Remember when DMC had gothic atmosphere but also color? This jacket is supposed to be blood red, let that sink in.
I want the realism meme gone, I wish Doom Eternal devs had a hand in DMC 5.
Remember when DMC had gothic atmosphere but also color? This jacket is supposed to be blood red, let that sink in.
I want the realism meme gone, I wish Doom Eternal devs had a hand in DMC 5.
its the lighting you tard
Fuck that looks good
here's a prime example of this, is that the color you were expecting OP? probably because its in a much more neutral light
>I wish Doom Eternal devs had a hand in DMC 5
Doom Eternal is so fucking bright it may as well be an LGBTPedophile poster child, fuck me. DMC5 is not only the best in the series, but the most visually appealing. Only fat retard secondaries think otherwise.
>t. DMC1 OGchad who loves RE engine DMC.
Yeah i fucking hate dmc 5 and this place is full of shills that defend it. Yeah we get it the gameplays good but the story,levels,characters,designs,art style are all terrible af.
>post extremely dark area
>hur not red
what a retard
apparently people aren't allowed to enjoy things without being called shills on this board
I'll never forgive capcom for fucking up DMC5 with that garbage engine and lazy photo scanning they're been abusing. I honestly hope the company dies because they just keep shitting out low quality trash now.
Vergil's new coat is shit. Old blue black silver and gold is better.
>he wanted Bethesda to make DMC
>i'm gonna give colour to gays, trannies & pedos
>we get left with browns and greys
kill yourself dumb fucking spastic.
>OP image is 'brown and grey' to you.
Fuck me you third worlders are blind.
>I wish Doom Eternal devs had a hand in DMC 5.
>chainsaws empusa
>chainsaws empusa
>chainsaws empusa
>chainsaws empusa
There getting so lazy. Resident evil there most popular franchise and there still reusing re7 crate assets for remake 3.
I never noticed that before
The flipside is though is that there's no naturally red leather--that's probably his original-fucking jacket that the red dye eventually wore off.
Probably a fitting visual send-off for Dante since he looks like he's getting old as fuck.
sorry you're colourblind as well as retarded.
child rapist
quit replying to obvious bait you fucking retard
Looks washed out even in that one, only the background shows actual DMC colors
its not washed out, they just made his coat a crimson red instead of bright red like its always been
is that such a problem
Still better than the shitshow that is DMC 4 JRPG world.
I remember when the graphics were also stylized. Not full blown anime but maybe something in between real and anime. Should have stayed that way since it gave DMC a unique visual identity.
it's not even what he looks like in the game it's a saturated portrait. that shows once for a victory screen.
RE engine is trash and has has no colour. it was made that way stop bullshitting.
Doom Eternal kinda sucks bro
wanna bet?
I hated Dante’s face in this game
that's brown and even more purple than red.
nice self own.
I bet dante blows the biggest thickest creamiest loads
i can keep going if you want to
looks dark red to me
DMCV is an okay story and good gameplay in a horrendously awful environment and enemy design period of CAPCOM's dev team. You see the same bullshit in every game they put out in the last 5 years. It's such a real shame.
Dante looks like he wanted to die until he found out about Vergil in this game. Wasn’t even taking care of the shop.
>meanwhile everyone without autism doesn't care
He was basically Saitama at the beginning of DMC5. He spent years slaughtering demons completely unmatched and stopped giving a fuck somewhere along the line. Now that he has Vergil back he's never letting him go.
his life isn't exactly great
>dead parents and brother (not anymore)
>poor because his job involves around killing demons, which happens kinda rarely
>only joy he gets is from killing demons
>constantly cucked by a clone of his mom and Lady
>nephew is a hot headed retard
yeah user that's totally not washed out at all. dark greyish washed out maroon is totally red.
I see literally no difference from stylised dante made by artists.
>only joy he gets is from killing demons
Actually even that was mundane for him in DMC5 until Vergil showed up of course..
maroon is literally a shade of red and its not grey at all
I’m pretty sure the washed out red, even in good lighting, is supposed to be symbolic of his aging and maturity.
>moving the goal posts.
go read the OP again old man. your memory problems are getting out of control.
>the coat is supposed to be blood red
>maroon somehow isnt blood red
As if anything in DMC5 has that much thought put into it
>I wish Doom Eternal devs had a hand in DMC 5.
>this faggot wants more ZOOM
Yeah, 4 fucked up everything and 5 fixed it
Every little thing in the game has thought put into it. Go bitch about something else, newfag. Yas Forums isn't actually dedicated to whining about shit endlessly.
no it's not user. cut yourself open right now and take a pic of your idiot blood.
The jacket is faded over time. You can literally see scuffs off the old red in the picture you posted you fucking zoomer retard. Stop chugging monster energy and actually slow down, take your time and consider shit -- use your eyes.
i live in england so ill get arrested if im caught with a butter knife
heres what happens when you google "blood red" notice how its literally the same color as maroon?
and hes in fucking dirt and grime after the first mission you get to play as him for months. and he even says his toilet cant flush, so washing his old jacket probably isnt in the biggest priority in dantes mind.
actually no scratch that if anything maroon is brighter
There also green in there, are you saying green is red?
Very thoughtful of them to make half the game look like shit smeared intestines
its just comparing the shade of red "blood red" to the other shade of red "crimson"
Imagine being this retarded
Devil May Cry 5 has to be one of the ugliest recent AAA games. Everything is washed up and looks awful, Vergil and that emo tranny look like claymation.
are you unsure how google works? its showing related colors to blood red, the user was just comparing maroon to red you moron.
>see that tower? u can climb it.
>Yas Forums is so dead set on hating whatever is popular that they're arguing over the color red
Trish was ruined beyond recognition, what a shame
Ok retard.
oh yeah I already repressed that image out of my brain, what a dogshit design