like they took the reddit meme dialogue from portal 2 and put it in half life, not every line has to contain humor
Will you be able to revisit this game in 5 years like more classic games?
Novelty can blind people, especially with VR
Don't get me wrong, I'm not playing a VR game. I'm just laughing at the tech demo meme.
If it's relying too heavily on the novelty that it's VR instead of being a GOOD stand alone game that just happens to be next-gen in tech, it's a tech demo
A lot of older games were like this as technology evolved and can still hold up despite that tech now being not as impressive.
Have you played HL:A and you're 100% sure it is a prototype?
I think it's good. The gravity gloves solve a major comfort issue in VR for longer term play, on top of feeling really good to use. The solution to ammo and weapon placement on your person is slick as well, and the shooting is some of the absolute best in VR. It's also really nice seeing a AAA level of polish and refinement in a VR title, there's just nothing else out there quite like it.
I can understand if it doesn't look impressive if you're just watching it flat, but the experience of playing it is top notch. It's the standard all other VR titles will be compared to, probably for years to come.
You're probably too retarded to enjoy it or anything else these days so just pass on it and go back to playing doom wads
The fuck does a game have to do to NOT be a tech demo on Yas Forums?
A tech demo is literally that, a demo to show off Tech.
You know what's a tech demo? Unplayable oculus rift early games that were just rollercoaster rides/sit down and oo and aah at shit.
Most VR games are legitimate games with effort now, Alyx is a game not a tech demo no matter how hard you shills want to believe it is.
i pirated it for my rift s and have played a half of it (gonna finish this weekend)
id say what will decide its status as a tech demo or not is how they will follow up on it. remember the radeon 7 gpu? it was supposed to be a look into the future of radeon gpus and HBM and prove that HBM is viable for both consumer gaming cards and workstation cards. What came after radeon 7? 5700xt cards with gddr6 and NOT hbm, thus retroactively making radeon 7 a tech demo. It was actually a product to show investors rather than to sell it to the public, theres a term for this but I forgot it. But the fact that they were up on stage touting it as the next best thing only to 180 and do something else entirely out of necessity is what made it a one off experiment, aka a demo. If hl3 isnt fully VR, or doesnt combine the cool parts of VR with a regular fps title, then that would make alyx retroactively a tech demo
>Retroactive tech demo
Jesus christ.
>make alyx retroactively a tech demo
thats... thats the most retarded fucking thing i've ever heard spewed from someone on Yas Forums.
A tech demo is used to show off tech and is a demo.
If it's in a game, it's no longer a fucking demo it's a game.
The Radeon 7 wasn't a tech demo because it actually utilized the HBM for legitimate purposes but was never picked up cause people realized there was more cost efficient better shit.
Were floppy disks a tech demo despite being used for decades?
Are VHS tapes now a tech demo despite being used for decades?
What about CRT monitors, or TV's, or quite literally anything that's been used for years.
They weren't used to "demonstrate the tech" they WERE the tech you ding bat.
I guess every car ever is now a Tech demo because the god damn tesla exists.
3D platforming on par with Mario 64 was really new and exciting as a tech. However, it didn't make Mario good just because it was new tech.
it was how creatively it was used to the point of inspiring future games and still being fun if played today.
That's the difference
i love the part where you need to cover your mouth during a mission but if you pick up a gas mask and put it on you don't need to do it anymore and can easily get pass jeff.
you literally just described what HL:A is going for by using SM64 as a base.
it's called an analogy
>tfw was wondering what the FUCK he was talking about when he said "cover your mouth"
>Tfw was wearing a respirator since the first level and never noticed the coughing
xen clams scared the shit outta me though
i smacked my face with my controller when a metal head crab jumped on me.
headcrabs being so easy to dodge made me sad, but they were very cute
If you ignore the voice acting and story yea its good. As for a VR experience its top notch in terms of graphs and performance. Its hands down the best looking VR game that I've played, some one of the scenes made me just stop and look around, and some parts where i wish I were on drugs.
Gunplay wise it felt pretty standard for a VR shooter, personally I don't like the location of ammo storage being at your head but you get used to that pretty quick. I wouldn't call it passive at all though most fights are very slow and only a few had me moving around and fighting more than 3 enemies at a time.
The only thing I regret about it is playing it on a rift and not an index, It has to look like near real life with that shit.
OH and fuck valve for changing the voice actors of the main cast, like seriously fuck them for that.
fuck jeff, felt good turning him into a puddle of gore
i kept slamming bottles into walls due to using the gloves but didn't notice they where setup to fall if you used them.
Lads how does Source 2 run so hell on VR which is insanely intensive at a smooth FPS?
I unironically don't know how they made an engine run better then source AND make it do it on VR to boot.
I don't know who's baby newell sacrificed to get this engine but GOD DAMN I want to push it to it's limits
How do I set up my Nintendo Labo VR to work for HL: Alyx?
Yeah. I had VR long before Alyx, so I don't have sunk cost fallacy or anything.
I thought it was fantastic, one of the absolute best games of the past several years. The VR certainly enriched the experience and it was better than HL2 but worse than HL1.
Will Half life 3 be VR only?
So Breath of the Wild is a tech demo too?
Figures the wahoo bing bing would have a dumb ass opinion. What if alyx is fun to play retard?
this was unironically the best part of the whole game to me
most of the gameplay is sifting through garbage. dont point it out though or you will be told you just dont get it. its an "experience" they will tell you. feels like an art major in the marketing department
Its a fantastic game that also happens to be using the latest and greatest technology. Actually believing it relies on gimmicks is 100% laughable to anyone who had played it
that fucking silo
that dog
those reflections
that helicopter
that crowbar
I fucking came so hard man
It's a fairly standard VR fps with amazing production value. It's valve so it's handholdy as all fuck and there's no real challenge because their playtesters have to share a single braincell between them
I have no problem with Alyx's new voice actor (though I have no idea why the changed it) the problem is that the dialog is nothing but Disney(tm) Marvel quips that happen constantly and always kill the mood by telling you how to feel
Anons, do I spend my Trump Bux to get the Index?
index waitlist is probably long as fuck and production slowed to a crawl
wonder what they're being scalped for right now
I swear Half Life's writing used to be better than this.
I just listened to a guy bang on about sandwiches for five minutes and it provided nothing.
Not surprised a tranny would be into VR.
lol no. The coughing is just one way the level is designed to make noise, and the masks are never even mentioned as an option so figuring that trick out is a rewarding "puzzle" in itself. You're literally inside a booze factory surrounded by breakable bottles. In order to collect items to progress you often encounter situations like opening a cabinet only for something to roll out that will alert him if you don't catch it midair, there are little things growing on the spores that snap at you and make noise if you get too close, if you're not carefully planning your power routing with the multitool you risk activating a loudspeaker, etc. Its some of the greatest game design I have ever seen, and I can say that honestly.
The bit where you lock Jeff up only to realize you have to let him out yourself to access the power is genius. My heart sank and my anxiety immediately shot back through the fucking roof. And that was even before you end up locked inside a 10 foot wide elevator with the motherfuck lol It's incredibly well done
I thought it was rather funny. Alyx knew nothing of pre war stuff, she was obviously afraid of the dark, and with good reason, and hearing russel talk about a club sandwich genuinely made me feel a bit better about the situation I was in.
i will be hated in ten 10 years like hl1/hl2.
>how much
>1800 USD
the first few hours are basically a tutorial for babby's first VR game, second half is kino
I did like how most of Russel's ramblings kind of had a point. Like the club sandwich thing being a demonstration of how utterly inconceivable the world as it was is to someone that grew up under the Combine.
Considering that Valve heavily invests into a VR market I doubt they'll only make one game.
However I'm afraid that they will still try to appeal to normalfag audience that never touched a VR before, it was alright for Alyx and kinda fitting, since she isn't Gordon and she doesn't have any armor so she's much slower and fights with much less enemies, with added VR it made it feel more grounded which is good since you aren't the second Jesus anymore.
With mainline Half Life I expect to move fast and fight shitton of enemies so I'm kinda afraid they will keep their safe for newcomers approach.
Not him but yes.
The whole purpose of BotW2 should be "BotW but with good content".
Half Life Alyx will be remembered more than any other game this year except maybe Cyberpunk
>pigs are extinct
>Alyx has literally grown up eating dessicated water flavored sustenance bars
before Alyx was announced we would routinely have threads were people said HL1+2 were glorified tech demos not worthy of their status as gaming icons. Now all of a sudden Alyx is out, those games are now the masterpieces the media says they are and if you disagree you're a valve shill. It happened with DOOM, it happened with Alyx, it happened with Monster Hunter and Resident Evil, it happened with DMC5. I'm pretty sure the entire history of this board can be pegged to a cycle of people calling a game shit and then saying it was a hidden masterpiece when the sequel comes out. All of this is to say however, the majority of people posting have never played the games they're discussing and are just bored because their lives are as empty as their posts are of merit.
There are things I don't like about the writing in HLA but come you have to be a brainlet to not get the purpose of the club sandwich dialogue.
The only real meat she's ever eaten is probably bird or weird Xen wildlife.
t. Someone who hasn't played it and is grabbing at straws to make it look bad
Unironically I was highly impressed by the physics and looting throughout the entire thing. The grav gloves keep it from feeling like a chore at all.
Kept thinking how much better games like Skyrim would be if you didn't have to fuck with a menu every time you found an item. Shit is "hidden", but not always, and discovering loot feels rewarding and cleverly placed in unique ways each time. You are certainly not rummaging through garbage lol You're often spotting something useful like ammo or resin placed in a way that obtaining it is a mini puzzle in itself. Clever as fuck, and they actually managed to make looting items fun and interesting
>Is it actually good?
Yes. It's one of two good AAA VR games.
i dunno but it looks like shit
Yes, it's a tech demo. Just like HL2 was. Valve doesn't make good games anymore.
You posted this same brainlet bullshit on the last thread lol Get a hobby
I played through the whole HL series after hearing this was announced, and being a fan of VR already made this an easy choice. After quickly falling in love with the games, getting hooked on the story, this delivered literally everything I wanted in a VR game and a half life game. Call me trolling or a retard, but it's just some of the most fun I've had.
No way. Its impressive from the start and builds on each encounter in a way that keeps everything fresh
>Oh my god Jeff, are you ok?
>Pfft, hahaha.
>Its impressive from the start
how many VR games have you played?
beta tapes were a tech demo
1080p crt monitors were a tech demo
electric cars in 1999 were a tech demo
are you this fucking dense? its a videogame that takes over 2 thousand dollars to play ($60 game, $300 headset, $1200 pc more or less)
Radeon 7 was a tech demo because it was a flex that no one was going to adopt
If they flex all this shit for alyx but never follow up on it in any capacity that will make alyx a fucking tech demo
i want to be gordon fighting 20 combine at once with a pistol in one hand a crowbar in the other
how tight do you think it is
The Half Life series has always been highly regarded lol What the fuck are you on about? The opinions of a whining contrarian minority haven't suddenly changed. Those same people are now just pretending Alyx sucks as well while everyone else who is too busy enjoying games to spend their lives shitposting continue to appreciate it.
>Beta, a competing format
>A tech demo
>HD CRTs, devices used in professional environments
>A tech demo
>Early electric vehicles, which were produced and sold in commercial quantities and had electric successors
>A tech demo
I'm fucking perplexed.
There's also the fact that Alyx is 19 and implied to generally not be a competent fighting badass like she was in HL2 yet. She may be used to the horrors of the world around here to a degree, probably encountered zombies before or at least knows about them, but she was on non-combat recon and probably for a reason.
>watches someone else play a game that flat screens don't do justice to by nature
>it looks like shit
You're either coping, a moron, or both
one of the few good one liners that actually made me laugh
Many. I've been riding the VR train since literally the first Oculus Rift dev kit