ITT: DLC/Expansions better than their base game

ITT: DLC/Expansions better than their base game

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always and forever

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You first OP

>better than base HL
This meme has to die. I swear only retards that can't think for themselves spew this opinion because they read it on Yas Forums once.

The big one is probably DNF's The Doctor Who Cloned Me, but there's a bunch of decent ones out there.

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Sure, if you're masochistic

it's from DWTerminator

OpFor is better, cope you sperg.

sup DW

I like the color green so I like it better than HL1
I'm a simple man

Really the same with HL1 > HL2 fags. They're all fucking good, having an autistic "preference" just to be le epic contrarian doesn't make anyone respect you more

of is retarded and janky. it's made by gearbox for Christ's sake.

Yeah sure you say that but I can guarantee that you are unable to establish why you think this without resorting to buzzwords or memes

>They're all fucking good
Episode 1 was a complete flatline for me. Such a boring experience it's the first time I've never gone back to replay a Valve game with commentary on.
Other than that, sure.

Does this count.

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>it's still 360 exclusive
god dam

It's on PC as well.

Oops I meant Case West

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>Really the same with HL1 > HL2 fags
No it isnt. HL1 and HL2 cant really be compared that much, while HL1 and OpFor are easy to compare

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dude yes


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I dont know.




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fuck off!

i'm sorry but i think you're completely wrong. i find them very similar

Witcher 3 DLC
Total War Attila: Age of Charlemagne

OpFor was excellent and I'd say Gearbox's best game... But better than HL1? Not really. OpFor is basically 2 hours of content at most

>Witcher 3 DLC
got the complete edition, doing the main game right now I'm lvl 20, this is encouraging because I really like it so far

DayZ mod for Arma 2.

>Randy made a better Half Life than Valve

Can Valve do anything right?

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Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion.

absolutely the fuck not. Awful, Awful level design.

When I replay TW3 I literally start a new game with the option to do the DLC right away.

lmao muh 80s reddit shit

Pic very related

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>The 80's are reddit
Damn, at this rate the mere fact of loving vidya will be considered reddit. Thanks Yas Forumsincels

Still the best thing FromSoftware put out last decade

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I really think people just like playing as a marine and the big weapon roster. The levels are kind of lame and the new enemies suck.

The DLC is 2 was better


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>Muh artorias
the laziest Dark Souls character ever written

you know i had to do it to em

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>tfw can't replay oblivion w/o abusing the scroll duplication glitch to make infinite health potions

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I love vidya. Far Cry 3 is a great game, but this DLC is pretty meh.

can you repeat the question?

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>The big one is probably DNF's The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Are there really people that played through DNF and thought " Yes, I want more of this"?

That thing is paved way for the sprint and kill streaks

lol nope