ITT: The protagonist from the last video game you played has been replaced by Joe Biden...

ITT: The protagonist from the last video game you played has been replaced by Joe Biden. Describe the game through his perspective/guess other anons' games.

>Listen Jack, I'm not gonna tell you again. My number one priority in this country is closing the Hell portal. And I'm the best one to do that because I'm not afraid to reach across the aisle and work with Satan, okay? Other people won't do that, but sometimes, when all the cards are on the table, you gotta move quickly before the dog eats those cards, Jack.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Joe is such a based boomer. I'm voting for him.

>Red Dead 2 with Biden instead of Arthur
Jesus christ, I could only imagine how he'd creep on Jack

Enjoy president crazy black lady when he dies in a year.

Doom Eternal doesn't have enough underaged little girls in it.

>joe biden stumbles around, not knowing where he is
>secret service agents subdue opponents
>Joe Biden vs Lin Xiaou
It's time to sniff some hair.

Alright listen here, Thales was a bad dude, and he ran with some bad folks. Now I don't think, I don't think she was really all that religious, but in some ways she was more religious than any of us! So when she said she was gonna take on Thales, or, I guess she didn't really say it because she doesn't talk much. But her mom or grandma or daughter or something, she said they were gonna take on Thales. And they did! So they went on down to Shambhala and they said "Hey, listen up. You listen up. You turn that music down, and you stop shooting your missiles at us." And Thales said "No". He said "No," he wouldn't listen. So he got crushed under some rocks. But I don't know if she really wanted him to get crushed, because she didn't talk a lot, but it happened anyway.

wait what? is michelle obama going to be VP?


>Joe, no you can't get out of the kart during the preview. The race is about to start. No, Joe, that's Coco's kart, there's no room for the both of you. Ah, see, you scared her away. She already told you she doesn't find that 'cute'. You do this everytime. Are you even paying attention? Come back to you kar-no, stop flirting with Liz, she's trying to focus. Ah Joe, come on. We've got to race man.

>You know what cowboys do when they're alone, dontcha Jack?

>leftist trump

> Probably too old to learn the game
> Too senile to learn even if he wasn’t
We’re fucked.

That's the rumor

Of course you will, you're a neoliberal. All neoliberals vote for middle the road, accomplishes nothing candidates.

I saved this four years ago and it has never been more relevant

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>the camera focuses on Biden's lifeless corpse splayed on the ground

joe biden is now a shinx


>democrats vote for democrats
>not socialists pretending to be democrats
The nerve of those Democratic voters. The utter nerve.
Hey jackass, you joined the democratic party, democratic party didn't join you.

Barack Team Racing: Double Dash

That's the thing, he's not middle of the road. Guy voted for the war in iraq, voted to cut social security, is pro-health insurance industry, in favor of bank bailouts. Don't know where people get the idea he's centrist. In an election against Trump, he'd lose because people would rather vote for the guy who calls himself a conservarie rather than one who pretends he's a Democrat.

>Democrats voting for a guy who isn't a Democrat
I hope you're ready for more wars for Israel.

>accomplishes nothing
The ACA was saved by John McCain, and not because he liked it. He hated it. But more than that, he was pissed off at the partisanship of simply overwhelming the other party with votes, and refused to pass a repeal that didn't try to cross the "middle of the road."

Get over yourself. Compromise is progress.

He only looks that way because you're looking at him from the left. For people looking at him from the center or right, the difference is obvious

Protip: Bernie's done. Move on with your life.

Cause he's a DINO?

Defending a traitor like John McCain is pretty low, but not uncommon for the average neolib/neocon. Once a war criminal always a war criminal. He only cared about killing innocents anyways, Charlie unironically would've been the greatest humanitarians if they offed him.

Stardew Valley
>gets bribe money from Joja while he shills for them
>blackmails the mayor into giving preferential treatment for the farm
>fondles Jas cunny
>die on Year 3 of old age

You say that, yet there's been no progress. We still have the patriot act intact, we invaded a number of different countries during the Obama administration, wages are still stagnating. And worst still is Biden doesn't have a concrete plan for healthcare coverage other than "uhh uhh uuuhhhh something like uhh Obamacare". You're not voting for progress, you're voting for the continuating of neoliberalism and imperialism. What progress? Look around you. People don't want another Bush-lite, AKA Hillary Clinton, Biden, etc.

>cause he's a DINO
Yes, that's exactly why. Peoppe voting for this guy have never looked at his record beyond "'he was with Obama".

Yakuza Kiwami 2

>keeps getting lost and confused and forgetting his mission. "I w-was supposed to meet Date-san, why am I playing Karaoke and managing a hostess club?"
>"Okay Ryu-ji, thats a bunch of malarkey"
>keeps kissing Haruka on the lips
>gets angry with random pedestrians who try to hand him pocket tissues, grabs their jacket and starts shouting at them for no reason

Now listen. Listen up. Listen. I can see the future, right? Listen. I can see the future, right? But that doesn't mean I can change it. Doesn't even always mean I SHOULD change it! So I get a vision of the pas- of the future, and I gotta think, "Can I change it, and should I change it?" Because you know I don't want people to die. We all have the right to live, you know, and that's why I'm fightin these machines to begin with! I'm fighting them because they're killing us! But I gotta ask "Can I change the future, and should I change the future?" Because sometimes things don't always go our way. I can try, but it don't always work. And maybe the future I see is a good future, or trying to fix it would only make it worse. It's not an easy choice to make! But I have made these decisions in the past, and that's why I'm asking you to vote for me on Thursday.

Oh goodie, the Russians are here.

I don't know what difference people can see beyond the superficial. The only one I can see is he's not a Neo Nazi and is favor of gay/trans rights. If you're a member of that class then I guess for you that's huge. Economically he's about the same as a conservative. Maybe a SLIGHT difference in regards to healthcare, but not nearly enough.

>People don't want another Bush-lite, AKA Hillary Clinton, Biden, etc.
That's funny, cause they're voting for him.

get out of here and take this discussion to Yas Forums

Listen nigger, just because I'm not drooling over another DNC establishment pick doesn't mean I'm some Russian spy
Fucking hell. I'm allowed to have different viewpoints.

I'll vote for him if he's the nominee, because Neoliberalism is at least SOMEWHAT better than fascism and the buffoonery than we have now. But I'm not delusional enough to believe there will be any real change here.

He acknowledges human involvement in climate change, and wants to get more people health coverage. He's also trying to socialize some education.

If you're only looking at whether it's an immediate jump to the far left, then you'll see that it's not. But it's a jump from the far right to the middle, and that's way better than nothing.

The ones that actually went out and bothered to vote in the primaries, AKA boomers, do. The rest will probably just stay home on election night. Unfortunately too many people in this country think primaries aren't worth voting in. Couple that with coronavirus making people scared to go out and only the diehard boomers will bother showing up to the booth, and then dying subsequently.

Uh. The game for was Xenoblade.

Biden is a prototypical slimy career politician (doubly so as a democrat). Trump is some kind of enterprising real estate mogul, investor and media personality. While I doubt Trump was squeaky-clean getting there the two aren't similar even slightly, other than being white and old.

>He acknowledges human involvement in climate change, and wants to get more people health coverage. He's also trying to socialize some education.
Lmao no, biden stands for none of that shit, hes a neoliberal he doesn't have a single actual policy. He doesn't want people to get covered more because all his plan is to expand obamacare which was a terrible execution from the beginning and doesn't solve the underlying issue of for-profit healthcare denying people left and right.

They only started voting for him cause the media went into overdrive to shill for him, and they got black establishment shills to endorse him to cement the black vote.

He also runs on a platform of globalism, gun confiscations, wars for Israel, etc. I don't need to get into this, yeah sure the economy is kiked and some left-wing policies are good but if you support whatever DNC establishment shill for incremental changes that you won't even feel in your lifetime then it just proves that your brain has been hijacked by corporations and Jews.

I mean, that's literally his platform, but okay.

not really obvious to people who havent seen xenoblade before

Expanding medicare and medicaid would have gotten the most people on healthcare. Honestly not sure why he and Amy think they speak for me when they say "people love the insurance companies and would rather stick with them". I'm on medicaid now and it's been much better than Bluecross.

Yeah I know he's better than Trump, but I wouldn't exactly say by a country mile.

Demons invade Earth, Biden vanishes

>enterprising real estate mogul, investor and media personality president

how did we let this happen bros

So his platform is basically shallow worthless crap, hates the gays, by default hates any other letters in LGBT, doesn't wanna actually fix the issues with healthcare and wants to cut social security left and right because it'd make his donors more money.

There isn't a single reason why I'd wanna vote for him ever.

>demons invade the earth
>they ask how biden got here from hell so early

hillary was literally so bad and had such an equally controversial and hypocritical political career like biden that trump was preferable in every way.

hillary would have saved grandma bros. She wouldn't of called it a demo hoax because she ran as demo. We could of still had an economy and cut the quarantine time bros.

Okay, but I'm just taking part in the thread theme. Shulk, the main character of Xenoblade, gets visions of the future, but struggles with whether he can and/or should change the future. He goes on a quest to fight back an army of machines that are seemingly intent on wiping out humans.

I took that and Biden-ified it. Which, since the thread is still here, is apparently okay for Yas Forums. So why are you telling me to go to Yas Forums with that?

I understand nobody likes Hillary but Trump can only defeat so many prominent career politicians that, maybe, he might just be a solid leader rather than his enemies all somehow being buffoons.

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Both partys have always been pro war for israel
whichever party wins gets the national debt and as a result slavery to the banks

What rights do gays and trans need that they don't already have?

biden raised his hand when asked if his healthcare plan would cover illegals

Biden has literally nothing on Trump. I'm not a trump supporter when I say this, Biden has literally no leg to stand on and nothing biden says to trump will phase him because like hillary, trump will shit on biden, Sleepy Joe, Dementia Joe and other shit, Trump has so much energy and biden has no stance with his policies because he has none.


Christ, you're stupid as fuck. Please don't participate in politics.

>Biden is now the protag of Onirism.
>He molests the other girls.


Okay, fair enough. Do you think any existing Democrat could defeat Trump? If you say Bernie I'm going to laugh at you, just warning you now.
Michelle Obama for VP? Why not an actual candidate like Bernie Sanders or Yan...Bernie Sanders? We need to stop putting non-politicians in political roles. That's how we got into this mess in the first place.

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Nothing about this country is far right AT ALL why are you people so fucking retarded?

Gays are often still the subject of hate crimes that often go unresolved due to political and police corruption that patently goes against them. Trans people still can't get ready access to healthcare and still face the litany of hate crimes that go a long with it. Trans people already have a hard enough time getting healthcare let alone actual documentation due to so many conservative states out right banning them from seeking help even to the point of preventing them from changing genders, names or protecting their sexuality status. Many states don't protect them from discrimination when it comes to jobs, housing or similar effects.

I hate the term and even I can only summarize Bernie as a simp. He bends over for the DNC at every opportunity.

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I would have voted for Tulsi
But now im voting for Trump
Biden is a loser

>Gays are often still the subject of hate crimes that often go unresolved due to political and police corruption that patently goes against them.

The same could be said of literally any demographic.

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>Hate crime
why should a crime be more heavily punished simply because the victim was gay or black?
surely the punishment should be the same regardless of those attributes

ok berniebro. go move to venezuela if you think socialism works

>Trump has so much energy
Did one of Trump's marketing bots come up with this bullshit? Who the hell turns a national emergency broadcast into a partisan Republican rally?

Bernie is the only democrat because Bernie is the only candidate running that isn't a neoliberal. The DNC has constantly tried to shoe horn this Neoliberal/Moderate position and it never works because its always contrived with statism and bureaucracy which has always been their downfall because of weak policies that generally appeal to no one. Thats why Al Gore lost against bush, its why Hillary lost against Trump and it'll be why bernie loses to trump.

I'm looking forward to the debate. The guy with no filter vs the senile gaffer

why do you want to cultivate an environment where more people become trannys?

how come millenials didnt come out and vote for Bernie?

>bernie is the only democrat because he's the only candidate running who isnt a democrat
democrats are neoliberals
republicans are neocons

both work for the same people
both have the same agenda just marketed differently
its just globalism vs globalism

Well any demographic that isn't white.

I didn't say heavily punished, I said resolved. Many police and political involvements when it comes to gay rights have often been either sidelined, denied or fought against. Things like gay marriage even after the SCOTUS ruled it legal are still the subject of infringing legislation, whether its not being able to get married, unable to claim tax benefits that other married couples do and unable to get the same protections under law.

he can just make policies up and olds seem to like him, idk he could win

I think you fail to realize just how much Trump would shit on Hillary despite Trump being wrong on so many accords. Why wouldn't the same thing happen again to the male iteration of Hillary?

>Well any demographic that isn't white

I think you may need to look at the image you replied to again.

We had a gay bar get built into an abandon strip mall. Quite literally, the only people in the parking lot on a Saturday night were gays and wanna be skinheads...who were constantly curb-stomped by the gays. Police would drag away knocked out rednecks that thought grown adult males would just fall over because they are gay.

Agreed, Trump is a neoliberal through and through. At least he's good on the borders and isn't going to ban assault-style weapons.

user please educate yourself he's more of a social democrat akin to the Nordic countries which follow the Nordic model aka Nordic Socialism.

In case you didn't know, having genital mutilation surgery isn't a life-or-death surgery remotely close to emergency open heart surgery. The gays and trans have the same legal rights that every other citizen already has. No, what you want is special treatment. Just say it.

The laws against discrimination when it comes to housing and jobs are federal, you are full of shit and need to lay off the kool aid.

If a person feels they're being unlawfully discriminated against, there is already a recourse. Your ignorance has been duly noted.

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they did but got blacked

I dont think any of that happened, gay boy. What town? What mall? What country? When? Where are the news articles?

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Why should you have a say over what other people do with their lives?

>democrats are neoliberals
>republicans are neocons
No there is a stark difference between a Liberal and a Neoliberal.

A Neoliberal, like say Mike Bloomberg is the kind of democrat who runs on a progressive philosophy but would then veto many laws or proposals that are explicitly progressive. Bloomberg would casually vote against proposals that would help homeless people even though helping homeless people in NYC is a progressive ideology.

Biden, a Neoliberal to the core, would vapidly vote against gays, healthcare and other progressive ideologies because it hurts his bottom line which are his donors. Being a neoliberal means adopting views that go against your voter base under the guise of actually being a democrat.

The same exact thing can be said for Conservatives. Ever see a republican vote against gun rights? Thats a good example of being a neocon.

Venezuela is just the EU in 5 years. Socialism is socialism & it always ends in disaster.

I love Bill Clinton, but Hillary is Mafia tier. I just stayed home during voting day in 2016.

>whats wrong with socialism?

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thats literally a joey diaz story

Still uttering the same decades-old nonsense, I see. In case you didn't know there are laws that explicitly favor "minorities" over whites. It isn't the 70s anymore, catch up.

if he beats biden he would single handedly BTFO the entire obama administration.

Marriage is for facilitating the raising of children, why should people who cannot produce children be allowed to marry?
Doing so just devalues the concept of marriage

>The gays and trans have the same legal rights that every other citizen already has
No they don't. Federally there are no protections for someone's genderidentity. You can't discriminate against someone being male or being female but you can discriminate against someone's gender identity. This means in many, non-liberal states, trans people are not protected when it comes to discrimination the same way that some states don't recognize gays and can discriminate based on their sexual preferences.

That is definitely not "the same rights" as one another.

This aged terribly

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So does "neo" just mean "moderate" now? Because moderacy isn't new. Extremism, to the degree America has it now, is new.

>Where are the news articles?
Ask your local police officer. Nobody wanted reporters there. Not the police, the skinheads, and definitely not the gay bar owner.

the nordic countries literally arent socialist
its not nordic socialism
its capitalism + a welfare state

You didn't even read what links you posted, Federally there are no protections for someone who is trans. Only certain states have adopted protections like that. You can't be discriminated based on your Race, Sex, Age and other things like that but none of that extends to Gender or Sexual Orientation.


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Nigger just a few days ago the FBI shot up some fucking guy because he said racist anti-government shit online. Combine this with articles about the FBI radicalizing people to the point of violence, all so they can stop them to fill a quota, and you'll come to the quick realization that every sort of person has unfair bullshit to deal with.

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Neolibs follow neocon foreign policy too, there's no difference between neocons and neolibs other than some social issues and neolibs are slightly more big government.

Kid you sound stupid or you're trolling.

MIGAfaggot go back to Yas Forums. And I was here defending Trump. Anyways, what Bernie calls himself isn't my decision. That's like saying "National Socialism? What's wrong with just regular Socialism????" despite the fact that there is actually a big difference.

The Nordic countries are doing fine, less debt per GDP, moderate growth, less wealth inequality, more effective healthcare and they pay less, free college, etc.

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Because having children has nothing to do with marriage in principle.

What you're saying is that people who are unable to have children due to sterility or genetic diseases shouldn't marry either. Having children has nothing to do with marriage.

>Nigger just a few days ago the FBI shot up some fucking guy because he said racist anti-government shit online
You mean they killed a guy driving a truck full of bombs on his way to a hospital.

>brawl breaks out in a parking lot with sustained injuries and nobody covers it, least of all the police who would file a report

I dont know what you pull out of your ass more often, cum or stupid bullshit stories like that.

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I dont understand how Bernie lost to someone with dementia, Biden probably doesnt even remember he's winning